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Overrated and overlong.
22 October 2017
Warning: Spoilers
Having grown up in the seventies and eighties through a wonderful era of exploitation cinema, I can appreciate this film for what it is.

I am shocked though at the high ratings it has received.

The fire fight on the wharf when the police show up is laughable. The cops and the drug dealers unloading all manner of weapons and hiding behind their cars whilst only seemingly ten to fifteen metres apart. Seriously?

Fans of Blood in, Blood Out, American Me, Animal Factory and Runaway Train should enjoy this film.

What a pity the late Edward Bunker wasn't still around to polish and tighten up the screenplay.
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The director of this turkey needs to be suplexed.
16 March 2014
Warning: Spoilers
The only thing going for this pretentious film is the premise itself. Two soldiers return home from the French foreign legion and get work in the wrestling world, eventually becoming caught up with gangsters.

As part of the French FIlm Festival in Australia (who compared this with Tarantino and Scorcese) I honestly would have walked out after forty minutes were I not with a friend and seated in the middle of the row.

Raging Bullesque cinematography can't save this dreadful film. Poorly scripted (like a first draft) with characters you don't care about, little action, tension or pacing. Heavy handed direction and way over stylised.

This isn't even a great tribute to wrestling itself.

Avoid at all costs.

A doco on French wrestling in the 60's would have been more entertaining.
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Girl Model (2011)
The cold, bloodless world of modelling close up.
12 August 2012
Warning: Spoilers
Hard to try and beat the earlier review of this by Backseat Director.

Just saw this at MIFF today and found it very absorbing. Whilst it is very sad watching the young women (girls) being exploited the saddest character by far is "scout" Ashley.

From her inability to leave an industry she clearly loathes, to her massive but ultimately empty mansion (complete with two plastic babies) to her revolting cyst. The scene when she "checks up" on the two young Russian models is a real highlight. Cannot believe how ignorant and cold Ashley is in this sequence. Her inability to communicate is astounding (Hey Ash, did it ever occur to you that the girl's are Russian and didn't have English skills?) and I cannot believe she couldn't fork out some of her fat payroll to hire an interpreter.

A must see documentary.
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Disappointing and tedious
4 August 2011
After really enjoying Cold Fish at this years Melbourne International Film Festival, I went ahead and got a ticket to a screening of Guilty of Romance.

The only thing that really held my interest (and stopped me from walking out of the cinema) was the gorgeous Megumi Kagurazaka. Outside of this, I found GOR to be underwritten and pretentious.

Didn't care about any of the characters and the stories of three Japanese women quickly became laboured. Overly long scenes, characters shouting at each other, ridiculous literary quotes, a half baked attempt to add a crime caper twist, some kind of messages about modern feminism in Japan? Everything becomes muddled and there is simply no emotion here. Granted I am an Anglo Aussie so I can only assume I am missing much by not being Japanese and understanding their culture.

As a film, Cold Fish was in another league compared to this sorry, overblown mess.
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Bullhead (2011)
Easily the best film I have seen at Melbourne Film Fest 2011
4 August 2011
Warning: Spoilers
You really do have to tick all the boxes for this film. Start with the screenplay, it almost feels as if you could be reading a great crime/noir novel. Very few screenplays have that type of feel anymore. Lots of conflict and flesh and blood characters. Speaking of which, the actor portraying Jacky does an amazing job in what must have been a very difficult role to play. Apart from the screenplay and acting, the direction and photography is also of a high order. It takes a special script and director to get you to care about the characters and I felt this one long after I'd left the cinema. It packs a real emotional punch.

Without giving too much away, the story revolves around a rural Belgian family who are in the cattle business. They manage to get caught up in the illegal use of hormones in their animals, the drugs supplied by typically nasty underworld figures.

What really makes this film so riveting is the gripping and harrowing back story involving several of the main characters.

I believe this works as a crime film, drama and even part revenge flick. There is also a doomed love story.

I really hope this film gets a wide release as it certainly deserves it. I look forward to more films from this director.
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Hahaha (2010)
Avoid this low grade 'comedy' at all costs!!!!
7 August 2010
Have no idea why they chose to screen this at the recent Melbourne International Film Festival. I would have walked out after fifteen minutes but was trapped in the middle rows and had friends with me.

Knew I was in trouble from the opening scenes. Lousy photography with heavyhanded zoomed close ups throughout. Poorly lit and the most annoying thing of all, the story/script. Nothing at stake here, no conflict, annoying characters (both the male and female leads) no structure.

