Review of Amadeus

Amadeus (1984)
A terrible waste
7 August 2002
I saw Amadeus at the Cambridge Film festival. I was told it was the story of Mozart's life, was critically acclaimed and the pinnacle of the festival. How much was I disappointed, often irritated and by the end I felt thoroughly used and exploited by what I can only describe as a terrible, terrible film. But why? Well I was quite excited by the thought of a film about one of the greatest composers and musicians of all time, the potential to create really powerful film with some emotional and awe inspiring scenes accompanied by his most famous and rousing music was tremendous and, seemingly, obvious. Instead Amadeus chose to focus on how irritating Mozart the man was, and featured a few uninspiring scenes demonstrating his genius in composition. Good Will Hunting managed to make maths exciting, but Amadeus was given the most moving medium of all, Music, by one of the most incredible musicians who ever lived, and they made it more boring than dry paint that's been dry for a very long time.

For such a critically acclaimed film I was expecting certain things. First was good music, but this was a taken. It was about Mozart, of course the music was good, it was Mozart. All they needed was Mozart's greatest hits playing in the background to be good! So I give it 0 points for the score, you want good classical music then buy the CD. I would say that Fahrid Murray Abraham was very good as the narrator and main character, putting in solid performance. As far as the other acting is concerned the mixture of accents from Shakespearean English to Italian, German and inevitably American never related to the actual nationality of the character was enough for me to hate every performance, if I hear Elizabeth Berridge say Volfey in a German\American accent once more I consider suing for mental aggravation.

You want good classical music with a complex story and impressive cinematography then watch 2001 A Space Odyssey. If you want the story of a flawed but fantastic composer then get Shine out on video, you wont be disappointed. If you prefer your musical period drama documentaries full of irritating actors, pretty costumes, tedious storylines and bits of opera then do watch this, and if you would prefer to while away your time for three mind numbingly boring hours then check out the directors cut. Amadeus, you owe me £5 and three hours of my life, I wont forgive you until I get them back. dan
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