
15 Reviews
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must all our products be slave made? aren't we past this?
5 July 2010
well it seems the common human theme is to do what you can get away with this movie is basically a documentary about how corporations go into foreign countries and take advantage of the local population by paying them as low as possible, keeping them in horrendous conditions, and doing everything they can including collaborating with murderers to keep the slaves from organizing and getting their fare slice of the coca cola pie.

coca cola, along with many other corporations such as walmart are run in a dictatorship type business model which allows the CEO's and other top level people to get ridiculous amounts of money while the lower employees and foreign slaves gotta work for bread crumbs, not because the company cant afford to be good people and pay them fair, but because they can get away with treating them like slaves, and have no doubt it is slavery and a textbook definition of it.

this documentary was decently put together, could have been put together more professionally but it got its point across, and was very entertaining and interesting most north Americans except for me and a handful of others in the entire land, don't really care how much death and slavery went into the products that are bought, why slavery has grown so much lately, i ain't asking to pay them USA or Canadian minimum wage but at least have some decency and pay them what they deserve, working 6am-9pm every day for $1 per hour is wrong, and the whole concept of it is unamerican and uncanadian, its something Hitler or Kim Jong Il would do
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probably the first blood and crip docu that didn't glorify gangs
31 March 2010
i just received this DVD as an ebay purchase a couple days ago, im a huge documentary fan and i have seen many other blood and crip documentaries but this one is unique.

bloods and crips made in America sets itself apart from other similar documentaries where their sole intention is mostly to entertain us and glorify gangs, but this documentary really gets deep within the world of LA gangs and reveals that their all humans and gives some explanation to their story to oppose the common belief of many people that LA gang members are all evil, many of them are truly just victims of their circumstances which to many people can make them seem evil, which many gang members are not (though i am sure some are just bad people).

hard to sum up the whole experience of this movie, but basically it shows the human side of things, there is a lot of reasonable arguments and perspectives definitely worth listening to and it definitely helped open my eyes to the dungeon many of those young people are born into, the seemingly endless cycle of poor circumstances in a deep ditch that is the los angeles ghettos.
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cute little sci-fi cartoon version of the live action TV show
6 January 2010
I just finished watching Doctor Who Dreamland animated miniseries, and well i think it was great, it was vibrant, entertaining, and exciting.

The basic story of this little mini series is based on area 51 and its legend of being an alien hot spot in the middle of the 19th century. The basic story of this doctor who animation is an alien invasion type story with several different aliens (greys, etc) and also plays on some of the common myths of area 51 all wrapped up in the story but i don't want to go too much into it but it is true to the Doctor Who fashion and style, even though i prefer the live action doctor who much more this animation was still highly enjoyable.
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009 Video Game)
sends FPS back 20 years (pc version)
2 December 2009
Warning: Spoilers
well i played this, i am currently boycotting so i played a friends copy, heres what i think of this direct console port of a game.

single player is fun.. very very short about 5 hours of gameplay, but its fun, lots of action, basically its like modern warfare 1 with a few tweaks and such. the gameplay generally wasn't too groundbreaking, lot like any other cod game nothing fantastically unique or amazing to warrant the game being 5 hours, but ya single player was generally not worth the price of 60-90$ depending on region of sale, not even close, $29.99 at best.

online play.. where do i begin, terrible.. host advantage means the equivalent to a cheater being in every game, no dedicated servers which means every match is usually in most cases 6vs6 players MAX on someones little home line+box instead of the large 32+ players were used to playing with on dedicated linux boxes build and run for the purpose of running online games stably and well. no maps or mods allowed unless you wanna BUY them from IW which is a first in gaming history due to the gaming companies greed so otherwise u buy the maps and mods which makes the game eventually cost well over 100$ or you play the same maps and game types that came with the game over and over. very little hack protection since they ported it so quickly from console they didn't even bother to add much hack protection. no server moderation or rules since there are no longer servers lol.

but ya, i think you all get the point, and believe it or not I've just scratched the surface, hope I've saved you a few dollars, and if you want to fight to protect the quality of games and the value of your purchase then boycott MW2 with all the gamers and all the clans, and tell your friends because if we allow them to do this then this will just be the beginning.
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well its one perspective.. though not one i agree with
1 November 2009
Warning: Spoilers
well i watched this, and its an interesting perspective, mostly created out of thin air out of people trying to make a buck, or to get attention, or to stick it to the man, but throughout the whole movie i never once seen any type of proof to back up any of the claims, sure its possible that there is a conspiracy but without proof or at least something to lead you to suspect it, then its just a made up random ferry tale for the low level humans that will believe anything if you wave it in their face.

unfortunately for humans worth their weight in flesh we need proof to believe stuff.

and btw, cops have been ignorant, slow, and law breaking since the beginning of time, no proof of some world order, its just proof cops are still morons, well many of them at least, and the rest are too cowardly to stand against those repressive elements of the police so they all seem like a big repressive force, cops are 99% made up of bullies and cowards, doesn't mean its a world wide conspiracy, their just stupid people with badges, thats all.

