Sigh. So much for that idea.
1 July 2003
Warning: Spoilers
Without a doubt "The Two Towers" is a magnificent epic motion picture even that will go down into the list of Classic Movies. It's bound to pop up on several top-100 movies list and will probably end up in my DVD collection.


There's only one problem. THIS IS NOT THE STORY TOLKIEN WROTE! The story was changed too much. What's with Aragorn falling from a cliff into a river and getting saved by Trigger, the world's smartest horse? Pah! Pooh! Ack! What about the Uruk-Hai Orc yelling "Looks like meat's back on the menu, boys?" Ugh! Eeek! Pooh! And let's not forget that when they made Faramir mean they made him BORING! And why wouldn't Treebeard want to fight while in the book he clearly wanted to?

Because Peter Jackson either does not understand the intricacies of the book or he just ignored it.

Not too mention some of the changes brought into the book ONE MASSIVE inconsistancy. When Faramir takes Frodo and Sam to the besieged city (which was obviously inspired by "Saving Private Ryan") one of the Ring Wraiths attempt to seize Frodo. The inconsistancy lies in the fact that he has been spotted. So this is how it works; if the Black-Riders Ring Wraiths know, the Sauron Knows. If Sauron knew the Ring was so close then he would have send all his forces to that spot to capture Frodo and the Ring. Since, in the movie, this didn't happen, we now have something that does not make sense. The Dark Lord would have guessed what they were up to and would have tried to stop them.

Another major problem is the fact that Jackson threw out all of Tolkiens subtleties and blew everything out of proportion. (Although the part where the Ents rampage through Isengard is still a great view! Ha!).

Sigh. "Fellowship of the Ring" had it's forgivable faults. "The Two Towers" is almost unforgivable.
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