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The best part of this film? The poster! Ok and Robert Auberjonois!
21 September 2024
Seriously, have you seen the poster? Gorgeous! The cinematography is also pretty well done with a lot of visual appeal. (That gate to the insane asylum in the rain!) Very Halloweenish. But I had high hopes for this film and it's a massive letdown!

Nicole Kidman: I thought that was Alicia Silverstone! Same crooked mouth, same blonde (don't they all look alike?!) but does she always have to have the one MAJOR EVIL FACE that she pulls? I'm talking about the expression in her eyes. That broad's eyes betray she has no soul and she is more evil and more demented than any criminal ever locked up. Seriously, how many skeletons must be in her closet?! Can't stand her, she creeps me out!

Chris O'Donnell looked spectacular in his suit. He's an excellent actor. Always on point, always in character. He gets all the marks here. He always has the right emotion when needed. (And if he didn't, kudos to the editors for picking his best takes.)

Rene Auberjonois: creepily handsome. Perfect mad scientist hair. He only had a couple lines and a few seconds at the end, but I don't recall him ever looking this good. Great addition to the cast.

Drew Barrymore? Could never stand her. She did the best with her brief part (doesn't appear until some 55 mins in) and showed up in all white with platinum hair... Can we say Jean Harlow look-alike?! Jean Harlow was no looker herself, this much is true, even worse before all her plastic surgeries, but she was fun to watch in action. Drew might just have been "born to" play her. Same style, satin white gown, platinum hair, white boa, similar face... HOW did she not get cast in a Jean Harlow biopic after this?! It baffles the mind!

Jim Carrey is annoying as usual. He's overacting all his E. Nygma lines. He is more tolerable when in Riddler costume. The guy can't act (as seen in a Liar Liar outtake when a woman yells at him "OVERACTOR!" but it's more than that: he's totally inept and can never play straight roles. In the green ? Costume he simply becomes The Mask. In a: nutshell he always plays the same character! Campy is the only thing he can do. This was a cartoon character, so we'll give the jerk a pass.

The butler man was just fine. He played his part well.

Debi Mazar boring to the Max and Tommy Lee Jones: an equally boring performance. Was he miscast or what?! Anyway, both very forgettable. Now, saving (sadly), the very worst for last:

Val Kilmer is a terrible, awful actor. Wooden to the max. (And some say this of Keanu Reeves? No! KR acts circles around VK!) I had never realized how bad and stilted his acting is! He really can't act. The only thing he can do is look good, move to his mark and speak his lines. There is absolutely nothing behind those blue eyes of his. NOTHING AT ALL! Hello MacFly, the lights are on and nobody's home.

I'm trying to think where have I seen him before, other than TV interviews, and I can't think of any of his films. Was he already this terrible in Top Gun? It's the only thing I must have seen him in.

Now, it really pains me to say the above, but I have to be truthful. I really had high hope for his batman: I loathe Tom Clooney (or Jim Clooney?! Whatever his face is, Rosemary's nephew: hate him!) I can't stand Michael Keaton or Ben Affleck. I had no opinion on Val Kilmer except "what an Adonis!" Surely he must have nailed it, yeah? No! Zero chemistry with the witch he had to kiss. You'd think he'd bring it on, turn on the charm, or the danger factor, or the arrogance, the "I'm too sexy for you!" thought process but nope. He gave nothing at all to the cameras and it shows. Their kiss was the most cringeworthy ever: sloppy, badly filmed, unsexy, smacking noises that make your skin crawl, UGH!

Basically, Val Kilmer had the body and face of the perfect hunk, a Greek god, an Adonis, but a statue is what his acting turns him into. (Is he like that in real life, too?!) Or did he never go to acting class? Acting is like riding a bicycle: very puzzling and impossible...until you know the tricks. Or even like singing, except a lot easier! But my god. Kilmer hits his mark and says his line and, especially in the first hour, you can see his thinking process: he is nervous, he is VERY INSECURE and he's thinking "I didn't deliver that line quite right!" "Dang how many more words does she need to speak until it's my turn to talk again?!" It's awkward to watch him, HE is so awkward an actor! Even when he's reminiscing about his tragic childhood he brings nothing to the table except Val Kilmer thought-process of being nervous in front ot the cameras and thinking: "Is it lunchtime yet?" "Did I say my line right?" and "what's my next line?" Zero character emotion or thought process.

I did find him spectacular in the Batman costume...and then I remembered: it's a suit and it's a stand-in or a stuntman. Oops. Still, I don't dislike this dude. He doesn't annoy nor aggravate me like the 3 aforementioned clowns do. I know nothing of him, his life, his loves, his politics. Nothing at all. Haven't ever searched him. He is the man you'd want to look like (more so than Brad Pitt or etc) but he has 0 charisma, 0 sex appeal and 0 acting ability. It boggles my mind that he didnt get along with the director and Joel still said he was the best Batman?! Weird.

But I'll tell you this much: I'd rather look at him than the other Batmen. As long as he keeps his mouth shut. I don't know what his problem is. Is he shy? Did someone put a gun to his/his relatives head and say "ACT LIKE BATMAN OR THE TEDDY BEAR GETS IT?!" because that's what it looks like.

The one good thing? He didn't look like he thought he was too good for you and was doing you a favor to pose as Batman. Nope. The poor guy looked out of his depth. And for that, I don't dislike him, in fact I wanna give him another chance and see when did he ever bring it?! Where did he go wrong? Surely he has to have ONE movie where he's good, yeah? What a waste of devastatingly good looks. Well, he had that, so a lot more than most of us here typing smack against him. You go, boy. I mean bat! 6/10 because they tried to make a good movie for us and I feel bad to leave the 5/10 it truly deserves.
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The perverted and sadistic version of AFHV! Yes: animals WERE HURT in the making of this!
20 September 2024
I thought it was illegal to show animals getting hurt on TV?? So I just watched a black wiener dog jump from high on up, down onto a boulder, face first. Cue in the moronic canned laughter.

A gray tabby cat in distress, stuck under a cabinet door. 2 small white poodles desperately trying to open the door to home, from the garage. Timer says it took them shy of 20 minutes! Unbelievable the sadistic animal abuse that passes as entertainment.

There is enough of that on YT! Shame on the CW! I'll say nothing on the forgettable, awkward, and equally unfunny bearded (how original!) zillennial host. Where is the 1 million viewers to put pressure on networks to cancel digsuting shows like these?! What next? Animal snuff video, for ratings?! UGH! 1/10.
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Totally Funny Kids (2024– )
A weird show for sadistic zillennial audiences of post 2020 who love to watch kids get hurt!
20 September 2024
Kids getting hurt. Kids driving a toy car, the parents filming them running straight onto traffic, onto their toddler sibling or onto a wall, and laughing. Laughing instead of dropping camera and running after the kid to avoid head trauma, concussion or,... oh, I dunno... DEATH!