hopefully there isn't really a world wide conspiracy, but knitting everything together as if its some big conspiracy is silliness.. wheres the proof? wheres any kind of reason to believe any of this is true? making random claims that have no proof to prove or disprove is just a theory and should not be believed by any type of quality human.

on a side note the movie was well made and was a good representation of their nutty world and their nutty views.
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ArmA 2 (2009 Video Game)
overly complex control sceme remove all potential fun
7 July 2009
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well i just finished some time with this game, to be honest i just played the tutorial round, and i just couldn't bring myself to continue playing the control scheme of this game was incredibly and laughably overly complex, gear, compass, gps, sit, step over, solute, watch, tactical view, map, evasive forward, evasive left, evasive right, diary, night vision, binoculars, optics, hold breath, surrender, etc etc the list goes on all with their own key binding.. it was hilarious to me, and upsetting at the same time, i didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and that was just for the on foot options, there are dozens of other key binding for each vehicle which are equally ridiculous and unplayable to any degree of fun if you can manage to even remember half of them.

the game itself looked nice, good graphics and style and seemed to have great potential if only they didn't go insane with the interface complexity it might have been a good game, but i just cant bring myself to continue playing, even if i was being payed to do so.

to the creators of this game, next time you make a game, optimize and simplify the control scheme so it can be FUN and not a headache, i didn't pay for a headache i payed for a game.
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The Last Remnant (2008 Video Game)
a console port so bad they even left in the console controls in the tutorial
4 July 2009
well ya, played for a few hours, what did i find? a boring basic game with no charm, was a fan of the old final fantasy games and such, but this game.. well the battles were boring, played themselves mostly and the computer played everything so quickly i didn't know what state i was in since the computer did so much while i was sitting there watching the battle play itself, just such a simplistic console RPG on heavy rails to the point i thought it was supposed to be a movie and not a game, not worth playing story? didn't interest me at all, found it very dull and generic currently i have many gigs free on my hdd free, which is better than having this junk installed, skip this watered down, generic, bland, basic console ported RPG.. sucks, go play some nes final fantasy instead, much better.

don't waste your money, you have been warned
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Prototype (2009 Video Game)
Highly enjoyable action packed title(played PC version)
28 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
First off, if your a puzzle, or adventure game fan, this game isn't for you, Prototype is an action packed game, its not heavy on complexities or boredom.

To sum up the game, your basically a guy that unleashed a plague on the city, and in doing so you also infected yourself which turns you into a super being.. well sorta, i don't wanna give away the story, so we can just stick with that for now and you can unravel the truth through gameplay, but that is basically the intro plot to the game, and you gotta go around fighting government agencies and the mutated creatures that are created by the virus while unraveling a highly interesting, and incredibly cool storyline filled with special op government agencies, and mutated creatures that are trying to kill you most of the time in a new york city that is slowly being taken over by the plague.

This game was amazing, and no matter what anyone says it was a masterpiece in its genre, amazing art and style, exciting game play that made you feel like a god among men, and mutants (oh and zombies) .. throwing around cars, devastating entire blocks with powerful attacks which you can upgrade with experience points over time, graphics, animations, sounds, environments, characters, story, etc were all done very well, and the coding was done well, no major memory leaks or crash issues that i noticed.

One small problem i did have was that as you learned more combos and attacks it did get a little confusing remembering all the combination so i would suggest if you play this game only have this one on the go, don't bounce between several different titles or the combos will fade slightly from your memory, so its best to stay focused on this game while your working your way through it, oh and OCCASIONALLY the controls felt slightly clunky and unresponsive.. but not enough to lessen the enjoyment of the game play much so its no problem.

but ya, if your a fan of action packed open exciting games then grab this one, i got a good 20-30 hours of game play out of it and i feel it was time and money well spent.
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The Hangover (2009)
i find it funny that this generic comedy has such a high rating
19 June 2009
well basically, seen it, was a decent movie, 7/10.. nothing special, was definitely not up to par with pineapple express or half baked or anything like that, but was a decent mildly funny movie, nothing special really.

The Hangover is currently 8.4/10 20,849 votes on IMDb, which of course is not a realistic rating for this movie that isn't even as funny as the naked gun movies (which i enjoyed, but they weren't movie classics like IMDb rating system makes this out to be) , "Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas" was definitely a top level comedy, just so you know my tastes in all these movies to help you tell just where this movie deserves to be in relation.

sure the jokes were vulgar and such but i ain't gonna hate on an artist for expressing creativity or be wild since im a south park and family guy fan.