Have no idea why anyone would fund such a poorly written screenplay.

There is little humour in this film and it is filled with clunky dialogue as the lead actors fumble through a series of dates and relationship issues.

Love Korean cinema but this was surely one of the weakest ones I have ever had to sit through.
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Symbol (2009)
Imagine a Gary Larson 'Far Side' cartoon come to life
7 August 2010
Many viewers may find this film or the main character quite idiotic or stupid but those who enjoy physical comedy should get a lot out of it.

A very creative and imaginative concept with man in bright spotted pyjamas trapped in a white walled room. On the walls are hundreds of 'buttons'.

With no visible way out of the room, the man becomes desperate and curious and one by one begins to press the buttons, with each button delivering odd 'products' and 'ojects' that are seemingly no help to him getting out of the room.

At the same time, a parallel storyline runs of the real world, with an underdog Mexican wrestler getting ready for a bout.

The two story lines come together with mixed results.

I found the film to be very entertaining although was a little disappointed with the third act.

Funny and offering something different than the usual Apatow 'hits' churned out by Hollywood.

Anyone who likes early Jim Carrey style physical slapstick might enjoy this.
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A good film in desperate need of editing
5 August 2010
Saw this at the Melbourne International Film Festival. Whilst I didn't enjoy Noe's first film I Stand Alone, I loved Irreversible.

There is lots to like about ETV and much to dislike as well. An hour into the film and I would have given it perhaps an eight or nine but by the end of the film I was frustrated. Why? Noe just can't help himself and you get the feeling he either didn't know how to end the film or simply just wanted to be shocking for the sake of it.

Visually, I couldn't help but be impressed. Some amazing shots, lighting (strobe) and editing techniques. Noe also mixes up the story well as he did in Irreversible. You are not spoon fed the story and I love the way he told the back story of the two leads.

Plenty of people walked out at the screening after the hour and forty minute mark and I couldn't blame them. Probably not because they were shocked but just bored and frustrated. Noe pads this out and it is such a shame as overall it ruined the film as a whole.

The acting is quite wooden and doesn't ring true but that is only a minor quibble when compared to the film's bloated running time.

Hard to fault Noe for his creativity, energy and style and refusal to follow norms in terms of narrative structure etc. Still, I wish a friend or colleague had tapped him on the shoulder or given him some constructive criticism about the last half of the film.

I can only imagine how much footage Noe might add into a Directors Cut - Lord help us. Perhaps he could learn some lessons from this and streamline his storytelling and not feel the need to bludgeon the audience just for the sake of it.
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2 August 2010
Love my art-house fare but found this film tedious in the extreme.

Aside from a few nice visuals this one didn't seem to go anywhere. Lacks the charm of something like Tulpan and the drama and conflict of an Iranian film.

There is a love story in here somewhere but I didn't care enough about the characters to sit through this.

Not sure if this would have been better as a doco.

Some of the scenes in the 4WD in particular really grated on me. Way too much dialogue and the story he was trying to tell simply wasn't interesting.
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Underwritten, underwhelming film that goes nowhere...
28 July 2010
Saw this at the Melbourne International Film Festival the other night and walked out at about the 70 minute mark.

I'm not sure if Hungarians or Romanians might understand this film better, I certainly couldn't.

The lead actress is attractive and tries hard but isn't given enough to work with and the narrative keeps shifting. There was plenty of potential conflict in the opening scene but outside of that I soon lost interest in her character and the other characters she met along with way. The Director seemed to be going for stylish visuals and fantasy sequences whilst forgetting the most important things - the story and characters.

I found Lilya4Ever to be a far superior film about a similar subject. I find it difficult to believe films like this one can even get funding.
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Simple story well told
27 July 2010
This one hooked me within minutes. Great storytelling using a simple premise. A man returns to Shanghai to see his wife and family after being forced to live in Taiwan for many years for political reasons.

It's amazing what you can do with basic storytelling fundamentals. Conflict, well rounded characters and heart. I wonder why Hollywood can't make films like this.

Anyways, the performances are wonderful from the entire cast, particularly the three leads. There is plenty of drama and some lovely warm and comic touches to lighten things up. I don't know a great deal about the history between China and Taiwan but this didn't effect my enjoyment or understanding of the story.

It made me think of my own family and past loves, etc. What good cinema is supposed to do.
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Yet another outstanding doco on cult cinema from Mark Hartley!
24 July 2010
I don't usually give out such high ratings but Mark Hartley's new doco about the Filipino exploitation films of the 70's and 80's by way of Corman's New World Pictures is wonderful.

