A movie for men, Seagal's best
27 January 2002
Out For Justice is by far the most brutal movie I have ever seen and I have seen most of the so-called very violent movies. I really like the brutal violence in the movie. Steven Seagal takes no prisoners and neither does his opponent. William Forsythe is great as the bad guy who is on way too much dope. The appeal of the movie is the fact Seagal really cuts loose here. People that got a big mouth get their butts kicked and that's the way it should be. Respect is the name of the game and Seagal wants to make sure he gets it. If you don't like this movie then you should never watch an action movie again, because you don't know what the word action means. People always find something to complain about when a Seagal movie is released. Well, he doesn't make movies for rocket scientists, people. His movies are about action, not story, so if you expect a story please go watch something else and give Seagal a break. Seagal has made some bad movies but he also made a few good movies but all of his movies get the same venom spewing treatment. Those people that complain about his movies all the time are very very sad people. This movie is a 10. It's pure entertainment.
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