
16 Reviews
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In Our Blood (2023– )
My thoughts
21 March 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Episode 1. Overall not too bad , although a lot of the acting was just terrible .... and that singing at the end. Uggh !😒...... and characters suddenly talking to the camera I thought was unnecessary and cringy. Liked the scene of the layout of Patches , created well. I went there every Friday and Saturday back then. Lucky I was not there on any night the cops supposedly arrived , although it might be a bit fictional. I don't remember anyone talking about that actually happening back then , although it happened elsewhere I'm sure. Look forward to Ep 2. It's an important time , so hope it's a respectful depiction of the awful times with the AIDS crisis when we lost so many of our dear friends.
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How could anyone go along with this ??
25 August 2021
Firstly , on a personal observation , girl , you absolutely need a makeover. That hideous under eye makeup , the obvious heavy Botox , that absurd VERY heavy makeup AND that over-dyed silly black hair says it all. Wake up to the real world! You are no longer 21 !!!

This pathetic documentary shows that some have no idea of reality (or even care) just go for whatever they can get , no matter how totally ridiculous it sounds along the way.

Some of the utter nonsense that was fed to many people in this and they seemed to have possibly believed ........ well it's absurd. Everyone deserved what they got , other than those poor sad patients who passed away. RIP.
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Awful mess
10 August 2021
Pretty bad. Shocking acting by everyone. Dumb boring story. Only reason to watch is to see some of the views of Sydney in the 90's. Other than that not worth wasting your time.
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OK start , then became silly
13 January 2021
Overall I hated this movie.

Early scenes were promising. Lots of heavy anti-gay stuff after that , sometimes for no reason.

ABSOLUTELY hated the westerner "priest" inclusion in the movie. Just rubbish and completely unnecessary.

Chemistry between the two leading actors was all over the place.

Disappointing , and the ending ( if that's what they call it) was utter crap.

3/10 My opinion .... just don't bother.
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Big Yawn
28 February 2020
So boring. Characters just yell and scream at each other throughout , mostly for no reason. Supposed to be a comedy , but I didn't even smile once , let alone laugh. Couldn't care less about any of the characters. Saw it with my wife and sat through this rubbish for her , right till the end. If I had watched it alone I would have walked out after the first 15 minutes. Some others in the audience did! My wife's verdict "pretty ordinary". Just excruciating.
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8 January 2020
This film is just plain boring and unfunny. Don't waste a minute of your time on it.
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Weekend (II) (2011)
Terrible sound quality
28 December 2019
I know it's a low budget indi movie , but the sound quality is awful. Can hardly understand a word that is said. Just mostly mumbling. I watched on TV , but there are no subtitles available , so I just gave up and turned off.
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The Cool Kids (2018–2019)
Oh dear - who wrote this rubbish?
31 December 2018
Looked promising seeing the listed cast. We as a family watched the pilot and chuckled a coupled of times. Episodes 2 and 3 , we could not even manage a smile! Terrible boring scripts and that fake canned laughter ........ EXCRUCIATING - laughs after every second line for no reason. Certainly not because of anything even slightly funny. Plotlines are non existent. Strongly doubt this will be renewed and rightly so. Just don't bother.
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Crooked House (2017)
31 December 2018
Why did they bother? Watched on cable but gave up after 45 minutes. So boring. Lead alleged "actor" is just hopeless. Who cast this person? Completely wrong. Glen Close is just too "over the top". It's frankly one of her least memorable performances. Movie is a total dud.
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Creepy (2016)
Just silly
25 November 2018
Really a waste of time watching. The film has so many coincidences happening and there are too many HUGE plot holes. It's a confusing mess and a real disappointment. Don't bother.
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What a yawnfest
12 August 2013
Just sat through 2 1/2 hours of sheer boredom watching Zero Dark Thirty.

Had heard it was awful but still watched. Ugh!! What a disappointing and totally overrated movie.

Could not have cared less about any of the alleged main actors.

That woman !! ...... hopeless amateur acting.

Why was she even in the movie?? Useless.

The last 15 minutes are what you wait for but even that was filmed so dark and "green" , hard to see what was happening.

My rating ........ utter crap yank propaganda. One star rating from me.

Don't bother.

Watch The Hurt Locker, far better.
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Rehearsal for Murder (1982 TV Movie)
Easy to see where the movie is heading after 20 minutes
28 March 2012
If you can't work out where this TV movie is going after the first 20 minutes , right at the start of the rehearsal , then you must have been asleep. Rather pedestrian movie , and spoiled for me because the outcome was always so very obvious.

The acting of most of those involved was reasonable , in the circumstances , but thought Robert Preston was rather dull and uninspired throughout.

One very annoying thing is that the very distinctive voice of William Daniels who was in this movie , is so linked as being the voice of the car KITT in Knight Rider that it really becomes distracting whenever he speaks.

A TV movie in a similar vein "One of my Wives is Missing" is far more interesting.
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Don't watch - it will effect you badly forever
19 February 2011
My brother and I watched this on TV in 1960. I was 10 , he was 9. To this day ( and I am not kidding) neither of us are able to watch any movie where the dog or indeed any animal is a central theme to the movie.

The really awful events at the end of the movie are so distressing that my brother and I ( I am now 61 and my brother 60) have effected us for life. There is absolutely nothing redeeming in watching this movie. Forget it completely if you want a "normal" life.

It's just too utterly emotional and totally distressing and very unnecessary. I will never forget how I felt at the age of 10 , as I am still reliving this horrific experience , even now, it has never left me.
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Why no option to vote 0/10 ?
8 September 2010
This movie makes you wonder why on IMDb we are forced to give a movie as dreadful as this a minimum of 1/10 when it quite rightly deserves a vote of 0/10.

In all my life I have never seen such rubbish!

The alleged "acting" unbelievable.

What was John Travolta thinking when he made this pile of ......... ?

All involved with this deserve to never be involved in the movie industry ever again.

The "story" is unfathomable (is that a word?) , made not the slightest sense from beginning to end. Have not had to sit through something so silly and boring in all my life. Even if you are offered to see this at no cost , just run for the exit!!!
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Columbo: Uneasy Lies the Crown (1990)
Season 9, Episode 5
26 August 2008
I really hated this one. I am an avid Columbo fan and have seen all episodes so many times, but this one is a complete dud. The story line is so dull and the acting by all is so wooden that by the end you really couldn't care what happens.

Peter Falk looks completely disinterested throughout and this one is really a big disappointment. The finale is so ridiculous it was a wonder that they didn't all start laughing at the absurd conclusion. I doubt if there would be a jury in the land that would convict the killer on the very flimsy "evidence" of his guilt. I would not recommend wasting a minute on this.
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What a mess!
20 August 2008
At first the idea of of a world where "gay" is normal and "straight" is "perverted" seemed silly but interesting.

A few minutes into the film you start to think "why am I wasting a minute of my life on this rubbish?". The story is so contrived and the alleged acting by everyone is so wooden it almost defies description. It's been a long time since I have seen such poor performances.

The movie has no idea what it wants to be - social comment? comedy ? farce ? drama? and fails miserably in every aspect.

The ending says it all for the whole storyline - a complete and total disappointment. I really think that all involved should be ashamed of this abysmal piece of cinema and I doubt if many involved would want to show it on their CV for future work.
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