Review of THX 1138

THX 1138 (1971)
Past impressions.
28 February 2004
It has been a while now since I have seen this film and purchasing it on DVD is one of the many tasks I have yet to complete. Nevertheless, the film's impression upon me has not dimmed.

It has been said that THX 1138 is tedious, the visuals confusing but the overall impression intriguing. On the surface this may be a reasonable analysis but I believe it goes a little further than this.

The film appears to be generated with a perfect atmosphere for what it tries to convey: a sterile environment where little makes sense. We are placed in the film as a confused onlooker as bizarre images are presented to us, forcing us all along to think, "where is this all going?" and still we have little idea what to make of it all. The audience is almost dropped in midway into a parallel universe of sorts and we try to "catch up" on the goings on.

We gather there is a plight involving the main character struggling against oppressors and enduring much inhumanity in the process. Yes, the dialogue is cold but this enhances the overall sterlity of the landscape along with, if memory serves, the bland colours in the surroundings. The twist is, of course, the final scene where we all gather what the earlier "plight" was for but in the meanwhile we are given hints at what an almost total control by those in power may create.

I offer apologies that my memory may not be as reliable in my account but the feeling this film left with me has granted this foray a top notch spot in film history. Do not under-estimate it and do not view it in a spoon-fed sense for it will most likely disappoint. Try to view it as an expression of one man's vision and see it expressed as coldly as the vision itself.

Two final notes, and again apologies if these have already been stated. Firstly, I believe the original making of this film was a college project by the young Lucas and the finished product is the result of his being recognised by the big studio and granted a second chance to direct it with a greater budget. Secondly, the letters THX have remained with Lucas ever since in one way or another. For instance, in American Graffiti the number plate on John's Yellow Deuce Coupe is THX 138. Interesting.
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