If you have no imagination, then you'll hate Blair Witch Project!
27 September 1999
I loved it...then again I'm 39 years old...I come from a generation where special effects in films were rare, and only used to emphasize a part of the story...Today if a movie doesn't have computer effects, it can't scare you...well guess what? Computer effects put me to sleep...but I thank god for my imagination, it makes me appreciate this little psychological horror film for the mini classic it is...I bet most people here who are ridiculing BWP probably have never heard Orson Welle's radio broadcast of War of the Worlds...and if you DID hear it, you probably thought it was boring, made you fall asleep...I pity today's culture because you have all been brainwashed by Hollywood into believing good horror=great computer effects...No...I do something called "thinking", that's how I decided Hollywood's computer MTV Exorcist ripoff "Stigmata" stunk, while the Exorcist WAS scary...why? It's a thinking man's film...so is Blair Witch Project, the best Indy horror film of the 90's...oh and to those who think Evil Dead was the greatest thing since sliced bread...think again, it's just a bad ripoff of the Exorcist and Texas Chainsaw Massacre, with alot more gore....gore isn't scary...a thinking movie is...Kudos to everyone involved with the Blair Witch Project...You guys took me back to when horror movies WERE scary!
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