i think everyone is just hyped and in a good mood for summer and their all in good moods, that would be my guess anyways, or maybe the movie makers spent a lotta movie to hire people to enter fake IMDb ratings, i really don't know, but take my word for it, this movie is generic and mildly funny, decently entertaining, but nothing special that hasn't been done by 100000 other generic comedies before it, and thats the truth of the matter.
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Knowing (2009)
boring, dull, gaps in the story, etc.. but good special effects
13 June 2009
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well gotta say, this was a very very boring, dull movie, yes im a scifi fan (star trek, stargate, yadda yadda) .. but this flick was just dull, wondering around with a list, seeing event after event (which has nothing to do with the end of the world btw) .. and at the end, kids with bunnies are taken and earth is destroyed, with no explanation as to why its being destroyed, just randomly destroyed, was completely retarded to be honest.

the movie had no depth to the story, mostly because nothing was explained.. i still dunno why the list was created, why the world was destroyed, who the guys at the end that stole the children.

just such a poor movie, im amazed, don't buy this, don't rent it, save your time and go onto another movie, you have been warned.
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good little movie, low budget piece of an illegal worker story
25 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Basically, its a story about illegal immigrants and their interactions with an upper class of California family, with a bit of an LA gang story throw into the mix.

To sum it all up, a young Mexican kid who is drawn into the gang lifestyle has a change of heart and decides to become a laborer along with other illegal immigrant Mexican workers and the gang lifestyle haunts him, he eventually become a sort of supervisor, him and the handful of illegals he regularly works with end up getting steady work at a particular household in a rich part of town, simple enough but it all ends up turning bad due to misunderstandings and bad decision making on one of the illegal immigrants part and other reasons.

This wasn't a blockbuster, wasn't 200,000,000 budget, but it was a good little flick, had a lot of heart, and realism, I would definitely suggest you check it out, you might enjoy it.
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Sicko (2007)
seems like a guy that just wants to rock the boat
25 May 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Michael Moore seems like a guy who wants to just stick it to the man, without taking ALL sides into consideration, so many other opinions and perspectives have come out since this movie relating to sicko's claims, i personally have no idea what is true to be honest, like the Cuba hospital which MIGHT not have been a typical Cuban hospital, just a hospital for the elite and tourists, off limits to average citizens but the movie made it seem like it was a typical public Cuban hospital.. i dunno if Moore is so intent on finding stuff to stick it to the USA government to the point he totally never comes across any other opinions or perspectives, or if hes purposely keeping other perspectives or opinions out to make more of a anti government WOW factor in order to gain fame and sell movies and try to convince people the government sucks.. either way he does add a lot of perspective to a very important issue, even though it seems a lot of it MIGHT be mis-information which doesn't hold a very valid or worth listening to argument or perspective.. i really don't know, but i did enjoy the movie, and it was interesting watching this particular perspective on the subject of health care.

p.s. being Canadian, i enjoy universal health care, and its nice knowing its always there for me, sofar i haven't experienced any negative aspects of free health care.
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Dirty Jobs (2005– )
one of my favorite documentary TV series
31 July 2006
This is a very entertaining documentary series i have been watching since it first started, love all the episodes, very funny show as well The host is a very interesting guy, adds a lot of fun to the experience of watching the show, watching him work at a dirty job (pig farm, solid waste treatment plant, etc) and its really amazing how dirty some jobs are, really makes u appreciate the job u got, because your thankful your job ain't as nasty as some of these jobs :) Dirty Jobs teaches a lot as well, very educational, seeing all the dirty parts of society that are necessary for our comfortable existence definitely a good show to watch for all u docu fans though, lets hope it stays on the air for a long while, because TV networks have a habit of canceling good shows before their time, and these people that work these dirty jobs deserve recognition for the jobs they do
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Dirty Jobs (2003)
one of my favorite documentary TV series
16 July 2006
This is a very entertaining documentary series i have been watching since it first started, love all the episodes, very funny show as well

The host is a very interesting guy, adds a lot of fun to the experience of watching the show, watching him work at a dirty job (pig farm, solid waste treatment plant, etc) and its really amazing how dirty some jobs are, really makes u appreciate the job u got, because your thankful your job ain't as nasty as some of these jobs :)

Dirty Jobs teaches a lot as well, very educational, seeing all the dirty parts of society that are necessary for our comfortable existence

definitely a good show to watch for all u docu fans though, lets hope it stays on the air for a long while, because TV networks have a habit of canceling good shows before their time, and these people that work these dirty jobs deserve recognition for the jobs they do
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Unreal Tournament 2004 (2004 Video Game)
incredible game, lots of replay value
15 July 2006
i bought this game a few days after it came out, and haven't stopped playing it since, so addictive, ONSLAUGHT, DEATHMATCH, etc.. so many mods(addons that modify the original game to create a new experience, like new weapons, new vehicles, etc) that its always a bit different, and it has a great community of people that play it. sure, the grafix are outdated a bit because the game is getting a bit old, but after i finished doom 3 i went back to unreal tournament 2004, after i finished quake 4 i went back to unreal tournament 2004, its just a game that never gets old, soo many maps always being created by fans as well, i just hope ut2007 will be a better version of ut2004 and not a step backwards.
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