The interviews with former directors and stars are many and all entertaining. The clips and trailers shown are even better.

Any fan of B movies will love this.

I hope that this gets some sort of cinema release as Hartley and Co have clearly put much work and passion into this. His last doco NOT QUITE Hollywood was criminally ignored in this country.

After seeing the wretched INCEPTION (with a ridiculous budget of $150 Million) earlier in the evening, MACHETE MAIDENS UNLEASHED was a fine celebration of purely entertaining cinema made on low budgets.

More please Mr Hartley. How about Italian exploitation flicks of the 70's and 80's next? I wish cinema could be this fun again.
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Poetry (2010)
An ultimately frustrating experience
24 July 2010
Warning: Spoilers
The elements are there for a great story. An elderly woman experiencing the onset of dementia whilst trying to raise her grandson.

I love Korean cinema and was greatly disappointed by this one. The lead actress tries very hard and you do feel much empathy for her. What lets this film down is the pacing and an ending that leaves more questions than answers. Some scenes go on way too long and I believe this film could have been edited. I guess the director was trying to show the effects of the disease by having so many scenes of the old woman looking spacey and vague and wandering about. I just feel the story strands about her son and his friends and the crime they commit was not handled better or sooner.

I enjoyed AWAY FROM HER much better than this and thought that tackled a similar subject in a much more accessible way.
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Prime Mover (2009)
Romance, drama, comedy done with plenty of heart
7 October 2009
David Caeser mixes a nice blend here, set around the outback world of long haul trucking. Some really heartfelt moments are mixed with a sweet romance that holds the film together. Caesar doesn't shy away from the dark elements of the trucking industry either or the difficulties that the long haul lifestyle brings. Lots of drugs and shady characters and deals abound.

Strong performances from the cast all round and witty dialog keep this moving along nicely.

The only thing that made me sad at the end of this as I walked home was that this will be yet another well made and entertaining Aussie flick that the majority of Australians will ignore. I hope I'm wrong but I doubt it. This film and other Aussie flicks this year all deserve a better fate.

Well done David, look forward to your next film.

My uncle, a truckie who died on the infamous Putty Rd, would have loved this. I remember riding with him to Tamworth when I was a kid and the stories he'd tell.
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Cold Souls (2009)
Entertaining Kaufman knock off that doesn't quite hit the mark.
13 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Just saw this at the Sydney Film Festival.

From what I've already read, director Sophie Barthes was inspired to write this by a dream. She is also reportedly tired of comparisons to Kaufman's films. What does she expect? If you crossed Being John Malkovich with Eternal Sunshine and added a sprinkle of Zach Helm's screenplay for Stranger Than Fiction you would probably end up with Cold Souls.

Barthes dream must have been a great one as the concept for the story sucks you right in. Without going too much into the details, it involves a tired and stressed actor (Giamatti) who discovers a 'soul storage' company who specialise in extracting souls.

Giamatti ums and ahs about the procedure before signing his life away, or soul away, as it may be. Needless to say, things don't work out as planned and pretty soon his wife notices his weird behaviour and there are Russians also involved in illegal trafficking of human souls.

Anyone who enjoyed Giamatti in American Splendour and Sideways should enjoy this. Carrying the film virtually on his own, he does a brilliant job as the angst ridden actor in desperate search for his soul. Emily Watson and David Strathairn do well in small support roles. Dina Korzun is also very good as the sad Russian 'mule' who swaps peoples souls for short periods to traffic them to and from the States and Russia. Unfortunately her character is never fully fleshed out which is a real shame and therein lies the problem with the screenplay. Even with Giamatti working his arse off, he ultimately can only do so much with the material. I agree with other viewers who have posted that the story is uneven and Barthes doesn't get the middle or the ending right. It's choppy and not thought out enough.

I found the film entertaining but certainly wasn't moved by it. As mentioned, the idea is a good one but I was somewhat disappointed that Barthes didn't fully explore the themes and make this as interesting as it could have been.

It's a damned fine effort though but she will have to get used to the Kaufman comparisons.
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Dead Snow (2009)
Entertaining but lightweight Nordic zombie romp
9 June 2009
No need to rush out to see this one at the flicks.

A fun but ultimately throwaway undead romp set in the Norwegian Fjords. Poor dialogue and acting that's not funny even in a B movie kind of way are saved by the films location (stunning scenery - made me want to get my backpack and head for Scandinavia) and some nice action/gore sequences at the end.

