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Murdoch Mysteries (2008– )
Past Its Prime
31 May 2024
At one time, Murdoch Mysteries was my all time favorite show of all time. I loved the characters, the storylines where engrossing and clever, then season 14 the acting and storylines begin to becoming just absurd and plots not aligned with the time period. By season 15 I just lost interest, but kept hoping it would get better. Season 16 I watched sporadically, and we are well into season 17 and sad to say I have not watched one episode and have no desire to do so. I can't believe they have been renewed for a season 18 -- all of the characters are way too old for the same character writing. I am truly over this show.
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Chicago Fire: Never Say Goodbye (2024)
Season 12, Episode 13
Captain vs Battalion Chief
24 May 2024
Considering that both Herman and Severide would require being promoted to Captain, then test for Battalion Chief, I don't believe we will see Herman or Severide being promoted to Chief next season. More likely one of them will be promoted to Captain, and like Casey will be able to lead and set the tone for the team. Kelly would be the ideal Chief, as he has the technical skills and potential to be a strong strategic leader, he would more of a strategic leader, and not the mentor people centric leader that Boden is. That is why I believe promoting Herman to Captain would be a good buffer between Kelly's introverted process driven leadership style. Also, I don't think Herman is ready for that level of responsibility and accountability, not to mention that both Severide and Kidd would be bossing him around. However, I don't see Taylor Kinney being with the show for more than 1 more season.
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Station 19: Stuck (2018)
Season 1, Episode 1
Latecomer Review
10 May 2024
I have not watched network television in over 10 years, because I just didn't like the programming. I discovered Chicago Fire on Sling about 5 months ago and have been a huge fan of this series, and love that I could binge watch seasons 1 - 11...I just discovered Station 19 on Sling's 6abc, so I gave it a try today.

Wow, how bad is this show right-out of the gate. I've only watched episode 1 and 5 of season 1 and I'm done, because I can already tell this is more of a soap opera about the personal lives of first responders, which is not my cup of tea. What I like about Chicago Fire is it is more action with some personal drama, I also feel like Chicago Fire's acting is far superior than Station 19.

However, what I dislike about both shows, being a female, is how they believe that men and women can't work together as platonic friends. Also, I find it hard to believe that having sexual intercourse in the workplace is acceptable behavior that the leaders just turn a blind eye.

I'm so done with this show, it isn't worth the time.
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Murder in Provence (2022– )
Because of Nancy Carroll
9 May 2024
I'm really drawn to this show because of Roger Allam and Nancy Carroll, but I find it quite slow and unengaging. It's also a bit distracting that they're all British in a setting that's clearly meant to be French. Despite this, I stuck with the first three episodes of Season 1 because I adore Nancy Carroll's aristocratic British accent-it's so captivating to my American ears, which often associate that accent with the UK. I'm hoping Season 2 picks up the pace, but if not, I'll just look forward to seeing Nancy in "Father Brown."

I'm really drawn to this show because of Roger Allam and Nancy Carroll, but I find it quite slow and unengaging. It's also a bit distracting that they're all British in a setting that's clearly meant to be French. Despite this, I stuck with the first three episodes of Season 1 because I adore Nancy Carroll's aristocratic British accent-it's so captivating to my American ears, which often associate that accent with the UK. I'm hoping Season 2 picks up the pace, but if not, I'll just look forward to seeing Nancy in "Father Brown."
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Chicago Fire: I Will Be Walking (2016)
Season 4, Episode 19
Standing Tall Against Fear
15 April 2024
In an episode that deserves far more recognition, "I Will Be Walking" delivers a powerful narrative that resonated deeply with me and my family. The storyline, centered around the courageous stand of ordinary citizens against neighborhood bullies, strikes a chord of inspiration and hope.

As the characters grapple with the pervasive fear that has gripped their community, viewers are drawn into a compelling exploration of bravery and resilience. The palpable tension of CFD standing up to intimidation tactics was met with applause and cheers from family.

