Deep Blue Sea (1999)
Very entertaining
17 October 1999
I just saw Deep Blue Sea, and must say that it was very entertaining. The sharks were very convincing in some parts and very fake looking in others, I think that they moved a bit too quickly for creatures of 20ft and above. That was my only gripe about the film, I read all the reviews and heard all this whining about how shoddy the script was and how bad the actors were. I think the script added to the overall feel of the movie, and I dont recall anybody being such a bad actor in it. I thought Saffron Burrows was good and I dont see why she has been critisised so much, I hope this bad press doesnt affect her career as I would like to see more of her in the future. All in all this is a total cinema experience, the soundtrack has you jolting and the visuals from start to finish are great. A hell of a lot of work must have gone into creating all the sets, and they do look brilliant. If you are after 2 hours of solid entertainment look no further than the Deep Blue Sea.
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