25 January 1999
I have to say I expected more from this film. It's credited as cementing Julia Roberts as a star, but I can't see why. The whole set up is an intriguing idea, but it is delivered in such an unconvincing and lacklustre fashion that it leaves little impact.

Roberts gives a typical performance for her. She's a capable actress, but she never seems prepared to go the extra yard with a role that is the sign of a great actress. So she does her usual routine here, basically going through the motions and resting on her looks. The director makes a lot of use out of her beauty, in fact, that seems to be the only reason this film exists. As a showcase for Julia Roberts admittedly spectacular beauty.

Patrick Bergin tries hard in what is really a silly role as the abusive husband. The stupid thing about this character is; the things he does are often unbelievable of a real person, and yet nothing he does is especially terrible. He assaults his wife, for which he should serve a jail term no question. But I think he is understandably angry when he finds out his wife isn't really dead. When he tracks her down, she murders him in cold blood. As far as movie bad guys go this ones is a mouse. I hardly think he warranted a death penalty.

So, what I'm saying is that characters aren't that great. But that's not the real problem for the movie. Thing is, for a thriller, it is criminally dull. It doesn't really get exciting until the last 5-10 minutes. Half the move is spent watching Roberts romance some guy that is totally inconsequential to the plot. Aside from that, it has the usual nice, glossy Hollywood production values to try and cover over the lack of substance.

5/10 - Silly and forgettable, only watch for the beauty of Roberts.
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