Spider-Man (2002)
What a ride! More Fun Than Batman!
25 May 2002
A fun, enjoyable action flick with a super cool story line, this is without a doubt the best movie I've seen all year! If I were the casting director, I might have picked someone other than Tobey MaGuire. But the chemistry between MaGuire and Kirsten Dunst is undoubtably what landed them the parts. Also, William Dafoe is no Jack Nicolson (as the Joker) no question. But then who is as great as Jack -- NOBODY! And, compared to Batman, this script was written for a younger audience. But ya know what? You could also argue Tim Burton's Bruce Wayne was too dark and mysterious. You couldn't help but like Sam Raimi's Peter Parker. But if you take Batman and Superman and put it on a shelf, and look at Spiderman for it's own value, this movie is genuinely good clean fun! The special effects just blew me away. It raises the bar for movie makers. I can't wait for the sequel.
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