Review of Titan A.E.

Titan A.E. (2000)
A SF Classic.
18 June 2000
I have just seen this film and I was completely blown away. The destruction of Earth in the opening sequence is enough by itself to earn this film the status of a classic, but the film repeatedly tops that with amazing action sequences, stunning visuals, and futuristic scenes. The fact this is animation, and, I think, a bunch of computer stuff, allows the camera to float in impossible positions, and show us stuff that we couldn't see. Frankly, and here is a sentence that well may become cliche but "This film has everything that SW: TPM lacks."

Plus, it has a plot! It even makes a sort of sense! Well, sort of anyway. The ending leaves me with a few questions, but maybe a sequel is in the works? Joss Whedon has his name in the writing credits, and he has shown in his Buffy TV show a dislike of cliff-hanger endings, but also a strange skill in writing endings that close things up and leave openings at the same time. Ben Edlund also has his name in the credits and signs his name in the story in a way that can't be missed by any fan of The Tick.

It's also got the usual problems that SF films always have, signs in english on alien bases, space ships dog-fighting like they are airplanes, but there really are only a few cases and anyway, who cares?

I'm afraid that a lot of people will give this film a miss. The film is animated, and a lot of people will think this means it is for kids. This is not a film, no offense, about a kid with a giant robot. This is space opera. People who skip it will be missing out on one of the great SF films of all time.
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