What makes this episode particularly poignant is its timely reminder that living in constant fear is no way to truly live. Through the actions of the characters, viewers are encouraged to confront their own fears and consider the cost of remaining silent in the face of injustice.

While it's surprising that this episode has gone without a review, its impact on viewers speaks volumes due to its overall episode rating. "Chicago Fire" has once again demonstrated its ability to blend thrilling drama with heartfelt messages, leaving audiences both entertained and inspired.
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Death in Paradise: Episode #13.8 (2024)
Season 13, Episode 8
Starting Over...hopefully
8 April 2024
With both Ralf Little and Tahj Miles departure it's a great time to recast. Perhaps keep Don Warrington as the Commissioner for one more season to usher in the new cast. Dwayne is just a bit too old to reprise his role, I would have been okay with Shantol Jackson staying as a Sergeant, but never bought her as a Detective, I mean I realize the actress is 31, she just looks 16, but she is just not a strong enough actress, with all of the unnecessary facial expressions and the pouting thing she does when she is trying look serious, just don't believe she can carry the show with a season lead actor/actress.

I mean if they are really considering Martin Clunes as the new Inspector the 30 year age difference between him and Jackson would be too distracting, I think they should have just left her as a police sergeant. I like the character Darlene, but again a 50+ year old becoming a police officer is a stretch, why couldn't she remain a civilian employee?

While I don't see Martin Clunes taking the role, simply due to his having to spend much of the time in Guadeloupe filming at his age and the fact that he doesn't have to go off the grid to find work...I think he would be wonderful in the role, he may see it as too similar to his Doc Martin character... I'm also in favor of Idris Elba, although that's a long shot.

Whoever they pick, I hope we see a brand new team and a different format, can't wait to see what shakes out, because it may become the The Death of Death in Paradise.
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Bargain Block (2021– )
A Refreshing Take on Home Renovation with a Focus on Design
3 April 2024
I was initially drawn to "Bargain Block" after seeing the hosts on Rock the Block. While some negative reviews made me skeptical, I decided to give it a chance. After watching a few episodes, I noticed some valid concerns, such as furniture placement near heating vents and open staircases. However, what sets "Bargain Block" apart is its focus on revitalizing low-income neighborhoods and showcasing unique design styles.

While Erin and Ben of Hometown, I do love this show, but they work within their clients' budgets, the hosts of "Bargain Block" tackle abandoned homes with their own tight budget, showcasing how these properties can be transformed to benefit the community.

I appreciate the show's departure from traditional design trends, such as the all-black house with copper accents, which I found visually appealing. It's a refreshing change from the typical beige and trendy designs seen on HGTV. The hosts' bohemian chic style may not be for everyone, but it offers a unique perspective and inspires creativity, especially for those on a budget.

Overall, "Bargain Block" is more than just a home renovation show; it's a testament to the resilience of communities and the power of design to transform spaces. It's a must-watch for anyone looking for affordable design ideas and a glimpse into the revitalization of forgotten neighborhoods like Detroit.
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Chicago Fire: Telling Her Goodbye (2017)
Season 5, Episode 16
Realistic Portrayal had me squeezing my pillow
12 March 2024
I approached this episode with some trepidation, given my aversion to gangster movies and their tendency to glorify criminal behavior. However, I was pleasantly surprised by the depth and intensity of the storytelling, which managed to transcend the typical tropes of the genre.

The actors portraying the gang members delivered chillingly realistic performances, which added a layer of realism to the episode that I found compelling and unsettling. Their portrayal of sadistic murderers was so convincing that I found myself gripping my pillow in fear, completely absorbed.

What struck me most was the way the episode forced me to confront my own reactions and moral compass. As I watched, I found myself empathizing with the victims and feeling a visceral urge for justice. However, I had to remind myself that resorting to violence, even in the face of such brutality, is not the answer.