There's even a parent laughing behind the parent filming as she watches the dad film her son about to smash his head full speed onto concrete. Add to that the typically idiotic Hollywood laugh track and folks: you gotta show.

I'll say nothing of the hostess, except shame on her wardrobe for all those ill-fitting and unsightly costumes. Painfully unwatchable. 1/10.
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Valley Girl (1983)
It's a stinker, folks! Slow and tedious, boring to the max, like it took me 2 weeks to be able to get through this sloppy flop, fer sure!!
17 September 2024
First off: WHERE is the song?? The Valley Girl song? WTF? I was told back then that it came from this movie, HELLO! It didn't even play at the end credits.

Now, I love everything 80s, but even the music was a flop, here! Their prom is a bore, the singer does get into it and bring the ONLY energy this movie has but boy! Were her songs annoying to the max, or what?! And the slur song? LOL! Wait until the twitter I mean X masses get a load of the "queer" song, LOL!

Nic Cage is wasted here. Why would a girl like Julie go for him? He had unusually big eyes, crooked eyebrows and his orignal nose. He's never been a looker but at least, he looked normal with his normal nose. And he already did his freak out scene. Is this like Travolta's dance scene? He has to have one in every film, per contract. Does Nic have this in his?

Anyway, Sonny Bono played the father...and then it wasn't him. Just his clone. Julie's mother was younger than the actress playing Julie, LOL! Who herself looked to be about 34. One of the last scenes, Julie says that they married "last September" so maybe it wasn't her mother after all? So why she kissed her? Weird!

Anyway, this movie is slow as molasses, it's not fun, it's pointless, nothing happens, unless you wanna hear a bunch of girl "valley" talk.

Julie Foreman is pretty but that's about it. A bore. No star quality. That's why she never did anything. You get cast as leading lady, HOW do you let your career tank? Now she has limp hair plastered on her forehead! Need some mousse, girl!

I just didn't get the point of this film. It's not a comedy, it's not a drama, and it's nothing in between. It's just a bore of a movie. Waiting for something to happen, but nothing ever does. It had shades of Karate Kid with the fighting at the prom and that sort of thing. It's a flop of the movie. Skip it, unless you're a Nic Cage completionist. 4/10 is way more than generous, here. Like, totally. Fer sure.
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Uma Thurman STEALS the show! The women dominate this one, probably why it's so hated!
14 September 2024
To be clear: I hate George Clooney, I can't stand Alicia Silverstone, I can't get past Uma's awful nose job and Arnold is a political traitor and woman cheater. I've now added the BatBoy to the actors I can't stand, though he was alright back when.

I can't stand super-hero movie, beyond Chris Reeve's Superman. I was dragged to the cinema when it aired and I was bracing myself for 2+ hours of abominable boredom. And abominable I found: the abominable snowman, Schwarzenegger. And I thoroughly enjoyed this film!

I think the armchair critics are either drunk or butthurt that the women dominate this one.

Schwarzenegger's performance is fantastic. He has all the elements, emotion wherever needed, campy lines galore ("Always winterize your pipes!") delivered with perfect humor.

The "Elle" model is gorgeous to perfection, even if we can see how awkward she is when talking her lines, especially in her first scene, both to Bruce, then watching Uma deliver her performance. But we'll give her a pass: she was there to be pretty and elegant and delivered just that. The blonde model (name?) was equally lovely in her flashback wedding video. With so many gorgeous women, who was going to choose who?

Aliciia Silverstone is annoying with her crooked mouth (something she DOES, not the way they're shaped!) but the political deviant was good enough in this. Her joy at discovering the batcave, become our joy. (Unless you're one of the brainless idiots reviewing here.) Her "No, I got you!" line was perfect, as well as was Bruce Wayne questioning her about being a "Batperson". Watching this in 2024 was hilarious!

I have NEVER understood the appeal of Uma Thurman, and people going on about how "gorgeous" she was, as if she looked better than Elle McPerson. Um, no. I've always been too distracted by her WEIRD mega-nose and why she didn't get it fixed. Folks, turns out: THAT was a nose job! I once found a photo of her when she was young and she had a nose that was perfect for her face. Also her stick-straight bob was atrociously ill-fitting, the same that it was unflattering on Cameron Diaz, who wore it past its expiry, like an aged country music star hanging on to his dreadful mullet for dear life. But I've digressed.

Uma Thurman is impossibly perfect as Poison Ivy here! From playing the frumpy scientist to the glammed up Ivy, Uma nails it thru and thru! And does she look good here or what?! All she needed was some lime green garments, apricot and peach eyepencils and peach and fuschia lipstick plus the long hair, and she's transformed into a vamp. But, her acting is what truly steals the show here. Her wrist movements when she positions her palms to her lips, her blowing the magic powder on her victims, her walk: she is class and elegance personified. Her delivery of lines is campy to perfection and delivers the cartoon character persona of Poison Ivy with astonishing gusto; it just draws the viewer in and you can't wait until she's back onscreen to do her thing. I think she was made for that part, quite possibly her best role? The colors, the sequins, all adds up to make her memorable. Kudos to the makeup and wardrobe departments.

(NOTE: when people wonder how ugly they made her as the frump, NO! THAT is her real, makeup-less face. I don't see anything added to make her look worse. No eyelashes paint, no coloring eye pencils, no black liner: THAT is how her eyes really look! The glamed up face is evidently the fake one: it is full of deceiving paint!)

The side story with the old butler (Batgirl's Uncle) was also icing on the cake. This movie delivers thru and thru. The only thing I didn't enjoy was the slow beginning and the motorcycle races, but that's just not my thing.

The weak link for me would be George Clooney: I can't stand his face! Where was Val Kilmer? I just done watching him and he was perfect as Batman! The bickering between Chris O'Donnel 's Robin & him really added an extra dimension here. They're fighting over Ivy, folks. Even Elle McPerson feels threatened by her. What an accomplishment consdiering how much prettier Elle is.

All in all, dont' miss it for Uma's spectacular and riveting performance, Arnold's campy Freeze and some girl power to the max, yeah! 9/10 from me.
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Frequency (2000)
The Greatest Movie Ever Made Since Casablanca! Caviezel & Quaid rule this film, don't miss it!
9 September 2024
WHO wrote this? WHO directed this? HOW had I not watched this until today?? Only 1 man wrote it? Not several people like Casablanca? I knew of this film since it was on my Must Watch list and, 24 years later, I've finally partaken of this masterpiece!

This movie has more twists and turns than... Casablanca? Is it the greatest movie ever made since? Quite possibly! All I know is I have NEVER screamed at the screen as much as I have with this film. What a brilliant movie! What great acting. What amazing story. What a fantastic execution!

