Blue Velvet (1986)
It's so dark...
4 January 2003
What a dark and disturbing film and yet it's not so far from the truth. It was hit dead on with the line, "It's a strange world". This film explores just that. Under the image we put out to society we all have a darkness that we keep hidden. We're all the same. Some choose to display this darkness, others keep it hidden. Even in a small remote town displayed in Blue Velvet there are secrets that are not meant to be explored. To us it may seem that Lynch goes a bit too far with some of the scenes but just think about it: What is too far? Anyways, Lynch did a great job. I still have yet to see all of his pieces but this ranks up there as one of the best films made that contains so much meaning. Do not overlook this movie, it's one for the ages. 10/10.
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