20 July 2000
This film is a look at two couples, one a pair of newlyweds, the other a middle-aged pair with a history.

I won't even comment much on this film, except to say that Elizabeth Taylor, Richard Burton, George Segal, and Sandy Dennis ALL deserved Oscars for their performances. The film was horribly true to the Edward Albee play, and the Taylor-Burton tandem was inevitable to bring the pain and passion to the screen.

My comment, thus, would be: get a couple copies of Albee's play, and invite another couple over with you and your beloved. Read the dialogue, and see how much love there IS beneath the hatred, and vice versa. Read the dialogue, playing the parts, and you realize how whacked these two couples are, how much failed-potential plays in their relationships.

You also realize that Taylor, Burton, Segal, and Dennis, were PERFECT in their roles! Hard to find a film with that perfection in its casting!

Six stars out of five! (sic)
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