
96 Reviews
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Over the Top (1987)
18 October 2023
Stallone could have done a romantic comedy that bombed at the box office and I'd still watch it. The dude can turn any film into a legendary piece of work imo. Just his look, his voice, his acting.. all of it has an appeal that's hard to explain. I'm a huge Rocky and Rambo fan and have been ever since the early 80's. This dude Stallone is a legend in our time. Not only a decent writer but a phenomenal director imo and some people say he can't act well but I beg to differ. He may not have a super wide range but the characters he has played, he has played very well. This movie Over The Top is one that I don't remember too much of but do remember enjoying it for what it was back when it was. It definitely isn't among one of Sly's best films but as I mentioned- anything he does is something that appeals to me and a whole lot of other fans out there. Over the Top wasn't great imo but it was entertaining at the very least. Sly's the man!
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Black Mirror: USS Callister (2017)
Season 4, Episode 1
One of the best episodes!!
21 June 2023
This episode alone is one of THE best episodes of all the seasons in my opinion. It starts out kind of odd like it's going to be boring but if you stick with it, I almost guarantee the viewer will start to get hooked. I almost skipped to the next episode after 15 or so minutes but at SOOO glad I didn't now!! Please, just stick w it- it delivers!! (Of course I realize this is subjective but still). Awesome premise and awesome concept. Great acting by all especially Jesse Plemmons (infamous Todd from Breaking Bad lol). This episode is one both of my younger kids even loved and they're pretty tough to please when it comes to TV/Movie content. Some episodes of Black Mirror are pretty bad and a lot of em are great. Guess you can't please everyone in every case which makes sense. 10/10 for me.
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Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
"Joan is awful" is awful
21 June 2023
It started off interesting imo but then slowly turned into a giant convoluted mess. So many things that don't make any sense and it didn't bother to explain. One of my favorite and one is THE best episodes in my opinion was "USS Callister" from season 4 or 5 I think it was. People saying this episode has nothing to do w "black mirror" aren't making sense either because every story and premise is different so there really is no "black mirror premise" so to speak. That's not what I dislike about this episode anyway. What I disliked about it was how as it proceeds, it starts making less and less sense and too many questions go left unanswered.. OR maybe I just didn't understand it but either way, imo it was too much of a mess. 3 stars are for how it started out which was pretty interesting at first.
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Roots (2016)
I grew up on the 1977 version so had to watch this one.
30 May 2023
I grew up watching the old Roots from 1977 w my parents and brothers and remember loving it as sad as it was. I'm a white male and only reason I mention that is because I feel like this story provides some education to white folks who might not know any better on what African Americans went through back then. It was horrendous what was done to them and how they were treated on some plantations..

This new version of Roots I feel was very well done and the story was told in a very similar way as the original. I loved all the actors/actresses etc especially Chicken George!! My fav from the original as well. I ended up buying all 4 episodes of this new one and watched em a few years back and am just now watching it again w my family (wife and 14 year old daughter) as they haven't even seen the original. I think it's a very educational miniseries for them. Anyway, I loved the old one and love this one just as much if not more!! I'm glad I purchased it for my collection. Very satisfying conclusion too which I'm not sure I remember how the older one ended but I liked the way this one came to an end. Great reboot imo!! Check it out.

FYI: the first episode takes a little bit to get into and in my opinion starts getting really good toward the end of the first episode.
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The Office (2001–2003)
Haven't watched this one but the American one is horrendous!
10 April 2023
I'll admit I haven't checked this one (which is why I didn't rate it yet) out but the American version w Steve Carrell was sooooo bad. I watched probably 10-12 episodes of it and didn't laugh once- it's just soooo bad, boring, unfunny and super unrealistic reactions to things. I get that it's a type of humor that some people like but I do NOT get why. FRIENDS was one of THE funniest and best written sitcom type shows ever created and it's also a completely different style of humor. I get and understand that humor is subjective but it makes me think folks who like the Office are easily amused. Oh well.
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17 January 2023
I feel like this is a movie for extreme stoners to laugh at.. it's so dumb and non entertaining. My kid turned it on and I thought it might be an actual bio type flick w some comedy kinda like Howard Sterns Private Parts movie but nope.. Ended up being this super exaggerated mess of comedy wannabe writing. A parody of his life.. yes I get the irony but so dumb.. IMO of course because I guess it is subjective but it makes me wonder what lovers of this film find UNfunny.. I can see it being the same crowd who finds "The Office" funny. To each their own I suppose. I'll find something else to do like maybe play tug of war w my dog or watch paint dry lol.
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Better than the first imo
18 December 2022
I'll admit that there's a lot that I forgot about with Avatar 2009. I remember not really being that impressed either. I mean, it was a very well done movie and Jame Cameron never fails to satisfy it seems but I just didn't think it was as good as his previous masterpieces.

