Ghost World (2001)
A timely satire
19 October 2001
"Ghost World" couldn't have come at a better time. In the midst of flag waving and the unquestioned celebration of the American life style, comes a movie that focuses on the aesthetic rather than the commercial. Like many of us who survived punk rock, the protagonist is the pure definition of a cynic. Long before she will ever know what she wants to be, she has identified what she abhors. It is in this juvenile eruditeness that the genius of "Ghost World" is expressed. The entire course of the film is dedicated to the notion that you must seek out more than the mundane, and that the "Don't worry, Be Happy" mentality is nothing more than the agiotage of soulless people who market John Tesh to the masses. Certain to be a double feature with "High Fidelity" once it is regurgitated on the art house circuit, "Ghost World" is both a welcome escape from Ari Fliescher and a small candle of hope that we will one day rise above ourselves.
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