Thanks a lot trailer!
6 November 1999
Despite what the commercials claim, this film is nowhere near "Seven" or "Silence of the Lamb." It still is rather enjoyable, if you don't think too much about the logic of the plot.

Here's a tip for the people who make trailers: don't put the killer's voice in the trailer. My friend and I had seen the trailer for the movie in which, during a montage, you hear the killer say something like, "I've given you so many clues!" My friend commented that the voice sounded just like such and such actor from these films. By no means is he a big name actor (we didn't know his name), but he had memorable enough roles in those films to be identifiable.

We went to see the movie and we're not five minutes into the film before that actor appears on screen. My friend pointed at the screen and said, "That's the killer. Thanks a lot trailer!"

It didn't ruin the movie, but really trailer people, was it really necessary to include the killer's voice?
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