Avatar Way of Water was VERY visually awesome!! And was very entertaining and had me on the edge of my seat. Great movie. It was a little long but overall, my wife and two daughters loved it as well. It had a great message and great acting by all. We saw it in 3D and that was awesome as well and highly recommended. Go see it.. I mean, you have to right?
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Is this satire?
7 August 2022
Is this film a joke? Very campy.. looks like a student film. Very silly and sorry but "hell" isn't a real place. There's literally NO reason to think it's real anymore than Valhalla is a real place. Christianity and Catholicism has used this claim for centuries to "scare" people into converting. It doesn't work as well in todays modern society because humans have better means to actual facts now. Anyway, even for a science fiction film this movie is garbage.
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Better Call Saul: Point and Shoot (2022)
Season 6, Episode 8
I love Lalo
19 July 2022
Warning: Spoilers
Lalo reminds me of a Hispanic "Negan" from The Walking Dead.. just the way his personality is, how he's always joking but in a psychotic way and always seems jolly while killing people haha. Every episode with Lalo has been great.

Spoiler alert: Lalo gets offed by Gus in the end.. He actually has Gus where he wants him and Gus outsmarts him by kickin out the lights and running to his hidden gun and shooting that SOB. To me Lalo's death wasn't satisfying enough. Almost like he didn't suffer much but at least he got to see that he had been beat as he choked on his own blood from getting shot n the neck lol. The beginning is pretty intense too as it picks right up from the lash episode where Howard got blasted - which was super sad as he didn't deserve that at all.

Anyway this was one of the best episodes imo.
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Better Call Saul: Fun and Games (2022)
Season 6, Episode 9
Decent Episode
19 July 2022
All these losers writing fake reviews crack me up.. makes me think they're 40 year olds livin at home w nothing to do. What a life!!

Anyway this episode was cool.. There wasn't really any super intense scenes like last week but it still had my attention and was good imo.
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The Chosen (2017– )
Very well done as a show.
22 June 2022
I can recognize a well made series when I see one. Even though I myself am not a Christian anymore- mainly just because I think the whole "salvation story" and claims of the Bible are just silly and there's no real good reason to think any of its based on facts- it's still a good show even though most of its fiction. The story of Jesus isn't historic as we don't have any contemporary writings about the character. No body that wrote about him at the supposed time of his life. I know Christians will argue this but facts are facts. I'm not saying he didn't exist or there wasn't a man name Jesus that these stories were inspired from but we have zero extra biblical accounts- none!! The story/claim is a bit silly too. Blood sacrifice to create a loophole for rules that his "father" came up with to begin with? Lol.. yeaaaah- ok..... It appeals to people by pullin on their emotional strings and as a fictional story, it does just that.. this is a great series and does an excellent job of that. Acting is great too!!
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Is this a Roland Emmerick film?? Wtf
12 June 2022
Warning: Spoilers
This movie felt like I was watching Roland Emmericks (2012, Day after Tomorrow) latest film. So much fake garbage in an already fiction movie. No sense of real danger of any of the characters. Too many throw backs to the first one. Almost every other scene felt like a reenactment of a scene from the first. Just very "super hero-ish movie" feel too it. Had some decent visuals. Overall I was just waiting for the end. :(. Makes me sad they did this to JP Universe.
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Ozark (2017–2022)
I just can't get into it like some other shows
7 February 2022
I watched all of season 1 and most of season 2 and I got bored. So many long and boring episodes. It's good in some parts, boring most of the time. Just my opinion. Maybe I need to try again idk. Doesn't even compare to Breaking Bad like some folks claim.
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What did I just watch?
15 October 2021
Artsy or not, this film made absolutely NO sense at all to me. Very bizarre and just down right weird. Not really enjoyable. The only reason I give it 3 stars is because of the music score, the acting and the cinematography.. that's it! I wouldn't even be able to tell you what it's about. It was so weird and boring.
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Too confusing
2 July 2021
I'll admit, I got so lost on this mess of a movie.. it may have been because of how late I started it.. I did not like the movie at all though.
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WandaVision (2021)
Just couldn't watch it
18 May 2021
After 6 episodes I gave up. Garbage. Boring and weird. The old sitcom thing gets so annoying.
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Was a good entertaining movie
29 April 2021
I enjoyed this movie but the ending was a little over the top with questionable acting and screaming. Overall, good flick.
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Excellent documentary for someone who's interested in learning more about kratom
25 March 2021
For some, this plant is a life saver and for others it's simple another addiction. I will admit that it comes with some responsibility. If you are a daily user and then decide to stop, you will have withdrawals similar to opioid withdrawal. With that being said, in my experience, kratom is the safer alternative to pharmaceutical pain meds. A lot of kratom enthusiasts will down play the withdrawal but that's just because they don't want to "demonize" the plant. Anyone who says the withdrawl is no worse than coffee is either ignorant or lying. It really depends on how much the person takes and how consistently they take it. I know dozens of people who have been tremendously helped by this plant and a lot of them got completely off alcohol using it. Alcohol in my opinion and backed up by science is a lot worse for the human body than kratom will ever be. Kratom is a wonderful plant by like I said, it needs to be used responsibly and if someone uses it a few times a week, there shouldn't be any problems withdrawal wise or dependency wise. This documentary explores the media conception of it and dives into personal experiences with it along with scientific studies on it. Definitely a great beginners guide for someone who's interested in learning more about what it is. I discovered kratom back in 2009 when it was virtually unheard of in the US and the only place you could buy it was online. Now it's sold in every headshop across America and some gas stations as business owners are starting to see the market it has. My overall opinion on kratom is that it CAN be a lifesaver for specific people and others it can be another monkey on their back. For me? I used to use it a lot to curb my opioid addiction and urge to use. I do not use it as much anymore because of the dependent factor. I have experienced withdrawals coming off of it and they weren't fun. Still not nearly as bad as pill withdrawal but each person is different. I wouldn't say it produces a "high".. I would describe it more as a slight euphoria and sometimes intense depending on the quality or if it's an extract or what not (I would stay away from taking extracts too much as they knock your tolerance way up and make it harder to come off of it)

