
48 Reviews
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Loved it!
19 January 2024
The lovely cute family movies of harry potter are over. Its time to grow up, face reality and death. I have never hated and despised anyone as much as that pink wearing lady!!! Oh I could just punch that awful old hag!!! The actor did an absolutely phenomental job with creating such an awful ministry lady! I literally hated her more than voldemort. The ministry is such perfect example how they screw everything up wherever they are. Yes even the wizard world gets ffffd thanks to them, just like the real world. Perfect example of banning everything that makes things fun and make everything as "safe" as possible. The battle was EPIC! Also why is Tim Burtons wife always so evil :D.
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A must watch
4 January 2024
Its an amazing movie from the beginning to the end, from top to bottom. Actors are amazing, it has humor, action and everything is just fantastic! Its pretty weird to compare this movie to the later ones as they get darker and darker. This is a happy family movie but the later ones are very dark. Its also really fun to watch them all grow up from movie to movie. Its a must watch movie series you have to see atleast once in your life. The backgrounds and effects with the computer can be a bit... well.. not the greatest anymore but lets be honest, its pretty old by now and back in the day it was the best anyone could ever make with the technology they had at that time.

Its a masterpiece of a movie so go watch it!
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Dune (2021)
Overhyped crap
18 December 2023
Thank god I didnt go see it in the cinema! Who the hell likes this movie?? Its so boring. So slow nothing happens. The worms that I was so excited about... yeah they didnt fully show em or maybe they did in the end but it was so dark I couldnt tell anything (not kidding) so honestly I have no clue and I was watching in a dark room with no lights... Did they not have enough money left to turn brightness up or hire a lighting guy? I was just hoping the movie would end! Its such overhyped crap I do not understand how anyone could like this. Why are the ratings so high? Were you paid to give it a high rating or something? 90% of the movie was just some random blabbering and story that was so booooring. Didnt care if anyone dies either. And they have a second movie incoming, lets hope they atleast turn some lights on so you could see something atleast or not, I dont care it was awful.
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17 December 2023
I was wondering why this movie feels so different from all the others... Its from a different director. This felt depressing, not to mention the colors were very dull and dark which made it even more sad to look at. The sidekick lady is so annoying! Why does someone you just cant bare and be annoyed by be one of the main characters? The thief monobrow boy sidekick was just there for some reason. It was also wayyyy too long. Should have just let it be. The humor was also almost none existent. Action scenes were also... meh. I kept playing with my cat or doing something else as I just couldnt keep watching. I do not recommend it for anyone tbh.
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Waited YEARS and got.. this...
28 October 2023
(Coming from a huge fan of the games) FNAF is a horror game with a very disturbing backstory. The pixelated moment with springtrap in game was a lot scarier than the live action scene, how is that even possible? It felt like a kids movie. Very very disappointing as I have been waiting for a FNAF movie for sooo many years now. After the movie ended, everyone at the cinema just left quietly with no applause, screams of excitement or even a happy face even tho there were a lot of fans. They just made a cliche horror movie with the animatronics: little kid drawing, talking to imaginary friends and nobody believes her etc. The movie was about some family drama not about surviving the night. The security guard was pretty much in no danger and he was sleeping all the nights and dreaming about the kids. There were not even any doors that he would have had to close if they get too close. It was literally a night guard duty job with nothing happening other than bad dreams... Later on he brought his sister there as there was literally no threat there and she wanted to go. There was even a scene where the animatronics were building a chair fort together and being best friends... I had no idea FNAF could be so unscary even tho the animatronics were very well done. In the very end they became dangerous to them but you really couldnt care less if anyone died and the animatronics just werent even a bit scary anymore. They also tried to put some lame jokes around for no reason. Knowing how disturbing, scary and unique the original games are im just wondering why they decided to make it a cliche "horror" movie that has been done a million times already. Nothing made sense. They could have made such an awesome movie with the concept of the games like having the guard trying to piece together whats happening, checking the cameras, having to save power and actually surviving... They could have had some scary flashbacks as he is figuring out what happened and showing the horror that the kids witnessed and went through and getting more insane knowing he might suffer the same fate. Could have been such a terrifying horror movie perfect for halloween and for fans but nah... I am extremely sad to leave such a review but its just the truth.
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Sooo booooring
2 September 2023
Oh my god I dont care about you blabbering some random things to eachother for five years. The characters are annoying. 90% of the movie is just someone blabbering something or telling stories. I should have stopped after it literally started with a 50 second black screen for some reason. Why was this made? The end also looked like someone was holding a miniature figure above them tryina move it... worst part, the REVIEWS! Such a masterpiece wow amazing, great job... are you blind or joking??? A 5 year old could make something more interesting in 2 hours. What the hell people? Horror movie my a$$.
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Planet Terror (2007)
The best!
7 August 2023
One of my absolute favorite movies ever made!!! Ive seen it so many times and I am always down for watching it again. Everything is perfect! Every single scene! Absolutely a masterpiece! Some people really do not understand art and give it a bad review. It has action it has zombies it has shooting, comedy, awesome actors, epic outfits, MUSIC, effects and I could go on on how awesome everything is. A movie you will never ever forget. Not a single bad thing to say about this movie honestly.