This episode served as a stark reminder of the importance of police training and accountability. The actors' performances were so convincing that I could easily understand how law enforcement officers could lose their moral compass when confronted with such depravity. It highlighted the need for consistent training and support for those tasked with protecting our communities.

In conclusion, while I found the subject matter and characters deeply unsettling, I must commend the actors for their stellar performances. They brought a level of realism and intensity to the episode that made it both compelling and thought-provoking.
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Chicago Fire: The People We Meet (2017)
Season 5, Episode 10
Suspension of Disbelief Strained
11 March 2024
This episode left me grappling with some glaring issues regarding believability, particularly in its opening scene. The episode opens with the rescue of a young adult who was hiding in a closet during a fire. While I can understand a child's fear leading to such actions, the character appeared to be between 18 and 22 years old, which made the scenario hard to digest.

By the age of 13, common sense should dictate that if one can't escape a burning house, they should seek refuge near a window or on the roof. It strains credulity to think that any adult, especially one of this age range, would opt to hide in a closet during such a life-threatening situation, couple this with the former firefighter turned medical student leading a bone marrow case and procedure. This lack of realism detracted from my enjoyment of the episode, as it felt like a forced plot device rather than a natural progression of the story.

This initial misstep was hard to overlook. I hope that future episodes pay closer attention to maintaining believability, as it is crucial for keeping audiences invested in the narrative.
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Chicago Fire: The Beating Heart (2016)
Season 4, Episode 10
Umm, about the character Freddy
13 February 2024
We are presented with an intriguing exploration of Freddy's character, making me question his perceived intellectual capabilities. Throughout the episode, Freddy's actions and decisions raised questions about whether he is meant to be portrayed as intellectually slow or if there are other factors at play.

One noticeable aspect of Freddy's character in this episode is his impulsiveness. He appears to act without fully considering the consequences of his actions, which lead to him stabbing Herman.

Moreover, Freddy's apparent inability to grasp the full extent of his actions suggests a lack of understanding or awareness. This raises questions about his level of comprehension and whether there may be underlying reasons for his behavior. Is he truly intellectually slow, or is there a deeper complexity to his character that is yet to be explored?
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Bedtime (2010)
Season 11, Episode 18
How Utterly Contrived
24 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
While I appreciate the attempt at suspense in this storyline, I couldn't help but notice a few elements that seemed somewhat implausible. The lack of concrete evidence and reliance on suspicion raised questions about the legality of holding the ex-cop character without clear cause. Benson's decision to insist on her stay, even when she wasn't officially under arrest, seemed a bit forced.

Additionally, Stabler's ability to identify the suspect, Kyle, without sufficient evidence or legal grounds during the house visit felt somewhat unrealistic. It left me questioning the credibility of the narrative, as even a civilian might have recognized the absence of a valid reason for detention.

Overall, I believe the episode could benefit from a more realistic portrayal of legal procedures and investigative processes.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Transitions (2009)
Season 10, Episode 14
Aisha Hinds
22 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
After reading the below reviews on the this episode, and while I appreciate the insightful analysis, I couldn't help but notice the absence of mention regarding Aisha Hinds's remarkable performance, particularly during her time on the witness stand.

Aisha and Bridger Zadina (Haley) played pivotal roles that significantly contributed to the episode's impact. Aisha's portrayal, especially during the courtroom scenes, demonstrated her exceptional talent and added depth to the narrative.

I understand that reviews cover various aspects, but I believe acknowledging key performances is essential for a comprehensive critique. Perhaps future reviews could explore the nuanced performances of all significant characters to provide a more holistic perspective.

Just saying.
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Statutory Laws need to be updated
18 January 2024
I have to disagree with the reviewer Sammy-2006 about a 15 year old and a 21 year old not being able to date.

First of all how can the law say that a 14 year old can be tried as an adult and even been sentenced to life in prison for committing murder, but too young to consent to sex with someone that is only 4 - 5 years older than they are. Makes no sense, consequences of committing murder vs having a sexual relationship.