This movie has it all. Twist and turns, thriller, drama, crime and TIME-TRAVEL fantasy! (Is it Sci-fi? I'd class it as fantasy myself.) Having just this past week, myself, experienced a major time bending event, akin to what people refer to as the "Mandela Effect", I'm just blown away here.

I'm blown away by all the elements that made this an astounding film, and I'm blown away, on a personal level, at the serendipity of not having watched it for 24 years and finding it today, when the impossible possibilities have opened a glimmer of "could it be?" and now mean so much to me. If I hadn't lived through the bizarre time-bending elements of this past week, I'd have of course, scoffed at anyone making such preposterous claims. They say that "they" (that's the D. S.) hide technology for 70 years before releasing it to the public. Is this true? I don't know. The possibility of time-travel has fascinated me ever since a little kid. And "respectable" people (scientists, billionaires etc.) claim that we "live in a simulation". I don't think this is accurate, I think it's much much better than that.

Anyway, Jim Caviezel (John) and Dennis Quaid (father) give it their all. Thanks to them taking their job seriously, I almost forgot that I was watching a movie, and was right there, screaming at the screen every time something upsetting or amazing happened. It's just a mind-startling movie and I eagerly recommend that you stop reading reviews right now, because 1 little spoiler and it would have COMPLETELY ruined my enjoyment!!! Thankfully, all I knew is that father and son talk through time, via ham radio (the basic premise, in other words).

Once again, I'm disheartened by the idiot reviewers who have the superlatives this film deserves in their title, yet go on to downvote it from 10, giving it an insulting 7 or less! Memo to those MORONS: you need to RATE IT HOW YOU ENJOYED IT!!!! What are these who delect in low-rating amass, "soles" doing?? What, do they take themselves for Siskel & Ebert that they think it makes them clever to downgrade an amazing film?? You dumb fools! Considering how many idiots without soul (those born after 1980) already will rate it a 1, get your rears back in here and RATE IT HOW YOU ENJOYED IT!! UGH! Pendantic loons!

The only thing I didn't like was the final scene. It was overkill and they should have cut it before (and I hate the song they used) and we saw Dennis Quaid's stuntman's head while going down the fire escape stairs. That's the only 2 meager flaws I saw in this movie.

A glorious and resounding 10/10. Bravo to all in the production and thanks for making us this fantastic film!
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Mr. Wrong (1996)
A great cast make this one fun!
6 September 2024
This was when Ellen was at the peak of her career, way before she ruined her sitcom to smithereens that even Elton John wote: "Ok, you're____. We get it. Now be funny!" But she didn't and her sitcom tank.

Bill Pullman is a lot of fun here. Demented to perfection. The movie flows. There's a lot of laughing out loud to genuinely be had. It's not the greatest movie per se, but Ellen looked great, I found Bill Pullman funnier than her and we got some great views of the Mojave desert with a sunset to boot.

Those who rated it 1/10 are out of their gourd. Either that or they're the Ellen-phobes. Thank goodness for "weighted" ratings, whatever those are. I'm giving it a solid 7/10. (And have to laugh at the guy who wonders why it's rated so low (3.8/10 at the time of my typing this) and then proceeds to downvote it as well! Fool!)

Well, I wonder if Bill Pullman has ever starred in non-comedies? I'm not familiar with his filmography, though I've seen him in many comedies. I think he also did TV series, but never watched those.

CAMEO: Ellen's real-life mother is at the bar, drinking, seen when Bill Pullman appears, about 55:33 mins in. I submitted that, got the approval. 2 hours later, still didn't publish. Oh well: you read it here first!

If you miss the 90s, watch this one: it's good for a few laughs and yes, Bill Pullman's character will get on your nerves but it's all in good fun. Love the photo where Ellen screams for the poster and Bill cracks up. Best pic from this shoot, tells you how much fun they had making it. I wonder if he ever appeared in her talk show? Have to check that out. So, off to YT!
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The first hour was great but Matt Damon's shtick gets old very fast after that!
5 September 2024
So I'm watching this for the first time ever. I find Matt Damon's character interesting. I can't get my eyes off his nose, and how much better looking he was with a very fat nose. (WHO decided that LaToya shrunken noses were attractive?!) And what a pity he had it redone. (Reminded me of Michelle Williams and how impossibly gorgeous she was with that fat nose of hers in Dawson's Creek and how Yerevan-waxwork she now looks when she had it cut to play that skunk with an A, marilyn monroe!)

Anyway, I like old movies, so at first I'm like "Hey! Movies in the 90s were good, even if I didn't like them and didn't watch them then." Damon is captivating with his mind-games. Then Robin Williams appears and I have to scramble here: he actually made 2 similar movies?? I thought I was watching Dead Poets Society??? Hmm...blackboard, RW teaching kids and chalk. 2 movies the same year, yeah??

And what does Good Will Hunting mean? See? That's why I never bothered with this film: not only was the overhype a killer for me at the time... (if you're one of those idiots who runs to the movies cos everyone is talking at the office of a film you don't know and you wanna be one of the "cool kids" at the office... you're an idiot!!! I was there to work, not socialize with morons!) ...but I couldn't understand the title. WHO wants to see a movie that says "Good Will Hunting". Will... is that a verb? Is that the noun, as in "you have strong will"? Obviously "hunting" is the verb. So what does a will (inheritance?) have to do with chasing foxes with dogs? I don't like hunting already! I love foxes. Is this gonna be a pretentious British movie where everyone talks funny? (Yep: Minnie Driver, the poor man's Mimi Rogers, actually ruined her career trying to outdo Meg Ryan a la "Hack Twah!" I think that's why she offed herself as she could never work in this town again.)

Anyway, Robin Williams. He's dead. Awww... let me go get my violin. Never liked the guy. But the dynamic psychologist/patient is solid. What is Ben Affleck doing in this movie? "I wrote it, we drew straws and I lost and my buddy gets the good part now? I better start drinking my troubles away...." (Is this how his J-Lo cheating ways started??)

Anyway this is a movie for all the young girls who are still so stupid they say: "But I can change him!" No, you can't and you ain't! (Ask J-Lo) Watch Matt Damon's character and learn.

For the rest, the movie goes downhill fast in part 2. Is it in hour 2? IDK. It gets tedious. I lost interest. I started tinkering on my PC since I was forced to search and find out there were TWO 3-word films starring chalk, kids, blackboards and Robin Williams (do I have to watch DPS now??) and there ya go. Every once in a while I glanced up and I was bored so I read reviews.

When RW started "It's not your fault", I already knew it was coming so I was unimpressed other than thinking did it take Matty 45 takes to start bawling Also, it made me think about killers rotting in jail for offing paid d'oh!-zes cos no one ever told THEM it was not their fault.

