Mary Poppins (1964)
The most underrated film of all time.
24 October 2000
Oh, how I love this movie! I am 17 years old now. It was the first movie I ever saw and It has remained my favourite until this year when I saw "The Wizard of Oz"(I think you get the idea of my taste in favourite movies!!!). This film, of all the wacky kid's musicals made, is the best rival for "The Wizard of Oz" to the throne. Kid's movies don't come much better than this!! It is also one of the most original movies ever made.

I think the title "Mary Poppins" is the most misleading thing about the movie. Mary herself is not the main character of the film. I honestly think Bert is. Bert is the down-to-earth character who guides the children. Mary Poppins just dropped from the sky and added a little spice. Bert has all the real responsibilities. Of course, the story focuses mainly on the neglected children in an upperclass family.

I am amazed at how easy it was for Hollywood to forget this film. If you ask me, this is the best example of how to use a big budget and make a great movie. For a film loaded with special effects, elaborate sets, colourful costumes, amazing stunts and dance sequences - the list goes on - with an imagination to match, I've never seen a group of actors handle it so well!

Julie Andrews makes this movie. Her performance is the one every big shot Hollywood actor should be looking at when it comes to acting among special effects! And for a film debut as well!!!!! Dick Van Dyke is perfect and I love Mr. Banks' character because aside from all his boring behavior, he remains interesting in his quirky environment. This movie exists in a world of its own.

It's difficult to describe the world created in Mary Poppins as it is unlike any I've ever seen conveyed before. It is perhaps what I would describe as the land of children's dreams as I remember many a childhood dream of this kind. The clever thing about this is that the world actually exists. It is not a dream(like "The Wizard of Oz").

This is my second favourite film of all time. I think the only reason "The Wizard of Oz" is first is because it is not made by Disney. Disney has a formula that "Mary Poppins" goes by. "The Wizard of Oz" goes by the beat of its own drum. That aside, I recommend this film to absolutely everybody. I love it!

Oh, yeah, the soundtrack!! Second best soundtrack in a movie as well!(Guess which is first?)
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