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The Incredible Hulk: King of the Beach (1981)
Season 4, Episode 9
My Favorite Hulk Episode!
1 April 2014
Out of all of the episodes of this classic TV series this one shines as my number one favorite. Am a longtime fan of Lou Ferrigno and this storyline gave him the opportunity to stretch his acting chops and the first and only time that he got to play a regular human character. David Beller is working at a beach side café for Carl Molino and his wife and he's an aspiring local bodybuilder who is hoping to win the Mr. Galaxy competition for the grand prize. David becomes more than his employee and befriends Carl when he gets into a very sticky situation while training for the contest. Overall not a great episode though still worth watching to see Ferrigno playing both the Hulk and a regular guy. I would have liked to have seen a follow up to this one though the ending is quite satisfying. You won't be disappointed.
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The Incredible Hulk: Kindred Spirits (1979)
Season 2, Episode 19
Overall A Very Good Episode!
29 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I have watched this one several times over the years and its included on my DVD set of eighteen episodes of the Hulk TV series. A young future Sex & The City star Kim Catrall guest stars as a scientist who recognizes David Banner and takes him along on the expedition to examine remains of a prehistoric Hulk. The late great character actor Whit Bissell appears as a professor who shows a keen interest in the findings and there is a subplot about Native Americans who are trying to protect their own interests. Overall a very enjoyable Hulk episode which is also the first time that someone recognizes David though does not expose him.
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Millennium: The Mikado (1998)
Season 2, Episode 13
A Powerful Millennium Episode!
5 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This episode titled "The Mikado" happens to be my number one favorite episode of the entire TV series. First telecast in February 1998 the storyline begins with three teenage boys cruising the internet looking for weird stuff to watch. When they witness what appears to be the murder of a young woman though at first believe that it is scripted and not a real homicide. The script is well written with crisp direction and one of Lance Henricksen's best performances as Frank Black. If you have not seen this one then you are in for a real treat especially if like me you are a fan of this show. And for crime drama buffs this episode was inspired by the real life Zodiac murders of the 1960's in the San Francisco Bay Area. Overall this is one powerful episode and one of the show's very best!
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Miami Vice: God's Work (1987)
Season 4, Episode 6
An Excellent Episode of Season 4
21 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
I remember way back when I first watched this Miami Vice episode from season four that I noticed the excellent guest stars. Alfonso Arau, Rosanna De Soto, Esai Morales & Francesco Quinn as the Cruz family. I had seen Arau in the comedy film Three Amigos and he went on to direct the 1992 cult classic film, Like Water For Chocolate. Quinn who was the son of acting legend Anthony Quinn would also have a successful career of his own (sadly he died young at 48 in 2011) and its interesting to note that this was the second time for De Soto and Morales to play mother and son. They had previously worked together in the 1987 film La Bamba with Rosanna playing the mother of Esai Morales's Bob character who was the half brother of Richie Valens played by Lou Diamond Philips. Overall Morales plays Felipe Cruz the younger son of patriarch Jorge Cruz who is one of Miami's biggest bosses of organized crime. Lt. Castillo is curious to know if the son is back in town to try to take over his family's business or for some other reason. Crockett, Tubbs and Gina all have lots of involvement in the storyline to investigate the Cruz family and there's a touching subplot dealing with AIDS and how people react to others who are stricken with the illness. Pay attention to the priest who is Maria's brother as he figures heavily into the whole plot. Won't give away any more about this episode and its one of the best of season four!
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One Of My Very Favorite "Sunny" Episodes!
