Review of Spider-Man

Spider-Man (2002)
First Action Classic of the 21st Century 11/10
6 May 2002
Having never been a big Spiderman fan, I went to see this movie

for the pure enjoyment of attending a Sam Raimi movie. Hoping

that Mr. Raimi would go back to his roots and would be kind

enough to deliver one of his amazing production (and apprehensive of course, after The Gift and that baseball flick he

also did and also after the assumption that his hands would be

somehow tied after being confided with such a high budget).

Boy, where my expectations to be blasted throughout the movie

theater! Haven't had such a good time in a movie in years. This

was Sam Rami at his best and Spidey can count me among is

many fans from now on. Everything was right in this movie and

many many things were excellent. Way to go Sam!!!

I believe that my fellow movie watcher somehow agree with this

appreciation since at the end of the movie most of the audience

broke in a solid applause. And this is South Beach, Florida I am

talking about, where is not exactly cool to applaud anything or

anyone, and hardly anyone stays for the final credits.

Kudos to Raimi, Maguire (I hope that the franchise will hold to him

for as long as it lasts) and the lovely Dunst.

I am going to see it again tonight! ...and then again.

$114 million in an opening weekend, Amazing! What a tough act to

follow for The Attack of the Clones.

Spiderman is already the first action classic of this century.
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