It's a film on the lines of Reservoir Dogs and Trainspotting.
29 May 2000
When my brother watched this film with my father, he told me afterward that it was, and I quote, "Better than Reservoir Dogs." Better than Reservoir Dogs? That's a serious review. So for my birthday he bought it for me from a local Blockbuster and that night, I watched it for the first time. And I have to say, he was right. Reservoir Dogs was great I don't deny that. But this film managed more laughs and looks of quiet awe than Reservoir Dogs.

This, I think, is writer/director Troy Duffy's first big film. And I say he did a fine job. He laid the storyboard perfectly, using a lot of flashback techniques. He presented a horrifying scene at first, then he shows you how it happens. Like how it was done in Reservoir Dogs.

The two main characters, played excellently by Sean Patrick Flannery and Norman Reedus, had light twangy accents from the Isles that made me think of Trainspotting. That and the fact that Sean Patrick Flannery vaguely looked like Ewan McGregor in the film. I also liked how, despite the fact that they were killers, they managed to pull it off like teenaged hooligans.

I also tip my proverbial hat to Willem Dafoe for playing such an odd character, an highly-stressed, highly-intelligent, highly unorthodox homosexual FBI agent. And I also tip my hat off to David Della Rocco. He played a laughable, bumbling mafia turncoat quite well. And I loved how the Saints managed to pick on him from time to time.

And the ending was definitely powerful. A definite way to end an excellent action film, but at the same time make room for a potential sequel.
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