This sounds repetitive, but it's true.
23 July 2001
After reading several other comments on the film, I have to concur; the only reason to watch this film is for the dancing. The one-note, whiny plot about how hard it is to be a teenager in New York had me screaming at the screen, "GET A LIFE, PEOPLE!" I didn't see the film until a few years ago (I was 6 when it hit the theatres, and was dying to see Travolta dance; my parents went to see it, and walked out halfway through, thoroughly disgusted),and my wife refused to sit through it after hearing how repugnant the language was. I can't honestly say that I blame her now. Like Midnight Cowboy, this film left me with a nasty taste in my mouth. This presents a golden opportunity for Paramount when they get around to releasing this one on DVD.How about releasing a disc that (through the wonders of seamless branching) has both the PG and R rated versions on it? Not only would this appease those of us who were repulsed by the R rated version, but it would be a piece of history, a piece of nostalgia. Just a thought.....
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