Bla bla bla. First part of the movie is a 10/10. It crumbles down somewhere in the middle and now I have no idea how it ends but I don't care. It's probably more of a 5/10 or a 4/10 but I'm in a generous mood tonight. 6/10 for what it is.
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The Dead Files: Assaulted (2014)
Season 5, Episode 3
Woman "homeowner" is the worst actress ever! Beyond formulaic show is a BORE! CANCEL IT ALREADY!
30 August 2024
The woman's acting is atrocious here! The alleged woman homeowner. Short bob, brown hair, rectangular glasses, stern mien dressed in brown. She, with her affectations and stilted acting, proves that all these shows are fake and hiring (bad) actors to pose as haunted homeowners.

I don't understand how LOW the IQ of viewers must be, to watch this tripe week after week, and this sh.. lasted for HOW many seasons?? When the good shows get cancelled after barely 1 season!

I always knew that legalizing pot smoking was a terrible idea, and this proves it. Reason #1376. You have to be totally out of your gourd to enjoy this nonsense. Beyond formulaic. You've seen 1, you've seen them all.

They ALL say the SAME EXACT WORDS every blooming episode!

From the dude that removes the framed pix, to the fake cop (NYPD has never heard of him, folks!) to the unhinged fake psychic, whose bits are filmed AFTER Steve interviews people and feeds her the scoop, then she goes to town and pretends she's psychic. She's not. As proven in Amy's early acting job: in a reality show, she sought the help of a psychic for she knew NOTHING of psychic-isms. And now she's top-of-the-line? Yeah. Riiight! With the help of the editor, ONLY.

How are people so stupid that A) They believe this tripe? And B) They don't mind watching the EXACT SAME CRAP week after week?!?!?

ENOUGH ALREADY!!! Show's taking precious time off MY channel where they could be airing the good shows. UGH!!!


Thankfully, me and my team got Amy fired (YESSSSSSS!!) so, me: 1 Amy: 0

How ya like 'em apples now, amy?!
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Jennifer Garner can't act (WORSE actress since Madonna) and Mark Ruffalo is insufferable!!!
23 August 2024
Jennifer Garner has to be the worse actress on the planet, (I don't think Madonna acts any longer, thank Belial!!) and I can't stand her!!! Mark Ruffalo is insufferable with his idiot politics, dumb tweets, and misguided allegiance and affiliations. Having said this, I am not a hater, I'll watch any movie with any idiot as long as they make it good. And I quite enjoyed this.

First off, the 80s is my favorite era and there's quite a bit of 80s music here, which I adore. And Garner and Ruffalo have quite a bit of chemistry, which in the end, makes the movie work. It's fast paced, entertaining, has quite a bit of color and an iconic look for Ms. Garner. The kid actors are all really good (which is rare!) and the girl who plays Tom-Tom is eerily the spitten image of the blonde actress who often plays the friend of the lead or the 2nd banana. Great supporting cast also makes all the difference (secretary, Poise director, goofy boyfriend and "thingie" etc.) It actually has funny moments.

Jennifer Garner can't act, and always makes these dumb faces. She is so awkward, it's cringeworthy. However, her character here is a teen in 30 yr old body, so her idiot faces work (although they're quite an insult to the teen actress who plays the role in the beginning, who acted much more mature than her). Jenna is quite awkward in the grown-up world, and that's why Ms. Garner's (and ex-Affleck) dumb expressions and her perennial and contrived "doe in the headlights" look works here, so I'll give her a pass. So yes, her idiot shtick works here.

I can suspend my dislike of both her and Mark Ruffalo for less than 2 hours and recognize that the 2 worked in balance (unlike her horrible acting opposite Kevin Costner playing his wife, YIKES!!!) Ruffalo is actually not bad an actor, I'm not saying he's good but he's always in character and makes it look easy. And I hate him and who he is.

The movie would be a 10/10 in the enjoyment level if only it starred anyone but them. Like, I dunno Snoop Dog and Martha Stewart, but we can't always have what we want. And Ruffalo dodge a bullet by not dating her iRL: she'd have dumped him for a married actor, like Ben Affleck. Now, can anyone tell me where I can get me one of those cool cocktails glasses with the yummy cream inside? I think I need one for confessing I enjoyed this film here. 8/10 for fun fun fun!
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Poor production values, some interesting characters, few laughs; some scenes go on way too long but overall watchable but 1 time is enough.
15 August 2024
It is a mediocre series that disappoints in many ways, but some of the characters are entertaining and it probably holds some nostalgia factor for some.

Tante Estelle (Paul's aunt) is delightfully pleasant and the actress created a charming character. Paul is like wallpaper, which is how he was written. The actor really didn't have much to do. It's also hard to buy him as attractive love interest to a woman like Virginie. (Note: this a kooky take on Paul & Virginie novel by Bernardin de St. Pierre, which also served as premise for The Blue Lagoon movies.) This set up pf uptight or serious husband with a zany wife who gets into mischief would later be revisited in Dharma & Greg, and, of course, copied by The Nanny.

Anicee Alvina's Virginie is leave her or take her. Her personality can be viewed as charming or annoying. Her antics are not always funny and some go on way too long. Example: the running across town being pulled by a dog. After a few minutes, it's "enough already!" Same with the ear-splitting concert: it dragged on way too long.

The director should have cut what didn't work (making such scenes way too long, including the nightmare at the concert) and focused on bettering elements which are here sorely missing. Like:

For a French woman, Virginie is not particularly well dressed. Often times, she is a downright frump! The cinematography isn't particularly great, the lighting and image quality is mostly poor. The music score goes on way too long. It is often too much and way too loud, drowning the actor's voices. This is very annoying. Anicee had poor posture. She isn't elegant and never quite looks "pretty", although she wasn't bad looking at all. But she isn't well put together and lacks a certain je ne sais quoi, she lacks charisma, although she somehow had screen presence.

The concierge often steals the show by bringing the comedy, such as in the final episode when he disguises himself as Igor, the bulter. (Due to his excellent acting, beard that concealed nothing and especially his fake accent, I had completely missed that it was him, until he yanks his fake beard!)

This is part comedy, part satire on Parisian life and the mores of the era. The clash between the rich and the working class. Making fun of the rich but also showcasing the poor taste of the middle class. (Those posters or painting on the couple's walls are dreadful and one is uglier than the other!)

There is quite a bit of "triggers" in the sense of men putting their hands on and trying to have their way with Virginie. (France had no laws pertaining to touching someone against their will, so this must reflect something prevalent back then.) There are naked women on those dreadful lithographs on the walls. There is quite a bit of nudity. A woman covers her bare breasts with a magazine showing the indecent photo of a woman with bare breasts and spread open (!) legs, equally bare. And on and on. None of the characters react to any of this inordinate nudity, as if it were commonplace.

