The Shining (1980)
Finest Horror film around
27 September 2004
Warning: Spoilers
POSSIBLE SPOILERS When it comes to the horror genre the viewer has to be careful. There are some truly dire horror films out there, particularly in the last three or four years. Yet horror, when done effectively, is the most powerful genre there is and 'The Shining' is without doubt the best of the bunch.

There are contenders for it's horror crown, with such varying classics like 'The Thing', 'Scream', 'The Evil Dead' and the original 'Dawn of the Dead', but 'The Shining' just has that little something else that sets it apart.

This is an immaculately constructed film, from the escalating tension in the narrative, the ominous ear-deafening sounds (both diegetic and non-diegetic) to the remarkable visuals that come from paying such intricate detail to every shot. Just one obvious example is the torrents of blood that come gushing from the lifts that visually represent the horrors that the hotel has contained within it's walls for so long.

As well as scaring the life out of you with the sights and sounds this is that rarity, a horror film that really makes you think. There is an ambiguity created that you can never quite fathom out, and leaves you immensely intrigued each time. Was Nicholson already insane before he arrived (I believe so)and the hotel's isolation or it's inherited evil simply tipped him over the brink? Or does simply anyone who spends any fair amount of time in that hotel go mad due it's being haunted. Then there is the final twist of Nicholson being in the photo from about 50 years before in the final frame. Either he found a great anti-aging cream or there is something seriously spooky going on.

I haven't even mentioned the legendary performance by Nicholson or indeed by Duvall yet, or the iconic axe to the door, 'Heeeeeeeeeres Johnny' scene. That's how good this film is.

Of course everyone knows Stephen King's (who wrote the original novel) opinion on this. He hates it. Well, Stephen you may well be an exceptional author but your taste in films suck big time!
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