A first rate "NUT JOB" movie!
10 April 2002
A remember watching this movie back in Easter 2000 with a friend and his wife. . .And let me tell you what a film it was!

Thank God that this role was passed in good faith to Christian Bale and not to the "overrated" Leonardo Di Caprio as it's hard to imagine him in a role like this. What made this film also rewarding to watch was the fact that it was set in the 80's with alot of the music from acts like New order Phil Collins and Chris De Burgh, helping to symbolize the feel to that "special" decade.

What's more interesting is the lead character's observation through narration towards perfectionism from one's own personality to others (i.e. check out the scene featuring the buisness cards).

All other supporting performances from the likes of Willem Dafoe, Chloe Sevigny and Jerad Leto are thumbs up. It's interesting to know that the film presented a combination of both the old and new generation of acting talents. For example who could avoid Willem Dafoe, he really is one hell of an amazing talent to be reckoned with. Given any role he's always learnt to play it to the fullest tick (i.e. Wild at Heart, Mississipi Burning and eXistenZ).

The only thing that I left slightly baffled with was whether the lead character Patrick Bateman really did commit those murders or were just a figment of his imagination?

Whatever the truth, the film really does stand out, might not go down as a classic but a film worth viewing.

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