20 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
A hurricane warning for Philadelphia has the gang so worried so while Dee and Frank prepare the bar for the impending storm, Mac, Charlie and Dennis go to the local mall's home improvement store to buy supplies for the bar. Mac and Charlie flirt with two local college girls while Dennis is highly smitten with the local television news reporter Jackie Denardo who just happens to have large breasts! This is the focus of the storyline with Dennis trying to work up the courage to speak with and approach Jackie for a possible date. Though he's obviously infatuated with the blonde woman's obvious sex appeal! This episode is well written and directed with very awesome humor and while Dennis is not my favorite character of the sitcom he's definitely the focus of the plot. Overall I give it nine stars and I am also a fan of guest star Jessica Collins who previously appeared in the first season of Eliza Dushku's show Tru Calling as her big sister and Ms. Collins also comes back as Jackie in last season's "The Gang Saves The Day" episode which I have yet to watch. Overall this segment is so hilarious and I rated it nine stars!
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Very Funny Storyline!
20 February 2014
Warning: Spoilers
This one is another of my favorite "Sunny" episodes which I have watched at least three times. This one takes place outside of their bar and practically all of the scenes were shot outdoors. The gang decides to invest in a boat despite none of them having any "seaworthy experience." Though they do not realize that when they decide on their dream boat that they must do a lot of cleaning and maintenance to start. There's a subplot involving a group of guys on a different boat at the harbor who invite two of the gang for a party. I won't give away any more of the episode and if you have not seen it then you're in for a real treat. Oh and Dee does show off her natural dancing skills though won't elaborate any further on this part of the storyline. Overall a very funny episode which I could watch for the fourth time!
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The scene in the prison
6 December 2006
Warning: Spoilers
Right near the end of this movie, when Detective Crowe and a guard escort Duke down the hallway to a cell, does anyone know if this was filmed in a real prison or county jail or if it was filmed on a movie set? The setting looks very authentic. As for the scene when Duke met up with his new cellmate, it's both disgusting and laughable! Boy did he finally meet his match and I also enjoy when Crowe said "now that's justice!" I also found that whenever Crowe tried to arrest Duke, he never brought along any backup, real police detectives always call for backup from the uniforms and even having his fellow cop with him was not enough, especially in the LAPD this violation of protocol and the rules and regulations of the police force would never have been tolerated by the brass! Of course being a Charles Bronson film, we are used to seeing the hero kick ass all by himself.

the tbirdmanster
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A great , underrated classic western
10 May 2006
I just saw this film recently on cable and was reminded of how well made it was. I'm a fan of the late director John Sturges' work and I own both "The Magnificent Seven" & "The Great Escape" on DVD. "Last Train from Gun Hill" does'nt get the same mention along with the well deserved recognition of these other films of the director. I'd rank it among the best classic westerns of the 50's & 60's period of great Hollywood movies. The story benefits from starring two great actors in Kirk Douglas and the late Anthony Quinn. Earl Holliman showed great promise in an early role as the spoiled rotten son of Mr. Belden. I'm surprised that he did not become a bigger star as a character actor throughout his career. And the late Carolyn Jones turned in a strong performance too as Linda. Definitely up there in the same ranking of great classic westerns and one of the best efforts of John Sturges. I will buy this DVD as well to add to my movie library! Lorenzo the tbirdman
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Into the Blue (2005)
Paul Walker & Jessica Alba Rock On Screen
1 May 2006
Overall this is one of my favorite movies. Paul Walker is appealing to young female viewers and obviously his many fans find him to be very talented. Plus I've seen him in the Fast & Furious movies as well as in Timeline. He is a very strong actor in the traditional sense and his natural on screen charisma is appealing to both guys and the young women/teenage girls audience who will like this type of movie. He obviously got into great physical shape for Into The Blue and his acting is very convincing and he's also tough in character for the role which his fans will also appreciate. He has solid on screen chemistry with Jessica Alba and they look very good together as a young couple in love. Overall the script really works well and is a combination of romance, drama, mystery, action and adventure. Plus on location shots in the Caribbean also add to the excellent cinematography. Overall a very good film which I recommend to all fans of Paul Walker and Jessica Alba.