The show takes place in Paris but fails to showcase the beauty of the place. The Arc de Triomphe and Eiffel Tower are shown in close-ups, but not particularly beautiful images. The lighting again isn't particuarly good, but the weather didn't seem bad when they filmed. No dark skies, no gray skies, no sludgy ice on the ground. But somehow there are no flowers filmed outdoors, there is no beautiful decor in the apartment (except for the pilot, it is dreadful looking!) again the clothes are pretty bad and all the small elements that contribute to making you rewatch a series are sorely lacking.

There is some comedy, a few funny scenes, but they tried to hard with Virginie's antics. Most are unfunny and she is randomly rude to people who haven't done anything to her. Sometimes her rudeness is funny (when she claps back at women who have a problem with her driving or blocking the road) sometimes unfunny (when she disparages the market workers for not having the vegetables she seeks).

Overall, it's not an unpleasant watch. Every episode has at least 6 vignettes going on, different quirky situations Virginie puts herself in. I think the show would have worked better if they'd curbed the nudity and focused on beautifying their star with better clothes, some jewelry and other accessories and better makeup. Anicée's acting left a lot to be desired. (She fails to react when Paul trips and falls, which most likely wasn't in the script. She is supposed to be in love with him, yet continues to search the bed, in E01S01, without once glancing at him. I guess she couldn't improvise. Some actors are nothing without a script and she proved to be in that category.)

It ought to be noted that all 3 protagonists are now dead. They all died before their time was supposed to be up (50s and 60s) I forgot to look if the concierge is still alive.

The pilot is pretty good, with a pretty cool apartment. It's sadly downhill from there, but it's not unwatchable. 6/10 from me.
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Good clips I've never before seen but the humiliated 53-year-old hostess seems to have stolen the job of a 22 year old. Weird!
11 August 2024
The clips are easily an 8/10 but... Jody Miller! She looks eery bit her age and she's acting like a teenager. I can't decide if she thinks she's being cute, if she thinks she actually fooled the producers into thinking she's 25 but it's cringeworthy when a viewer can't help but feeling embarrassed on her behalf.

I imagine a bitter woman when the cameras are off, and she's home being a real, angry self. The character she plays as host is humiliating for her. There's a way to be funny and likeable at any age, no need to attempt to pass as 30 years younger. I can only imagine the bitter younger females saying "HEY! I auditioned for that! Why does granny get the job?!"

The clips are weather-related videos. It's a fun time to forget your problems for half an hour while visiting others'. But I really don't get why people laugh at seeing others get hurt (and pretty badly at that: hope everyone who laughs at someone falling down concrete stairs into asphalt gets their just desserts, see how funny it is.)

It's very hard to rate. On one hand, you don't want to give it the 3/10 the hostess deserves for her unfunny and self-humiliating shtick, because you don't want the show cancelled. On the other hand, you don't want to give it the 9/10 the clips deserve (or 8 or 10/10) because you don't want to encourage the prods to keep that annoying chick! And she's no bird: she's over the hill and past her expiration date!

So how do I rate this? Perhaps a 5/5 will get their attention: get rid of the woman, replace by a man like Bill the cartoon curator and call it a night. 5/5 for unfunny hostess.
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Fright Club (2021– )
Please bring this show back, it's the BEST!!!! (Above hunting for hauntings and Dead File crap!)
9 August 2024
Please Travel Channel producers: make more seasons of this show. It's awesome and I am always surprised that there's clips of ghost stuff I've never seen on Pararnomal Caught on Camera (Awesome finding new stuff!) Never you mind the low ratings here: there's idiots who think Casablanca is 10/10 and they have to use that (awesome) film as yardstick, so any fun show they like will be a 4/10. Idiots are too stupid to know they are supposed to rate THEIR ENJOYMENT of a show, NOT compare all to Casablanca, UGH! So here's why I like this show:

I truly enjoy watching the Ghost Brothers doing their thing with the paranormal. Sadly, I never watched The Ghost Bros. Because I don't like ghost hunting shows. (Hunting for Hauntings!) They are unbelievably fake. I tried watching a couple of theirs, but the moment they do night vision and wait time, I am bored and turn it off. Can't stand that. (I did enjoy when the homeowners meet the Bros and the history they present, and their humor.)

My favorite is Dalen Spratt, though I like them all. They are funny and very well spoken, great hosts when interacting with video clip presenters. I love Marcus' colorful sneakers. (Where can I get me apricot sneakers?) I enjoy them in PCOC and I hope they will get their own sitcom. I can also see Dalen branch out and do drama, he'd be terrific playing a serial killer, just because that's the opposite of what he currently does, and because when he whips out the deadpan humor, I see that vibe. It's great either way. I also like Jake Osbourne, he's also entertaining to watch.

Mixing humor/comedy and horror/thriller/fright is quite innovative and we need more of that! So this is DOUBLY entertaining: ghost fun, spooky stuff, stuff we don't know what it is PLUS funny guys. Plus they are respectful to guests, there's no foul language so no beeps hurting my ears like that crass Amy of Dead Files and it's a fun little show to unwind to while snacking on cheese puffs and prosciutto. Bring it back, we are tired of reruns, Travel Channel!! 8/10.
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It is one boring snoozefest!
4 August 2024
After several encounters with the paranormal myself, I have become addicted to the Travel Channel paranormal-ghost recreation shows. Alas, most of them never fail to disappoint. I'll save the trouble! In random order, the very best are:

Paranormal Witness (actually, that's Sy-Fy) Paranormal Survivor A Haunting Paranormal Nightshift Paranormal Emergency Paranormal 911 My Horror Story My Haunted House

Most of them are pretty bad, and disappointingly boring. Those would be:

These Woods are Haunted Hotel Paranormal (in spite of being hosted by Dan Aykroyd!) Haunted Hospitals (in spite of creepy entities) Scariest Night of my Life Believers Anything by Eli Roth

Anyway, I'm aware that a lot of these stories are fake (otherwise, every other house in America/Canada is haunted, as Dead Files would have you believe!) and I'm also aware that if you've never had any paranormal adventure yourself, then this will remain 100% fake for you. No one would have EVER been able to convince me before it happened to me. If anyone had told me it happened to them they were liars, seeking attention or on drugs. No other possibilities. Now, I know better. And yet i'm painfully aware of how impossible it is to make someone believe you.

Watch Paranormal Caught on Camera. If you're able to sift the bogus from the real video clips, you'll find the show fascinating.

This is 4/10 for boring execution, low production values/directing but Lost Souls I pretty much like that one.
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My Paranormal Nightmare: Lost Souls (2020)
Season 1, Episode 3
Finally, 1 worthy episode out of 6!
4 August 2024
I've watched 6 episode of this new to me series, and it's pretty much a boring snoozefest, badly directed and executed. This had solid stories done in an interesting way.

Show has 3 stories per episode. My favorite was the 3rd one, enjoyed the Mr. Edwards bit in the final story. Mother and son live in a haunted house (where else? LOL!) and they drift apart as them spirits attack her son. The paranormal investigator doesn't remove them (I hope they didn't pay useless him?!) and so it's nice to see the mother finally grow a pair! (What takes these people so long?? Seriously!) Wait until Mr. Edwards arrives...

