beautiful, just beautiful
23 October 2003
I absolutely love this movie. I actually, somewhat stupidly, got off the couch and hugged the television set after it was over. Every single thing in this movie feels absolutely right; right from the beginning. You know with the fountains? God. Beautiful. The fine actors and actresses sing, some having better voices than others. But that's the whole entire point -- we all want to sing, you know? Sometimes, just sometimes, we'd like to break out into song, probably because of an intensely happy moment we just experienced. And damn it, who cares about the quality of the voice when it's just about passion?

The family is so amazing, I wanted to live with them. I liked Woody's little subplot in Paris, very, very much. Shallow? Please. Look at some of your more romantic mainstream pap, like, um, "Runaway Bride," and then compare the two. Sure, it is lightweight, but it's still a little grounded, and it's all really refreshing.

Kind of funny that I'd mention "Runaway Bride," seeing how miss Julia is in both that and this. I hated that movie. It, for the lack of a better word, sucked. She seemed to lack something in that movie (or maybe the whole thing was lacking a good script?), I don't know. But here, she absolutely shines. She probably has the worst voice of them all, but, goddamn it, she means what she's singing.

The last scene (well, sort of last) is a amazing dance sequence between Woody Allen and Goldie Hawn. Now, you see, the movie has already provided so much damn charm, wit, and loveliness by this point, that it's almost unbearable. But then, my dear friends, this scene comes along. One of the most beautiful things I've seen in recent memory; Goldie just... floats. She glides. She does everything you've (or more like I've) always wanted to do at times -- just leap into the air and move, like there's no gravity. Really graceful. It's sort of brilliant.

**** / ****
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