I am a female over 40 and when I was 16 I routinely dated college students, because I did not see them as "men", just half-grown, and today, I still don't believe the college students are any more mature than high school students, probably because many are still dependent on their parents while either in college or entry-level jobs. I'm speaking specifically about young adults between 18 - 21.

Keep in mind that not all 15 year olders are at the same emotional level, some are more independent, responsible and self-sufficient, while others are very emotionally immature adolscents.

It's time for the laws to be updated that age 15 - 21 is within the range of consent. I do however believe that any 22 and older should in no way be dating anyone 5 years younger than they are.

But for society to continue to think that a 15 year old is a baby that somehow in 1 year at the age of 16 (in most states) they can consent to have sex with a 30 year old.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Ghost (2005)
Season 6, Episode 16
Appreciation for Young Actor Reymond Wittman
18 January 2024
I enjoyed the episode and wanted to express my appreciation for the stellar performance of young actor Reymond Wittman in his role as Antonio Montoya.

It's quite surprising that, in the various reviews I've come across, there hasn't been much acknowledgment of Reymond's portrayal. I found his performance to be both adorable and remarkably believable, especially considering his relatively unknown status in the industry. His endearing presence truly stood out and, in my opinion, played a significant role in making the episode memorable.

Kudos to the young actor for his noteworthy contribution to the episode.
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Law & Order: Special Victims Unit: Soulless (2003)
Season 4, Episode 25
A Parent's Heartbreak
15 January 2024
I wanted to share my thoughts on Wilkens' character in the recent performance. His portrayal sent chills up my spine, especially with the deadpan expression on his face and the impactful way he looked at his mother on the stand.

I appreciate how his performance was eerie yet understated, avoiding over-the-top antics. However, it was the character of the mother that truly resonated with me. It made me reflect on the countless loving parents who, despite their best efforts, find themselves unable to guide their children away from a path of darkness, whether it be a lack of conscience or struggles with addiction.

The performance stirred deep emotions, prompting thoughts about the heartbreak some parents endure, unable to save their children from themselves. It's a poignant reminder of the complexities and challenges that families face.
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Doc Martin (2004–2022)
Sorry to see them go
5 December 2023
Doc Martin" is a charming and addictive series with its unique blend of humor, drama, and picturesque setting. The show revolves around the eccentric and socially challenged Dr. Martin Ellingham, brilliantly portrayed by Martin Clunes.

The characters in the series, including Ms. Tishall, add depth and color to the small-town dynamics. The quirky personalities and interpersonal relationships contribute to the show's appeal, creating a delightful ensemble cast. Ms. Tishall is one of my favorites, as the characters' idiosyncrasies and interactions are central to the show's charm.

Bert Large, however, is my least favorite. He just becomes an annoying character after season 2.

I would have like to seen Doc Martin take the position in London, he sacrifices his career for silly Louisa, who spends the entire series trying to change him. The idea of the Doc taking the job in London would have been a fitting conclusion, providing a sense of closure to his character arc.

Despite my reservations about the ending, the overall sentiment is positive, and I will be rewatching the series in the future.
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Scarface (1983)
I hated everything about this movie
29 October 2023
Scarface" is a lengthy and graphically violent film that certainly doesn't hold back in portraying the dark side of humanity through its themes of crime, drugs, and excessive violence. It's over the top in its depiction of the worst aspects of human nature, providing a stark and unapologetic look at the world of organized crime.

The high ratings some give this movie might be due to its intense storytelling. However, for me the depiction of evil just did not resonate with me.

I would think after 30 years, today's audience would find this film too dark, and what is with some guys romanticization of the main character as a hero is very concerning.
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The Brokenwood Mysteries: The Dark Angel (2018)
Season 5, Episode 4
Brokenwood Mysteries Episode Review - "A Joke Too Far"
21 October 2023
Brokenwood Mysteries is a series that typically blends light comedy with its murder mysteries, creating an enjoyable and engaging experience. However, the episode in question seemed to push the boundaries of humor in a way that was divisive.