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Timeline (2003)
Not a bad movie though it could have been much better
4 March 2006
I have not read the novel by Michael Crichton though I watched this movie on cable TV expecting a lot and in the end I came away quite disappointed. I never saw it in theaters and now I'm very glad that I did not waste my money! The story started out promising and throughout the film much about the time travel part and how the professor went back in time was left unexplained. On top of all that I found that the casting of Paul Walker was fine. Though there was not much development to his character and ditto for the rest of the main characters as well. Frances O'Connor played her role well though overall this movie could have been done better. Paul Walker is overall a strong and likable actor who can carry any movie on his own. How did he manage to get cast in Deep Blue!? Most likely to appeal to the young female movie goers. Just as Jessica Alba was cast for her sex appeal to male movie goers. Though sadly Paul Walker passed away late last year and his fans are still mourning his untimely death.
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Performance of Liam Neeson as Oskar Schindler
20 February 2006
After having viewed this movie several times both in the theater and on cable TV, along with having seen my own copy on DVD I have always been quite impressed of the Oscar nominated performance by Liam Neeson. Now with all due respect to actor Tom Hanks who'd won for his role in "Philadelphia" I've always felt that the best actor honor should've gone to Liam Neeson. I don't recall the other nominated actors that year though his portrayal of Oskar Schindler was outstanding and very convincing. And besides the following year at the Oscar ceremony Tom Hanks won the top acting honors for "Forrest Gump." Furthermore I've always found that this movie at the time was really over-hyped back in 1994. And today I still consider this movie to be quite overrated! There are many fans of Tom Hanks who'll disagree and that's understandable. I'll even add that Liam Neeson was robbed of the best actor award. I've followed the history of the Jews, the Nazi party and WWII for many years and still hold this film in awe.
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The romance between Jet Li and Aaliyah
12 February 2006
Why is it that in modern Hollywood action movies, Asian film action heroes like Jet Li, Jackie Chan & Chow Yun-Fat are always able to kick plenty of ass when fighting the villains/bad guys but they are never allowed to get any female ass from the leading lady characters!? Why won't the script writers and the movie studios allow this to happen? Interracial romance happens regularly in dramas and romantic comedies so why does it not ever occur in action stories? We've all seen characters from various ethnicities represented in movies; black and white, Asian, Hispanic, east Indian, African and European roles have all been portrayed on the big screen. So why don't we ever see these Asian hero characters have romance in the scripts with lead female roles who are of a different race/ethnicity? Quite ridiculous in this age of modern cinema! I just don't understand it.
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The motorcycle chase scene with Steve McQueen
10 February 2006
The German Army motorcycles used during WWII were BMWs. In the now classic chase scene where Steve McQueen is pursued by many German soldiers, the motorbike ridden by the actor was in actuality a 1950's Triumph! It was really a British twin motorcycle disguised to look like a vintage 1940's German Army BMW motorbike! The vehicles used by the Germans were real vintage 1940's cars, trucks & motorcycles which were repaired to working order to add realism to the script. You can find this information among the many extras in the latest DVD version of The Great Escape re-released in 2004 as a special collector's edition of the movie. You can find it at Best Buy. That's were I bought my copy and also that's were I happen to work! Enjoy it! By the way, I also own and ride a 1997 Triumph Thunderbird and so I've done much research about the Triumph Motorcycle company.
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Conspiracy (2001 TV Movie)
My comments regarding Conspiracy
10 February 2006
A thoroughly fascinating story, one that I found even more interesting because it was based on true historical facts. This story was never told in school history textbooks and I hope that new editions of school books would include the facts. This movie would make excellent companion viewing along with Schindler's List. Which happens to be one of my favorite movies dealing with WWII and a favorite movie of mine overall. Check out the musical score to this film composed and performed by John Williams along with the great violinist Itzhak Pearlman with members of the Boston Symphony Orchestra. It's very moving. The end music in Conspiracy by Schubert is lovely and very fitting for the end of the movie. Overall great acting especially by Stanley Tucci and Kenneth Branagh. The writing & direction was excellent. I own the DVD and it is worth adding to any film buff's library. Or to any film collection about the holocaust and/or WWII.
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