Review of Casablanca

Casablanca (1942)
What else to say - it is a classic!
14 March 2002
Well, it is hard to say anything about this movie which has not been already said. But even though nowadays film makers have millions $ and thousands of hi-tech effects to film whatever they want, they should always come to movies like Casablanca to see how great performance can be done just with cleverly chosen music, brilliant acting and dialogues. Of course the movie is dependent on circumstances under which it was made and nobody would believe that things would really happen exactly like that, but the heck with it - it can easily be forgiven. And regarding the fact it was filmed in 40's when the war was far from being finished, the propagandistic aspect of the movie could have been far worse. The atmosphere of the movie is absolutely awesome and I think that nobody can declare himself to be a movie fan unless he saw Casablanca.
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