Love Richard Burton except...this time.
1 October 2002
I enjoyed watching Richard Burton in countless films, sometimes just to hear his distinct voice. But he did not match up to my expectations of Alexander the Great. He seemed older through the whole film, not capturing the fire, the intensity that the real Alexander must have had. I understand a remake is due in 2003-04, that Morocco is providing 5,000 extras and Leonardo Di Caprio will be Alexander. I look forward to seeing his interpretation. I walked through the Khyber Pass, sharing some of the footsteps of Alexander and trust the new film will fare better than this one. Other films of the period had limited budgets and special effects but still rise above this one, even Italian entries like "Helen of Troy" was superior. As much as I like Burton, as much as I love "sword 'n sandal" movies, I don't watch this one whenever it's on TV.
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