In this episode, the attempt to keep things lighthearted was evident, which is characteristic of the show. However, it's essential to consider that the subject matter touched upon mental illness, an area that is still stigmatized in society. While the intention may have been to maintain a comedic tone, it left me feeling uncomfortable.

In conclusion, Dark Angel may have been an attempt to maintain the show's signature comedic style but inadvertently found itself in controversial territory due to the topic of mental illness. While some viewers may have found it amusing, others felt it was insensitive given the prevailing societal attitudes toward mental health. It's a reminder that humor is a powerful tool and must be used responsibly, especially when dealing with subjects as sensitive as mental illness.
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Wagon Train: The Emily Rossiter Story (1957)
Season 1, Episode 7
Most Annoying Portrayal
23 August 2023
Susan Oliver spoiled this episode for me, her portrayal of naïve young girl was so annoying that I had to grit my teeth through this episode. Just not a fan of this actress, I think she overacts in everything she plays, actual she plays the same annoying spoiled character in all the Wagon Train episodes she is in.

Could someone please explain why a review must have 600 characters, can we get IMDB to change this requirement, a review should not have to be full scene by scene retelling. I do feel sorry for my fellow sisters that are too weak and timid to walkaway from unhealthy relationships and God help the children born unto them.
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Father Brown: The Serpent Within (2023)
Season 10, Episode 10
Bad acting is bad acting regardless
12 July 2023
I just had to write a review to counter one reviewers audacity to suggest just because one points out someone's lack of acting ability makes them racists. As an AA female, I think Brenda needs to go, quickly. She can't act, and her fascial expressions make her come across as mentally challenged. What's racist, is just hiring someone for to check a box, rather than for their skills. This show has had other female of color before and each one (Sid's last girlfriend, Flambeau's wife, and the voodoo priest's girlfriend), there were 1 or 2 others, but these ladies had skill and talent, the actress that plays Brenda is just a hack, and her skin color is not an issue.
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Father Brown: The Gardeners of Eden (2023)
Season 10, Episode 3
New characters settling in, or not
21 June 2023
Ruby-May Martinwood is a miscast in my book. As an AA female, I enjoy seeing a person of color as part of the cast, but not just any person of color. IMO Ruby-May overacts, her accent sounds forced and her character is just annoying as hell.

Claudie Blakley, I've always enjoyed her performances and so far she doesn't disappoint. However, bad idea to make her a platinum blonde, she's too old and it makes her look washed-out. She's at the age, where 1 year makes a difference, so if there's a season 11 she will look down right awful with this hair color, so I hope they tone it down. Although, I would have loved to see Julia Sawalha in this role. I simply adored her in Lark Rise to Candelford, which also stars Claudia.

Tom Chambers - Chief Inspector Sullivan, so glad he's back. I hated his replacement, Mallory. However, there is no chemistry between he and Mrs. Devine. I get more undercurrents between him and Lady Felicia.

Nancy Carroll - Lady Felicia Montague, the episodes are always better when she's in them. I just love her character.
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Solar Flare (2008)
C & D Level Actors
13 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This was so bad it is laughable.

1. Acting is ridiculously bad, if you can even call it acting. The "genius" kid, is suppose to be a nerd who gets no physical activity, yet he looks fit and muscular. He is suppose to be gifted, yet he acts more like he has a mental deficit.

2. Don't get why the coach is even in this. He doesn't know these people, so any normal guy would have left when he realize the solar flares was a serious problem and gone home to his family, not spend what may be his last days with total strangers.