Unfortunately the film fails because it simply has nothing new to add to the genre. There are a million references to many other better horror films that this aspires to but you have to give credit to the director and crew for trying hard with what must have been a low budget. There is lots of passion and energy here but the story and characters are a let down.

Brain Dead and Evil Dead have raised the bar so high that films like this just can't get close. At the recent Sydney Film Festival I much preferred the other zombie film Pontypool which at least offered something new and some fresh ideas rather than just gore.
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Pontypool (2008)
'They're f**king with me subliminally' - Suicidal Tendencies
9 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
Less is more - My favorite horror/genre film at the Sydney Film In an age of overblown Hollywood CGI wankfests (Terminator Desperation, Transformers etc)and mostly shoddy remakes (My Bloody Valentine)it's nice to see a horror film that makes you think and still entertains whilst delivering the shocks.

Director Bruce McDonald and screenwriter Tony Burgess do a fine job building suspense in this zombie/virus thriller with only a handful of actors, lots of dialogue and a mostly interior setting.

The refreshing change here is that the zombie/virus infection is contacted through the English language rather than by being bitten. Most of film is set inside a small community radio station in a rural Ontario town.

The lead actors need to be commended for making something that not only sounds ridiculous and very limited on paper seem so real and pulse pounding that it might actually be real (especially with the spread worldwide of pig flu).

Although I had trouble working out the ending and what the 'cure' actually was, I was quite buzzed after the screening and the film gets you thinking on many levels.

I only wished I'd seen the film with a friend as I really wanted to discuss it with someone after the credits rolled.
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Altiplano (2009)
Received a nice ovation at the Sydney Film Festival
9 June 2009
Warning: Spoilers
A sad and tragic story about a mining company turning it's back on local Peruvian townspeople.

After their village is contaminated by Mercury from the mine (some of the local people wrongly believe it is silver)and people start dying a blockade and protest starts.

Ultimately the blockade of the mine proves fruitless...or does it? There is so much more to the story than what I have mentioned and everything from the photography, location, acting and story are all first rate.

Heartbreaking and very moving, the resilience of the local people is inspiring whilst the greed of the mining companies will make you want to scream.

Who knows how many mines operate in countries such as Peru. I read a similar story in the Guardian about a year ago about an identical situation involving locals in Peru protesting against a huge plant mining for minerals to make batteries. The town has massive health issues and birth defects etc but has received little compensation from the arrogant mine owners in the US. I gather that the Peruvian government should take much of the blame as well for turning a blind eye to such devastating operations.

It's not just humans at risk from the effects of industrial waste and pollution. Consider the minerals in many mobile phones and laptops currently being mined in parts of Africa, where land clearing is killing off the gorilla population at a frightening rate.

Anyways, back to the film. I highly recommend people seeing this one on the big screen as the mountain backdrops are stunning and show how much these people are tied to the land.
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Zift (2008)
Sharp black and white photography can't save this muddled effort.
9 June 2009
Saw this at the Sydney Film Festival and was a little disappointed. Seemed to be a lot of hype surrounding this. Really liked the black and white photography and had high hopes after a nice opening. Unfortunately the movie lost me in the middle and never quite recovered.

I'd have to agree with one of the earlier posts. I think Gardev has definitely borrowed from other films and directors. Apart from that Todorov's screenplay doesn't quite work for me but I would love to read the book (the English translation is released next year). I found the little stories and anecdotes from minor characters to be intrusive and tiresome after a while and I don't know if the voice-over was that effective.

Thought the acting was fine and there were some amusing moments but overall I can't work out if this was supposed to be a thriller or black comedy, heist flick, noir potboiler or a bit of all of these.
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Bronson (2008)
Intense and brutal drama - makes Scum seem like a Disney movie. Jake the Muss would be proud.
9 June 2009
Saw this the other day at the Sydney Film Festival.

I didn't know much about Bronson before the film, other than what I read on Wikipedia and after walking out of the cinema, I can't say I know any more about the man other than his inability to conform and his reliance on violence and abuse to deal with most situations.

Unlike Korean movie Breathless which also screened at the festival and focused on violence but at least gave you an idea as to why the main character was so disturbed and messed up. Bronson doesn't give you any answers other than he was simply born that way, despite loving parents. His inability to deal with society starting as early as his school years.

What I did enjoy was Hardy's performance. Sure to be compared to Bana's Chopper (which I think was far better - but I am an Aussie and therefore biased) and also A Clockwork Orange. Hardy is impressive as the hulking and impulsive brute. He occasionally shows us Bronson's vulnerable side but mostly it's about the rage that drives him from one prison to another.