Also why do reviews have to be so long now thats very annoying for the writer and readers who want a quick review..
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It was okay
6 August 2023
Its all good with the action stuff and aliens boom but.. Whats up with the random family drama and plot holes galore? The family drama was just not necessary at all for this movie. It just took away the action and tried to be some other movie or something. The plotholes were huuuge and there were so many. The aliens were very well done and that is why I gave a good score to it. But cmon. Did you even look through the writing at all? Other reviewers have summed up most of the plotholes perfectly so im not going to repeat that here. If you watch dont bother with the logic. Just watch for some chris pratt and aliens!
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30 June 2023
Absolute blast! Loved it! Very well done! Special effects were amazing along with the actors! It was so much fun! Only complaint is that the weapons (especially great sword) were way too small. Huge fan of the games and this movie definetly nailed it! It had some funny moments, some horror moments and a lot of action. Perfect movie for my taste! No boring and pointless scenes. I really hope that they make more! If you have played the games you need to watch it and if not, well, still watch it as its a lot of fun! The palico chef was also so perfectly done! Made me go back and play the games again.
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21 January 2023
Why is this even werewolf vampire movie if there is almost nothing to it? Over half of the film was just aww look they getting married so cute awww hugs! Cmon why? This movie should have been cut by a lot! It was interesting in the end but thats it. Why was the honeymoon part sooo long? Where the fighting scenes? Only like 3 mins in the end. Knowing theres a part two of this im kinda scared... I was hoping for a vampire werewolf action movie with a bit of romance. Nothing like the other movies, it was very boring. If you want to watch skip 1 hour atleast as nothing is happening at all! Just make a separate boring teen love movie not add that here where I wanna see some mythical creatures doing their stuff...
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Till Death (I) (2021)
2 January 2023
Warning: Spoilers
No, just no. I was distracted by the "snow" it looked so fake and made me laugh. Oh its so cold, DOESNT CLOSE THE DOOR WHILE TALKING TO HER AFFAIR FOR LIKE 10 MINUTES! JUST CLOSE THE DARN DOOR!!! I was so pissed!!! Megan fox... Why? She is just a blowup doll who cannot do any facial expression due to all the botox. I do want that makeup she was using as she even went swimming and not a single smear or anything. Bad decisions of course. Geralds game but with a mannequin and bad. The ice also looked very bad. Atleast there was some action but thats it. Nothing special. If you enjoy looking at a blowup doll mannequin thing with no emotions the entire time then its a movie for you!
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Ghost Ship (2002)
Love it!
2 January 2023
Very memorable movie! I will always remember the scene where it is all explained on what happened, the music the scenes aaah it is so fantastic! Seen it many times as I really like it! Love the actors aswell! No boring moments and some really cool gory scenes! The child is also acting very well, usually kids in movies act... Not so good... Feel like the older movies are often times a lot better than what they are making nowadays. Also im not a fan of ghost movies but this was just really well done!

I also got an ad on my phone after watching this for a cruise ship to somewhere... No thanks :D.
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Antlers (2021)
Too dark (literally)
12 August 2022
It was a decent monster movie but a lot of the scenes were literally so dark that I could barely make anything out, definitely should have added a bit more brightness to it, I was also watching it in a dark room with no sun or anything but still could not see almost anything. Other than that it was alright and pretty cool.
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Changeland (2019)
7 May 2022
Umm what was that? Thailanders are not like that at all, they got that all wrong. Boring blabbers of boring. Was expecting it to be funny movie but instead I got.... This... Culking was the only comedy moment in this COMEDY movie but he was such a minor character here sadly so unless you cant sleep dont watch this.
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Too long
7 May 2022
This movie would have been much better if it would have been shorter. It has some really good scenes but there are also some really useless and boring ones that could have been cut.
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Soul Reaper (2019)
12 October 2021
I think most people who rated this did not understand that this was not to be taken seriously. It has some british humor in it that was really funny but seems like people didnt get it. Very weird movie haha.
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13 September 2021
Perfect title since most of the movie is just boring...
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Monsters (2010)
13 August 2021
There are no monsters, just giant octopuses. Most of the movie is just 2 people talking to eachother about their lives that nobody cares about. It was like somebody took a trip to mexico, filmed it and added 'monsters' later on.
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7 August 2021
Samuel L jackson and the cat was the only good thing about this. All the other characters were just... Meh. Same with the main character, she just didnt fit.
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Tau (2018)
One BIG mistake...
1 June 2021
It was a really cool movie but Wilhelm scream!? Really? This isnt a comedy movie why would you put it there? Its absolutely ridiculous and ruined the moment. Instantly lowered the rating becouse of it.
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Chappie (2015)
8 May 2021
Amazing movie with awesome effects and hilarious moments! Pretty unique aswell, havent really seen anything similar to it like gangster robots. And it never got boring! Usually 2 hour movies have useless scenes that are just boring but this one doesnt! Keeps you interested the whole time!
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Don't Breathe (2016)
22 April 2021
Very unique and everything was interesting at all times! No boring useless scenes. Recommend!!!
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Infinity war was SO much better
25 February 2021
This one was boring. They could have taken out an hour of random stuff that was just drama material and boring. Also the best characters only came in the end (Groot, chris pratt and the other dudes from guardians of the galaxy) which is the only interesting part of the movie
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House M.D.: Both Sides Now (2009)
Season 5, Episode 24
26 January 2021
One of my absolute favourite episodes from house. Epic just epic!
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Watchmen (2009)
25 January 2021
So so bad. Boring confusing pointless movie. Why make this horrible movie? Why does it have such a high rating? Overhyped crap
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