Best story is the 3rd. I already forgot the other 2 but that's because I watched it this morning and watched 3 movies in between I just watched the end of the 3rd story. Watch this one and skip the rest. A very generous 9/10 for effort (it's probably 6/10 but there you go!)
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I guess you had to watch it in the 80s when it came out!
4 August 2024
Promiscuity ain't funny. I've only ever watched it now, and I've only seen the AMC version. I dread to think what the original shown version was like at the theaters, with all the trivia people have shared here. It could have easily been a 7 but I'm giving it a 4/10 for the abortion plot. Was the casual promoting the murder of unborn babies-in-gestation, as if it were an inconvenience for the mother no bigger a deal than removing a bee sting, and no one else's concern, really worth ruining a movie like this?

Stacy is in love with the one guy yet sleeps with his friend because... Phoebe Cates' character told her to? Makes no sense whatsoever. This ain't like any high school I ever went to. Even my son, who watched it a while back but is no longer a teen, said it wasn't all that and doesn't get it.

I love 80s movies but this is a piece of schlock with a cast who mostly became famous. And is it me or was that Nicholas Cage for 3 split seconds behind a fryer, barely raising his eyes up when the camera cuts and he's nowhere to be seen again? Dunno if the theatrical 1982 release had more of him. Watch it only if you are a fan of any of these actors, and Phoebe Cates ain't all that and never was. (Will never understand why flat-chested women are considered 'hot' or 'sexy' as they are quite the opposite!) 4/10.
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The girl playing Jolene is the most annoying little brat ever!
1 August 2024
This episode was very boring, with 2 convoluted stories very hard to believe. The 2nd one was a snoozer. The first one could have been good but was ruined by the annoying little brat with her snooty upturned nose (yes, like a swine!) who played Jolene, and the actor who played her desperate father, it was like "give it a rest already! Nobody loves their kid THAT much!"

Watching this story mades you wish she would have drowned. (The actress, not the real kid, although I believe the guy who played the interviewee father to be an actor as well.)

The story was saved by the actor who played the clown entity dressed in all black. When he first appeared twirling his arms, it was a perfect Halloween vision, possiblhy one of the scariest the Travel Channel has ever shown. (I surmise, I don't know: I don't feel fear but I am judging this intellectually.)

Anyway the 4 stars are for that clown interpretation. The brat who played Jolene is full of herself, reminds me of those Hollywood child actors who are so arrogant and conceited you just want to smack them across the face, Cher-style: SNAP OUT OF IT, ye ain't all that, brat! 4/10.
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How It's Made (2001–2019)
Interesting and educational concept yet very poorly executed!
28 July 2024
I am tired of watching this show only to be disappointed time and again. The educational content would get a 10/10 except they cram so many unrelated (and uninteresting) topics along with the 1 I want to watch that it's unnerving. Tell me what guns that mix fiberglass with resin to create plexiglass for your shower have to do with palm oil?

But that's not the worst part!

The worst is, like a bad clickbait newssite, they don't do anything courteous to show the first topic has ended. They don't lower their voice with their final sentence. They don't say "and that's how cotton is made!", they don't have words on-screen nor a voice over to show you "coming up next: uninteresting torture device for animals used in rodeos!" Nope. They force you to wait through the commercial break, only to be disappointed because they left you hanging.

I specifically clicked on this title (OnDemand) to watch how a fluffy cotton ball in the field turns into a BOLT of fabric yards of cotton! But nope! Bait and switch! They don't even show you how they turn them into cotton balls bags...folks...they SIMPLY LEAVE YOU HANGING EVERY TIME!!! At least every time I am interested in seeing the final product. UGH!

Ex: "and the sample of cotton is shipped to the USDA for fiber length testing...." dot dot dot. LOWER YOUR DAMN VOICE!! Make it clear you're done talking for the topic. This is disrespect towards the viewer and such disrespect and inane presentation gets them a low score.

Another example: how palm oil is made. They show the machines separating the stems and debris from the fruit. Put it in conveyor belts and other machines, out comes the oil. It is tested for purity "but you can clearly see it with your own eyes." BAM! Commercial break. I'm waiting the commercial for the oil to be dripped into bottles, labeled and ready to be shipped to stores (yes, they do sell red palm oil in specialty stores) or industrial cookie factories but nope, nothing, nada! They rudely come back from commercial break to show you how the guns that shoot fiberglass into resin to reinforce shower windows are made (YAWN!)

This is disrespect of your viewers of the worst kind! In this day and age where people get offended over nothing, no one ever gets offended over things you should be offended about: namely, being dissed by a rude show's presentation and forced to watch a commercial while you wait for the cliffhanger's denouement. And for that, I give the Millennials that make this show only a 6/10!
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Austenland (2013)
A terribly cast film with poor leads yet entertaining thanks to great production values
19 July 2024
What were they thinking casting Keri Russell?! She's just awful and her hair and ill-fitting costumes in dreadful colors make her look even worse than her acting! What a bore she was. Whoever cast Mr. Nobley should be fired. Zero chemistry with Keri and an even more boring actor!

Fire the casting director! That's, first & foremost, what went wrong here. I suppose we were lucky they didn't cast the odious Julia Roberts, whew! But I have no idea who would have nailed the part here. Maybe the movie was made too late? Maybe Meg Ryan or Sandra Bullock (...maybe!) would have been good, if this had been made early 90s. Oh! And I suppose we are much more lucky that the funny-looking bore that is Hugh Grant wasn't cast either!

For the man, Hugh Jackman would have been a good choice here. (He's the counterpart to his odious namesake Brit!) Or maybe Keanu Reeves. Although, I believe neither was interested in playing romantic leads ever again. (I could be wrong.)

I think the writing was so-so. It's a good idea for a story, but poorly executed. I have no idea if the director was any good cos I have no idea what their job is. (Doesn't the script give all the actors directions and placement??)

Anyway, on to why I'm giving this movie a very high score: the cinematography was awesome. Good lighting, blurry lighting etc. The costumes and set decor were excellent. Canoe, frilly bedroom, flowery outfits, perfect era costumes. And it was fast-paced and no explosions, so that's always a plus

Jane Seymour was dreadful and dreadfully cast, yet again! Overacting AND over-the-top. I guess she's never played the bad guy and, Ms. Seymour being afraid of being disliked, decided to turn her part into a caricature who's evil-to-the-max. Bad choice, Janey!

For the good: the stable boy was perfect and did have chemistry with Keri (which made it weird and awkward when she got on with the guy with whom she had 0 chemistry!) and the pirate (?? To quote Biden, "the Black guy") did an excellent job with his part too.

