Bean (1997)
Highly Recommended for PMT and Bad Mood Days
11 August 2004
In Los Angeles, the Grierson Gallery makes the most expensive acquisition of its history, the painting "Whistler's Mother", from the Musee d'Orsay of Paris. The direction of the gallery requests the presence of an authority from the British Royal National Gallery for the opening solemnity. The board of the British gallery, trying to get rid off Bean, sends him to USA. The young American executive David Langley (Peter MacNicol) assumes that the clumsy Bean is a great authority in Arts, and invites him to stay at his home. It is unnecessary to say the confusions that he gets on in USA. I am not a follower of the character of Mr. Bean, but yesterday I laughed a lot. The silly story is so funny, that should be recommended for PMT and bad mood days. My vote is seven.

Title (Brazil): ` Mr. Bean – O Filme' (`Mr. Bean – The Movie')
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