Review of 8MM

8MM (1999)
2 November 1999
If you see lots of movies, you will probably not find this to be shocking or "sick". You will find it to be boring. Its slick, but hollow. The victim is dead at film's start, so the viewer has no emotional investment in the case--other than your basic good vs. evil thing. So we are left with a sleuth movie devoid of plot twists (or much plot) or cleverness. The movie is too lazy to give us a couple of other suspects who turn out to be sleazy, sure enough, but innocent. Of course, the bad guys are very bad (and wear black and leather a lot) and the good guy is very good. (How about a little nuancing like in "Tightrope" where Clint Eastwood gets a little revved at the seedy things going on around him) Style and dark titilation are left to satisfy the viewer, but they are not close to enough. Stunningly bad.
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