The prison system and Brit government are seemingly helpless to come up with solutions at dealing with Bronson's violence. The man himself also seems way beyond rehabilitation. That would be a big understatement.

I thought it was a shame that Bronson didn't get into boxing or some other type of physical sport like Rugby league when he was younger as it might have given him an outlet for his anger.

Anyways, it's ultimately pretty grim viewing but certainly packs a punch (no pun intended). I would have like to see Winding Refn offer us a little more insight into the man.
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Breathless (2008)
For anyone who enjoyed Once Were Warriors,Nil By Mouth and Bad Guy.
9 June 2009
Out of the ten or so films I have seen so far at this years Sydney Film Festival this one effected me the most. I shed a few tears by the films end and was thinking about it for days afterward.

It's a heck of a debut from Yang Ik Joon who wrote, directed, produced and takes the lead role as well.

Joon plays a small time hood/debt collector who doesn't mess about with customers who owe money. No one is safe it seems from his fists or his foul mouth, not even his nephew. A chance meeting with a high school student results in an unlikely friendship. We learn more about both characters as the film builds momentum. Suffice to say that their main link is both being exposed to domestic violence.

Joon fleshes out the story and gives all characters a chance to shine. The acting is first rate as is the screenplay which apparently is autobiographical.

Anyone easily upset by violence or profanity would be well advised to give this one a miss.

I hope it finds an audience and gets a wide release. I certainly look forward to more films in the future from this exciting young director/writer/actor.
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The Maid (2009)
Intimate portrait of a live in housemaid
4 June 2009
I just saw this at the Sydney Film Festival and enjoyed it very much. An up close and personal drama with nice comic moments about a live in housekeeper who works for wealthy family in Santiago. Catalina Saavedra in the lead role delivers a very strong performance as the shy and emotionally distant maid who literally doesn't have a life besides her role within the house.

There are some really fine scenes throughout this film as we slowly get to know the family and obviously Raquel the maid. I liked the fact that the family did not treat her like dirt and knew her value to the household.

A small character driven film with a warm heart and realistic touches. It was also nice to see the Director and Lead Actress (Sebastian Silva and Catalina Saavedra) live after the screening for Q & A's with the appreciative audience.
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Underwritten Aussie comic drama
29 May 2009
Not many laughs from the audience at tonight's screening in Sydney. I started losing interest in this film around the time it got to 'May'.

This is a mildly amusing comic drama about an average Aussie family and their year from hell. I found the film neither funny nor particularly moving. You'd think it would be considering it is about a woman battling back from an aneurysm and having huge doubts about her faith, relationship etc.

The script just isn't polished enough and secondary characters (the blokey brother in law and his trophy wife etc) were like cardboard cutouts.

The photography is unimaginative and the film seems dated, like it was made for television ten years ago.

Disappointing. Like many Aussie films, this one needed a few more drafts done before it was given the green light.
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Sztuczki (2007)
Very disappointing...
20 February 2009
Had to walk out on this one at a film festival in Sydney, which is something I rarely do. In terms of story, there's no real conflict to drive this film along. I found it tedious and was not moved at all by the young boy's plight to try and get his father back. Lots of scenes of the boy placing his toy soldiers or coins on the train track. I also didn't understand the whole 'fate' angle.

Anyone looking for a strong story about a boy and his father would be advised to watch the Aussie film Romulus My Father a far superior film to this.

I have no idea why anyone would think this film capable of winning a Best Foreign Film award at the Oscars.
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Extremely entertaining black/dark comedy
30 November 2008
Saw this recently at the Canadian film festival.

I was expecting to be let down by this film (as Arcand set the bar very high with his previous films. However I was pleasantly surprised and found this to be very, very entertaining.

With the opening shower scene and the fact that his wife is a real estate agent there are obvious comparisons to American Beauty.

Ulimately I think Arcand covers more ground in his film and you can't help but laugh at his very dark and also very accurate observations on modern life in a big city.

From ridiculous government bureaucracy to disconnection through mobile phones and MP3 players, speed dating and relationships in general Arcand is dead on.

I guess the only thing I didn't quite agree with was the notion of moving to the country house away from the city and it's craziness and everything will be just fine.

I guess it is ultimately sad that this is a pretty accurate depiction of modern society in many western countries right now. The level of disconnection among people is both sad and and frustrating.

But I loved the honesty in the film and found it extremely entertaining and much funnier than his other films.
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