Pitch Black (2000)
I really like this film
2 February 2003
I actually like this film. At first I didn't think I would because it was supposed to be scary which in fact it's not at all. I would say that it's frightening but not scary in my opinion. What I really like about this film is that the creatures don't have scary yellow eyes and scales and all those other cliched things. And this movie didn't even have that much blood either. And that's a good thing. I am not a horror fan but I don't think this movie really fits in the horror category. The only thing that I thought was scary was Riddick. He was a creepy guy. Especially when he and Johns were fighting. He sliced Johns's back with the knife and then the creatures came and got Johns. I think Riddick staged that. He was a bad guy but I think he was saddened when the creatures finally got Fry. I believe that his performance was the best in this film. "Pitch Black" was a great movie and it deserves good reviews. Thanks for reading my review and good night! (And may I add that this is probably Vin Diesel's best movie). :)
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