a sentimental movie, but a fine one
5 August 2003
I generally leave this type of tear-jerker to my mother, and I honestly had no real desire to ever watch it. So, when I was roped into seeing this film and found myself actually caring about what happens to the characters, I was pleasantly surprised.

The performances, especially Shirley MacLaine's, are very emotionally charged, yet believable. I found myself really liking and really disliking each character in turn, but that's what makes them real.

The plot bounces right along and the film is all-together very watchable (even for a seasoned chick-flick hater such as myself). Larry McMurtry always had a penchant for entertaining story-telling, and this movie is no exception.

The only character I had trouble believing was Garrett Breedlove. As much as I respect Jack Nicholson's ability, not even he could make his corny antics work. Garrett the astronaut stuck out like a sore--albeit sometimes amusing--thumb among all the other "ordinary" people. Nicholson did what he could with it, but the subplot itself just seemed like it belonged in a different movie.

All in all, a good flick, even if you typically don't go in for movies that try to evoke the full gamut of human emotion in two hours flat.
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