12 July 2003
The acting in this movie was the thing that held it together. Al Pacino was fantastic. You really saw the stress that he was feeling through out the whole movie. I thought reinacting Dog Day Afternoon was a great idea because it shows how nice they were about stealing the money but it all went wrong when one person saw what was happening and then everyone knew about it. It's a great story to show in a movie and I thought the movie was fantastic. Al Pacino is one of the best actors who ever lived. He got most of his reputation from the Godfather Saga even though he never won an award for the Godfather but there were a lot of other movies that he was in the deserves recognition like Serpico, Scent of a Woman (Academy Award Winner) and Insomnia. But I think Dog Day Afternoon was one of his best ACTING movies he was ever in. Overall, I think this movie was fantastic and I recommend this movie to all viewers who like Al Pacino and like very interesting storylines. I give Dog Day Afternoon TWO THUMBS UP!!!!!
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