Review of The Postman

The Postman (1997)
Kevin, Kevin, Kevin... don't make movies like this one again.
20 September 2000
Hear ye, hear ye, 'tis the story of little Kevin: Kevin made a movie and it was well received all over the world. Then he made another movie, and then another... (you get the point) - and all of them were trashed in America and very well received in Europe. So, what did Kevin do next? Did he move to Europe? Did he made his next movie there? Nope - he decided to make a 101% American movie, directed practically only at the American audience (notice that Europe simply doesn't exist in this movie, it's like located on another planet), in hope of playing on its insultingly blatant patriotic ("overpatriotic" would be a better word) undertones, and succeding on this basis. What he *did* eventually make was a three hours overlong (no mistake here), boring, choppy, silly, naive ridiculous soap opera that - this time deservingly - got more trashing than all his previous movies combined. And it got that trashing from American critics and audience, the very ones that Kevin so hoped to convince he made a great piece of cinema! Kevin - it's no use trying to *make* someone like you: attempts to do that make people even less liked than before! I still can't see why "Water World" or "Robin Hood" took such beatings in America - they're very popular and liked in Europe, and besides, they're good movies. But "The Postman" is one of the worst movies ever made, making Ed Wood's work seem like The True Art. It deserves all the bad opinions it gets. Kevin - don't make a mistake like that again.
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