Review of True Crime

True Crime (1999)
Pretty bad
7 September 2004
Clint Eastwood's one of my favorite actors and one of my favorite directors; I can't think of any other film figure who fits in both categories of favorites.

Even so, I could only give this film a "five," and even then felt I was being a bit over-generous. The plot has logical potholes in it; the acting is often really bad; some scenes are so sentimental they made me cringe and want to hit the DVD fast-forward button (but I restrained myself).

On the plus side, the film has that "Eastwood look" that I love; it can't just be the California sunlight--so many films are made there. (Besides, the night scenes have that trademark look to them, too. He has a masterful eye, I believe.)

And there's just the presence of Eastwood himself to enjoy. I agree with another commenter that he should have had a somewhat more mature film wife by that stage in his career! But I understand he's devoting himself solely to directing from now on, so that's an issue in the past.

Just to witness that special brand of toughness that his characters invariably display, is reason enough to watch any Eastwood film. I wonder if it doesn't speak to something, often repressed, inside many of us. I know I often find myself thinking, "Damn. That's just what I would have liked to say under the circumstances." And then, naturally, feeling grateful that I don't find myself under the circumstances of his characters!
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