I'm not impressed.
24 November 2000
If you are the kind of person who was impressed by Boogie Nights, Fight Club, Seven or Natural Born Killers then you will probably be impressed by this film. If you thought that any of those films "broke new ground" or "was not like anything I've seen before" then you will probably like this film. It's kind of sad that so many people mistake quick cut, in your face images for depth. Now don't think that I was disgusted by the images in this film and that's why I didn't like it. Likewise, don't dismiss this as "he just didn't GET it". That didn't work for Fight Club and it doesn't work here. The problem is that this is a film that stirs strong feelings in people. Whether these feelings are positive or negative is not important. Look past that initial shock, repulsion or surprise and see that this film follows the most standard of diagrams for making a 'disturbing' movie. And yes, a lot of the film does look really good but so does your average car/deodorant/.com commercial on tv. There is nothing wrong with you liking this movie for your own reasons, just don't try and tell me that it's anything new or ground breaking.
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