Review of Stigmata

Stigmata (1999)
This movie is about as Catholic as Col. Qaddafi
27 February 2002
The concept of this movie was good for a religious adventure story in the tradition of the 7th Seal and the Omen series, and for those who might not know much about Christian Theology or the Roman Catholic Church. However, the emphasis on "The Kingdom of God being in you..." as a subversive statement to all Christianity isn't revolutionary or antiChurch at all; it is actually found in the Holy Bible itself in the Gospel according to St. John! In addition, the Gospel according to St. Thomas (which is cited in the movie) isn't a mysterious prophetic book from the crypt that threatens to destroy the Church. It's an extra Scriptural book that never made it even into the apocrypha--and not because it echoes the Bible in saying "The Kingdom of God is within you." Otherwise, Patricia Arquette is pretty hot, Fr. Kiernan and her cut a striking pair, and Cardinal Houseman's character is that of the defender of the faith at all costs. Stigmata is an interesting movie that is interesting in regard to hypothesizing about political dealings in the Church and minor aspects of Christian Theology but more grossly inaccurate and fictitious in regard to these things.
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