Does Jennifer Coolige always have to play the squinty, puckering man-eater vixen? Well, she was the best in the female cast. But she's a one-trick pony! (Legally Blonde; 2 Broke Girls, she always plays the same woman!)

Sidenote: Why was the guy demanding straw?? There was straw already all over that ground!

All in all, there was equally stuff that worked as that didn't worked. It was a fun way to spend over an hour, but not remarkably so. 1 watch is enough here. Now! Imagine if they had cast the aformentioned men and maybe Arielle Kebelle or similar actress. What could have been! A generous 7/10 for what it is.
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Beyond cringeworthy and every actor thcrat appeared here should feel humiliated beyond belief!
17 July 2024
Beyond cringeworthy and every actor that appeared here should feel humiliated beyond belief!

Movie based on one of the worst acts to ever appear on SNL. It's hard to comprehend why Kris Kattan and Will Ferrell would choose to thus embarrass themselves. Yes, they both are very unattractive and the short one is odd looking. Still, they didn't have to crank up the self-humiliation to the max. I guess it must be a fetish thing. They should learn from Molly Shannon. Her characters (well her one character, I should say, as she always plays the same one in movies) are idiots but the actress never stoops to embarrassing herself. Whereas the 2 leads here are not only acting like idiots, they become idiots. Shannon's shtick works, Kattan & Ferrel's doesn't.

Yes, I get that they were paid millions but they're on video forever, with their creepy vibes, low self-esteem pushing them to act such ridiculous parts and they become ridiculous. I suppose this is how comedians such as Jim Carrey and Robin Williams meet the fate that they do.

And Richard Grieco? Ouch! Parodying himself. It didn't work. Here, he was bloated. He would later become anorexic looking and the victim of botched facial surgeries. (I had to look up the year because of him, thought it was 2010s film, until he appeared.) The Johnny Depp joke fell a bit flat. It's hilarious the way it was written, but not the way it was acted. Sorry Ricky!

This movie is awful. Nothing works here. Every character is an idiot. Molly Shannon is the less cringeworthy here. 1 star for the makeup artist, who created gorgeous skin for all, even in HD and extreme close up. What a feat! What brand makeup did they use? It's the only good thing about this movie. The rest is utter crap.
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Dakota Fanning thinks portraying autistic means acting arrogant and full of herself while avoiding eye contact! Poor performance by a bad actress!
16 July 2024
Neither my son, who is autistic, nor I liked this movie. First of all we both think that Star Trek is bar none the most idiotic show ever created. The tripe that gets green lighted in favor of fantastic shows that barely make it 1 season is maddening. So we couldn't relate to this character at all!

Dako probably went down the list of autistic traits online, picked one (don't look at other actor in the eyes) and stuck to that as if her life depended on it. This is stereotyping and not accurate. (Watch Elon Musk, sweetheart!) Instead, she came across as arrogant and full of herself (the actress, not the character!) And to think Elle takes the cake in that department, somehow elder sister sought to outdo her in this dept.??

The movie is not exactly boring. I appreciate that it is relatively fast paced and there's no explosions etc. However it is overkill. It's overacting for writers. IOW, it's a melodrama. I mean the obstacles she runs into to get her script delivered are so unbelievable, they're downright laughable. The nice girl with baby turns out to be a monster? They steal her notebook, really?? Thescript goes flying from 3 stories above, all 425 pages (or however many) of it? Really? Not buying it.

The longer the movie took to get to the point, the more aggravating it became. Dako's bad performance wasn't enough, the movie went from bad to worse. Finally, we are left without a climax: the script winner is not chosen, it's not her, who cares who it is anyway, it's a very bad movie.

And I ought to deduct 3 more stars for Dako's shoving of the chihuahua on her bed. Yes, folks! They had to pick an ugly yapper, the worst dog breed ever! And you can't tell a dog it's for pretend, doesn't work that way. Plus the dog was too fat, making its head too small for its body.

It's not the worst movie I've seen, I'm not gonna say skip but...yeah skip it for egotistical Patton Owalst stupid performance (he plays the same character over & over again, folks!) and if you're tired of entitle little rich girls, this one plays major diva, to make J-Lo and a reality tart red with envy! 4/10 but should be lower.
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A Haunting (2005– )
It's a good show but the Christian episodes kill it for me.
14 July 2024
Good narrator. Solid acting. Enough special effects showing entities or ghosts. This show never spooks me, not sure why so many claim it does. (Perhaps because I've lived thru so many hauntings that it doesn't phase me.)

The thing that kills it for me is the Christianity angle. So this is my rebuttal. I hereby debunk all the religious baloney. All Abrahamic religions come from the most violent place on Earth. Therefore they are very evil religions (man-made) all belong in that small neck of the woods, and have no place anywhere else. (That's cultural appropriation! Except not: this mythology was forced upon Europeans and Europeans forced it upon all continents.) This plague of Christianity spanned the globe so listen up!

Lucifer means "Light bringer", "morning star". The bringer of Light is the good guy. It follows that Jesus is a demon. All you have to do is realize that millions pray to this entity and we're all going to H E double hockey sticks in a handbasket. (Seen the state of global politics, lately??)

No, playing with a Ouija board will NOT bring demons into your bedroom. No, bringing a xtian priest will NOT rid your house of evil entities: it will MULTIPLY them! (Hello, in that mythology, Jesus is their boss!)

I have invoked demons, I have invited them into my place, I have petitioned demons to do my bidding, exactly NOTHING WHATSOEVER HAS HAPPENED!!! (I've had encounters with the paranormal, prior to doing the latter.)

The cabal wrote the Bible to not only control the masses, but to destroy all of us: the more you pray to demon Jesus, the worse the planet and your life gets. (If you follow that religion, please know that the good guy is called Lucifer. No, that one is NOT a demon: they have traded their names and stories, so that all of you are unwittingly praying to the cabal's #1 demon.)

Finally, this very evil religion spread across Europe like the Black plague, and from there to all continents, like the Bubonic plague. Last year, I contacted responded to an ad. Turns out, these Filipinos weren't benevolent beings, out to help me: they were out to convert me! I needed help but after a while, I figured I ain't selling my soul to their demon.

I promptly sent them a bunch of texts informing them of the above and what a pity they bowed down to this evil religion and urged them to search their own roots and pray to whichever entities or deities they were meant to.

If you're European descendant, then Stonehenge is where it's at. Druids. Loki. Viking gods. That sort of thing. Your European ancestors were slaughtered by the "Christians" (yes, how Christian of them! See? THAT is proof that is one very evil religion) who tore down their pagan temples and built Catholic or Xtian churches on top of them. (Look it up!)

Plus xtianity copies Egyptian mythology, Ra, Osiris, Isis etc. And a bunch of mesopotamian religions were all gods were born Dec 25 to some virgin and died and were resurrected. Except those fables came thousands of years before the copycat bible.

