Pretentious and overrated
9 September 2002
I really can't see what's so great about this movie. It was a big disappointment to me. I really tried to like it but I just couldn't. I think after seeing the reviews on here my expectations of the movie was way too high. The first 20-30 minutes of this movie was incredibly boring, I thought that maybe it was just to make us get to know the characters so I gave it some more time. Then after an hour had passed I realized that this wasn't going to get any better. (somehow the same feeling the characters have about their own lives in the movie) It seems like the moviemakers didn't want to make a movie, they wanted to make a masterpiece. It's like the movie is saying "hey look at me, have u seen anything better?!? Look at these cool camera-angles and these amazing close-ups. And I don't only look good I'm deep too." Anyway I don't buy it. Just because you show close-ups of an eye and pills thrown into mouths it's not automatically a great movie. I'm not impressed. Anyway I've noticed that with IMDB the newer the movie is the higher ratings it gets. If you want to see a movie about drugadiction watch "panic in needle park" or the german movie "christiane f" both those movies are far better than this one (and rated lower). I don't hate this movie but I can't for my life understand how so many people can love it. I'm giving this a 1. That might be unfair but it's just as unfair as the 8.5 that it has on here. If I see it again I sure hope I discover something new since it feels like I'm the only one in the world who's not impressed with this. Over 40% voted a 10 for this.
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