24 August 2003
So much for stalk and kill. When is a Friday the 13th movie not a Friday the 13th movie? When it is this sickening crap. The problems here are too many to list but I'll try. Jason meets a SWAT team in the intro, which is cool and a long overdue plot point. The spirit of Jason possesses the coroner, which begins hilariously by a heart eating sequence. Creighton Duke, played by Steven Williams, knows stuff about Jason but we don't know why and we never find out. He just sort of shows up places. Jason pops in and out of people and kills other people. The problem is that fans of the series want to see Jason killing people, not a roly poly cop, a black coroner, etc. In that way, they did not learn from the complaining of the series' fans after the part 5 debacle. The sexual violations in the plot, imagery, tone, and mood in this movie are too many to name and the director's cut is worse, especially a scene where Erin Gray's corpse is, uh, occupied. The attempted violation of a baby should have had this movie banned. The violence is reprehensible in the regular version and obscenely unwatchable in the director's cut. Machetes in the gut are bad enough. The violence here is completely violating and blatantly obvious. There are other problems. There is name talent here and it sinks the concept for those people are real actors. The Friday the 13th series is a stalk and slash concept with zero acting. Even the actors who became some bodies, like Kevin Bacon, were no bodies in their Friday roles. The talent on hand brings back memories of name roles and the throwaway nature of the idea sinks. The recognized faces also act well, while others don't act at all, and there is little middle ground. Three camp counselors are the coroner. Kane Hodder as Jason only gets to show up for a few minutes. I felt molested after I watched this.
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