So if you want to know Truth, pray and meditate and ask for answers. We are pagans, my friends. Worshipping the sun is ok. Pentagrams are ok but naked men statuettes are evil and will damn your soul to Belial's firepit.

Choice is yours. I always like to ask Christians: why are you so evil? So selfish, ungenerous, greedy, miser, liars conniving to get someone else's stuff? Answer: because they have been misled to worship the world's worst demon. Free your mind! Until then, your ancestors are rolling in their grave at the shameful position you have taken, siding with those who destroy them and their civilization. 7/10 for this show.
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Haunted History: Haunted History: Hawaii (2001)
Season 2, Episode 1
Hawaii's Beauty & Spirituality Respectfully Presented & Superbly Narrated
12 July 2024
This is a charming little series, and this is my very favorite episode. The gentleman who does the voice over really makes the show. I love his style of reading the facts. Really transports me to the destination he talks about. Here, it is Hawaii.

The show says it's from 1999 to 2001, but many of the video stock footage and other images appear distinctly to be from the 80s. (Or maybe very early 90s.) I love that image quality! It's classy and respectfully done.

This episode covers many of the islands, and touches at Madame Pele and the Night Marchers. Several Hawaiian residents recount anecdotes, including a couple of Hawaiian priestesses (or Kahu, Nettie Tiffany and Leolani Pratt), an author of Hawaiian books, (Ellie Crowe) and the owner of the Waipi'o Tree House, Linda Beech. All recount stories of encounters with spirits, ancient warriors chating outside their house, having to perform an exorcism and healing a terminally ill woman etc.

Everything is presented in a very respectful fashion, including the few recreations, and the ladies are just lovely! My one gripe: the story teller named Jeff who comes across as very arrogant and, therefore, disrespectful. (He is the reason I gave it 8/10 but now upped it to 9/10.) This episode is haunting and I am rewatching it now, as I type this. A paranormal photo is shown, of a spectacle of 2 divers, with a shadow on the cliff behind them, that clearly doesn't belong to either one of them, due the position of that ghostly body.

I have always thought there's no such thing as spirits, it's only your subconscious mind playing tricks on you, but the interviewees here are all convinced that Mme. Pele is real and so are the Night Marchers. Many claim to have had encounters with Pele, who then protects the people by warning them of danger...but only if they showed kindness and generosity towards her. Those people are convinced that these apparitions are real. Not having met one, it's difficult for me to believe, however this show convinced me that they are speaking the truth, and so I offer my respect by joining them in their belief. I think it would be awesome to visit and have such a supernatural encounter, however other stories (including a firefighter's) tell tales of danger at the hands (literally) of some spooks.

This episode made me want to move to Hawaii (after years of wanting to visit) and so, I started seriously researching this, but I couldn't cope with the humid heat. (Not to mention their insane rates now and politics!) I hope to visit one day, before it is to late. (I won a free vacation there in the early 90s but, not wanting to go by myself, I never made it.)

If you love Hawaii and its beautiful spirituality, don't miss this one. As I type, it's available OnDemand. Hope you are able to catch it before they delete it. 9/10, but 10/10 for Hawaii and the spirits.
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Top of the line of Travel Channel paranormal ghost shows! Please: BRING IT BACK!!!
9 July 2024
I love, love this show!! I discovered it one night, where I was living in a creepy old 1920s building in a not so safe area. I turned off the lights, cranked up the a/c and had me the most Halloweenish experience in the middle of the year!

The voice-over makes the show, along with the cool intro credits, bathed in an eerie teal blue light. Production selected a very capable narrator who clearly rises up to the occasion and makes this show very entertaining.

I'd like to point out that this is a show for Zillennials, so yes, all the Travel Channel "interviewee/based on a true story" series are recapping the last 7 minutes shown, after commercial break. (Not sure how that would fare in a DVD without commercials? Might be weird!) And yes, I was very upset myself the first time I watched A Haunting (I think that's the first of this kind that I saw on the TC). Yes, it was very unnerving or frustrating, but once I knew what to expect, I relaxed about it. I can take the time to look at my computer screen, grab a bite or go to the loo. It's a pity that there's a lot less show because of that, but they take care of viewers who "tuned in in the middle of the show". (Think Dragnet, where Jack Webb had to tell us, at every single episode intro, that he was a cop and his partner was Gannon, while he was Friday!) Like that.

One thing that I lament: the production must read these reviews here and cancels shows on a whim. Please don't! Millions will not make an IMDb account. Millions won't vote. Millions don't leave reviews. I represent millions who are thoroughly entertained by this show. Please, please: we NEED entertaining shows like these. They are very spooky without gore. Perfect! (I like to be thrilled and spooked, not grossed out!)

Other similar shows that came and went but need to give us many more episodes: Paranormal 911. Paranormal Emergency. Paranormal Witness (though that's SyFy channel!) Believers. Extreme Paranormal Witness/Believers. A Haunting. My Haunted House. My Horror Story and (maybe) Haunted Hospitals. (I always get bored watching that last one!)

I hope the production reconsiders. IDK if they'll ever go back to reviews of 4 year old shows, but come on now! 4 idiots leaving negative reviews do NOT represent America! When we love something, we are guilty of not leaving reviews, we are often only moved when we are discontented.

Kudos to the production and PLEASE MAKE MORE on time for Halloween. Thank you! (Please rate YES if you agree, and what a pity that this website doesn't allow non-users without account to vote reviews. THAT would accurately reflect America's opinion!)
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Paranormal Witness: The Mojave Encounter (2016)
Season 5, Episode 12
There is no such thing as UFOs, martians or space aliens and that's NOT paranormal! Episode that got PW show cancelled!
30 June 2024
I couldn't stand to watch this garbage. I tried but turned it off at the intro of the hypnosis session.

Folks! You have to be pretty misinformed, unedicated and arrogant to believe there is, not only life in other planets, but that they can reach us. What? They make a pit stop at gaseous Jupiter to refuel?? Folks, we've never been to the moon, the Mars rover is a hoax, and the furtherst people have been out in space is orbiting the Earth real close, like a satelite. (Come to think of it... why do we never see pix of the billions of satellites causing global warming up there, mmhhh? Yeah. THAT is the only reason we're warming up so go pick up your clutter and quit annoying us with cows being replaced by live crickets and their gut-destroying chitin etc.)

There is no such thing as life in other planets, they're too far from the sun. We only have a handful of planets here and they do not support life. End of story!

So this isn't paranormal episode: it's a bunch of mentally ill people who need attention and a few others who saw space debris from satellites falling into Earth and other laser pointer pranks.

Repeat after me: "if I believe in Martians (same thing!), I am a delusional fool who needs a reality check, a shrink, strong psych meds and a therapist to figure out why I am no longer a diapered baby yet still annoy others for attention." Write that on the blackboard 20 million times, a la Bart Simpson and maybe the affirmation will cure you. Maybe. :)
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