18 December 2002
The war for Middle Earth has begun, and we are given just a glimpse of what is to come. You read that right, a glimpse. What you will see in The Two Towers is only a hint at the epic grandure of next year's film, Return of the King. But I'm not here to talk about what is to come, I am here to tell you about what is now...and that, my dear friends, is The Two Towers.

Everything that was good about Fellowship of the Ring and everything that made it one of the best films of all time is right here in The Two Towers. Epic battle scenes...fantastic creatures/characters...internal and external conflict on multiple fronts...treachery...magic...comedy...love...there is so much about The Two Towers that can not be confined within the limits of this Commentary.

The Two Towers, like its predecessor, is very faithful to the written work of J.R.R. Tolkien; however, like Fellowship, this film does take a bit of artistic license to keep the audiance informed of what's happening in Middle Earth that Tolkien didn't mention in his Novel, and to keep the audiance engrossed and entertained for the near 3 hour film. Yes, the 3 hour (actually 2 hrs and 59 min) seems a bit daunting, but believe me that by the time the film is over you will be wishing for more. You will not be bored a single minute of the film. There is always something happening that will make you either cry, laugh (humor abounds in this film), or simply sit in you seat in complete and total awe.

10 out of 10. This film is definate Best Picture contender....gollum....
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