Gimme Shelter (1970)
31 August 2001
I am not a fan of the sixties or seventies. I am a child of Reagan and Walkmen. It is impossible for me to identify with flower power, hippies, and Timothy Leary. I do not like the Monkees or Jimi Hendrix. So it was with some misgivings that I sat down and popped in Criterion's new DVD release of "Gimme Shelter." The box promised I was about to see "the greatest rock film ever made." I figured, I've never seen a rock film at all in thirty-one years; why not start with the "greatest?"

I was totally unprepared for what I saw. I was riveted. Here was a clash of societies that I'd never seen before. On one hand is the logic of "If it doesn't hurt anyone, do it." On the other hand is the logic of "If I don't get hurt, I'm gonna do it." I don't know if that clearly explains what I saw, but I have to say I was riveted, disturbed, and amazed that something like this actually happened.

I am 31 years old and I had never heard of the Altamont concert until about a year ago. What's wrong with this picture? This is a cultural event as significant as Kennedy, Woodstock, or Vietnam. Find this DVD at your local store and get it if you want to see something that will really amaze you. I'm telling you. It's spellbinding.
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