Review of Traffic

Traffic (2000)
Terrific, realistic, intelligent
20 June 2001
If you like movies which point out right at the beginning who are the good guys and who are the bad guys - don't watch TRAFFIC. If you like movies without any plot-twists and with a happy-end - don't watch TRAFFIC. If you like movies with a clear and simple message (like "drugs are bad and we must fight against them")- don't watch TRAFFIC. If you are not able to follow three consistent, absolutely logical stories within one movie - don't watch TRAFFIC. If you don't like Mexicans who speak Spanish instead of English with a Spanish accent - don't watch TRAFFIC. If you don't tolerate movies, that last longer than 100 minutes - don't watch TRAFFIC. If you like intelligent and consistent screenplays, terrific, unobtrusive acting (especially by Don Cheadle, Benicio del Toro and Catherine Zeta-Jones), realistic treatments of a complex problem and a realistic atmosphere due to unusual camera-technique - then you simply have to watch TRAFFIC.
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