All n all, it's a pretty quality documentary on the plant. Give it a watch if you are curious.
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Stranger Things (2016–2025)
Too elementary for me
17 March 2021
This show is alright but it's too "elementary/teenager" for me.. I get that it tries to be dark and scary at times but it just fails for anyone over 12 years old. Story is ok.. not sure why everyone is so obsessed with 80's themed shows. That being said.. my kids really love it lol so that's a plus. In mg opinion it's super overrated and the majority who thinks it's the best show are elmers.. (elementary kids) and jr high. I give it a solid 6
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The Walking Dead: Find Me (2021)
Season 10, Episode 18
Wow what a boring episode
9 March 2021
Filler alert!! This episode is nothing but a time killer like that "fly" episode from breaking bad. C'mon walking dead!! As if seasons 9 and 10 weren't bad enough on their own already.. let's move!!!!! I am one of the people who thinks seasons 9 and 10 were horrible compared to all the previous seasons but I keep watching and will watch till the end of the show because at the end of the day I'm still a TWD fan.... I just don't get excited about new episodes like I used to. I feel like the show kinda died when Rick left and the lame whisperers were introduced.. They weren't scary at all and were ridiculous as "bad guys". I'm still a huge Negan fan and want more episodes with him which is why I'm waiting anxiously for "Here's Negan". Anyway, back to this boring episode. Nothing really happens and I'll leave it at that.... not that I could spoil anything even if I wanted as there's really not much to spoil. I really hate when they waste an episode on something like this. I feel cheated haha. Like I said, I love the show overall and will remain a loyal fan till the end but true loyal fans will still be honest and in all honesty, one could skip this episode and not even know it. If you wanna kill some time, go nuts. If you have something else you've been wanting to watch, watch it and don't bother w this episode.
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Did not leave a lasting impression on me sad to say
7 March 2021
I can appreciate the director Jonathan Mostow trying to take on this film when considering the success of the first two.. Jonathan Mostow is one of my favorite underrated directors (Breakdown being one of my favorite films ever) but Terminator 3 just didn't do it for me. It was alright and had some great action sequences in it but something just didn't click with me. It's been awhile since I saw it in theaters back in 2003 and I hardly remember any of it.. I can remember almost every scene from the first two. I was super excited to see this when it came out though because hello, it's a Terminator movie and stars Arnold! But yea, just not memorable. Maybe I should give it another viewing.
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Coyote (2021)
2 episodes in and really enjoying it
11 February 2021
I'm at the end of episode 2 and am finding that I'm liking it a LOT more than expected. It deserves more than the ratings it's receiving. Couldn't care less about how "racist" people say it is or stereotypical or politically correct etc etc.. People who complain about that stuff need to just stick with "Transformers" movies lol... It ain't no Breaking Bad but then again, BB was one of a kind and 1 in a billion so doesn't really matter. This show is pretty suspenseful and entertaining to me so that's all that really matters imo. Glad I have something interesting to watch again.. Too bad it's only on CBS streaming though..
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Mother! (2017)
What a steaming pile of doodoo
9 February 2021
I bought this on early access because of all the brainless reviews on it and my brother and I looked at each other after it was over and were both like "wtf? That was horrible!!" If this most people's idea of a good intense suspenseful movie or just a "good" movie i'd hate to see what they consider "bad"

Oh well, they tried.. just wasn't for me
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The Wire (2002–2008)
I just can't get into it
5 February 2021
I have tried twice to get into this series and it's just so slow I end up falling asleep or just watching something else. Didn't even finish first season so not sure if it picks up or not. I don't have to have action but a little tension would be nice and from the 5 or so episodes I saw, nothing happened
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Best show to ever grace TV!
5 February 2021
I saw some of the 1 star reviewers and I have to say, those folks must be really dull to be around! It's obvious they didn't even watch it. The show is so intense and edge of your seat especially when it really gets going.. very smart writing because of the character development
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