3. Strip club bouncer, need I say more.

4. Writing is horrible.

4. All talk and no action. So much for natural disaster.
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Rock the Block: Kitchen Face-Off (2023)
Season 4, Episode 1
What the heck...Million Dollar Farmhouse
10 June 2023
Okay, I came here because I just saw the first episode and was left dumbfounded that IMO the worst design won. What the hell were the judges looking at, the first country eclectic farmhouse kitchen at that price point and location would not impress too many buyers. I thought the 2nd team with the wine rack divider should have won, but would have been fine with either the husband and wife with their vanilla kitchen that allow buyers to personalize with color, or the Luxury Fab team, although their 3 tier kitchen cabinets were the big drawback for me. I also didn't agree with the judges that this team was limiting the market with designing for a specific buyer, I thought the winning couple was the ones designing for ma & pa kettle.
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Stop the hate...
10 June 2023
I felt compelled to write a review of this fun show because of all of the angry people who can't be happy for the fellow humans.

1. If you can't win, why can't you just be happy for someone else that wins?!

2. The cost of some of the homes that are over $500K is based on the median home cost in city. Seems like a lot of Bostonians are the ones spending over $500K to live in an average suburban home, but its due to this regions property costs, not the winner being extravagant.

3. To the winner who implied that a $5M winner, walked away with 1.4M after taxes, that's misleading, because in your own post, the winner would have walked away with $3M if she had not split her winnings 505-50 with her mother, those the reason for the 1.4M.

4. As another reviewer stated, most of these winners still work and I'm sure stayed in an area where they could afford the annual tax, utilities etc., but just didn't have the 20 - 30% down payment needed to get them in the home they wanted.

5. If I won a million in my region, in combined Federal & State taxes, 33.5% would automatically go to taxes, which will leave me with 665K to look for a home and I should add get me out of my apartment. In my mind, I would look for a home between $250 - $350 max, because I would plan on putting down 50% which would give a mortgage I could well afford in the neighborhood I desire. If I were married with children, and won the same amount, based on 2 incomes, "we" would probably look for a home with a max budget of $450K with same down payment of 50% .

In sum for all the jealous people who clearly are the ones who can't do basic math. $600K is a great down payment on a starter home or an upgrade to those couples that are already home owners. The more your down payment, the lower your mortgage payment, which by the way includes property taxes, so based on your income, region etc., I haven't seen anyone on this show that was buying above their means.

6. In season 1 there was a couple that won like $250MM, I think they over spent and seem to make extravagant home/property purchases of a mansion for a middle-aged couple with the wife not sure she could drive up the hill to the and then purchased the farm next to theirs. They made me cringe when they chose their mansion up in the hills, I googled them a year ago and its been 7 - 8 years now. So good for them!

For many Americans in the working to lower middle class, it's the sizeable down payment while still having to pay rent, car payment, etc. Because you don't have parents you could live with while saving that keeps us from being homeowners, at least for the first 10 years of renting, while you struggle to put away enough annually to afford a down payment on a condo in the neighborhood of your choice. So yes, winning $600K in the lottery would make your home "My Lottery Dream House".

Sorry if we're too poor for your entertainment with our basic starter homes. Feel free to turn the channel to watch those who can afford to pay $500K just to flip a Bargain Mansion--wish I was able to do this, but I can't, so please don't judge the rest of us or call us irresponsible when you don't even have all the facts, like these people annual combined income.
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Road Wars (2022– )
Should be Mandatory Viewing
22 May 2023
At least 1 full season should be mandatory viewing for all new drivers and every 4 years when you have to renew your driver license. Because at some point, we all get frustrated with our fellow drivers, and we have all made driving errors, like accidently switching lanes without looking, running a red light, etc. And lost our temper, albeit not to the same extent as some of these raggers, but I have hit laid on my horn, etc.

Watching one episode has reminded me to keep my cool, regardless of what the other driver does and not to engage with irate or irrational drivers and pedestrians. Because I really think people who rage to the point of these extreme, is because there is something in their personal lives that's stressing them and they take out their emotions on strangers.
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