3 September 1999
JASON GOES TO HELL: THE FINAL FRIDAY is completely review-proof. The series has gone on forever..and lets face it..most of the Jason movies sucked. We've seen Jason with a pillowcase thing on his head, we've seen him in 3-D, we saw him get killed by Corey Feldman, he went to Manhattan. The formula never changed. This is a movie for the fans...for the people who think of Jason as the leader of a cult or something. This movie both succeeds and fails on different levels. It tries to drift away from the "hack-this teenager and then that teenager" formula and goes toward an element of fantasy. It tries to have more characters...with better dialogue than " LET'S GO SKINNY DIPPING! " ..It gives Jason more of a backstory. It also has a sense of humor. But JASON GOES TO HELL tries to make up for so much that it just turns into a big mess. JASON GOES TO HELL isn't a bad movie. It has a pretty cool plot that echoes BODY SNATCHERS ..but it kinda gets tired after a while. The movie is gory and there is a lot of murder scenes and mayhem, but it is directed in such an expository fashion. We see horror in front of us..but there is no suspense. This movie keeps on throwing in new characters and having the character s be involved with characters to the point of total confusion. Like one character is the father of this woman's baby and that woman is the daughter of that waitress who is related to Jason Voorhees. It's just plain sloppy. I liked the movies effort to be different from the first eight. I liked its knowing humor towards the slasher genre. And I also liked the little in-joke at the end involving some other 80's horror icon. But JASON GOES TO HELL is a movie that could have been better if it were developed more. New Line Cinema..that doesn't mean make another FRIDAY movie..I'm tired of them. And the FREDDY VS. JASON idea is kind of idiotic. Don't even think about it.....
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