Spider-Man (2002)
Maybe the best comic-book based film.
2 March 2004
Warning: Spoilers

A couple of years ago, to say that a movie was "a great comic-based film" was a bit like saying "George Bush is the worlds keeper of peace".

Luckily things have changed, X-men, Hulk and others have improved the genre a lot and spider-man just might be the best of them and the only films that I think can compete with Spider-man are those classic japanese Lone-wolf samurai movies.

A good cast including the fitting Tobey Maguire as Pete Parker, the extrordinary beautiful and talented Kirsten Dunst as Mary Jane Watson and an, as always, fantastic Willem Dafoe as the bad guy, Green Goblin, at least makes this the most well-played comic-movie.

Sam Raimi has succeeded in making the characters believieble, it's not your ordinary, dumbed down super heroes and villains you'll meet here, there's a dark atmosphere captured within the movie and not the happy-happy-joy-joy feeling some might have hoped for. The good effects also helps this movie.

Overall this is a interesting and entertaining movie wich succeeds in bringing our beloved spidery hero to the big screen. It's not without it's faults though, I felt that the ending was somewhat of an anti-climax and some other parts felt a bit unnecessary. A sequel will soon be at hand, and I hope that it's at least as good as this one.

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