"FAVORITE OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!"?? Please...
13 October 1999
I know there's no member criteria in terms of what constitutes a "favorite all-time movie," but c'mon, folks: how about about waiting, say, a year before making that declaration (at least until after it comes out on video)? Unless, of course, you're so crazy about it that you've seen it every single night since it was released, THEN maybe it could be your favorite...

Yes, it's an amazing film, with more thematic imagery-interplay and well-defined characters(allowing for the performances to be as good as they are)than I've seen in an American film in a long time. Yes, it touches on many, many topics of contemporary interest. But give the rush you've gotten after seeing it a chance to deflate a little bit before ranking it up with "Star Wars" and "Shawshank."

Relax...it's only a movie...
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