
25 Reviews
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Day Shift (2022)
A retro vampire comedy romp.
15 August 2022
First- it's a comedy, second it's a retro 80 buddy movie and third it's a vampire slash and gorefest.

As a bit of light entertainment it does the trick - if you entertainment is a bit shot gun and decapitation heavy.

I didn't think I would manage to watch it through but it developed it's characters well, even though the plot set ups are reasonably obvious, so you do engage with players. This is not going to win awards but it'll entertain you.
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End of Watch (2012)
Worth a watch
26 February 2022
Watched this a while back - rewatched today and enjoyed it camcorder effects give it an immediacy, but are not to everyone's taste. The movie juxtaposes savage brutality with genuine intimacy in a way that exxentuates both. This is a character study that draws you into the relationship between two men who genuinely love each other in a way only combatants can know. It has an ending you don't want, but it's the ending you know is coming. This film gets the balance right and is a credit to it's genre.
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The Courier (2020)
A Cold War gem
25 February 2022
It's a solid 7 - the fact that it is based on an actual event adds to the movie as it plays out during one of the world crisis moments, which rings loud at this time.

If anything it's a bit too short. I would suggest a directors cut would have more of the papillon treatment as the incarceration segment here just doesn't do justice to the reality that must have been experienced. So, in short it's a good movie that goes at a brisk pace and tells a fascinating story with some great performances.
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Aces 'N' Eights (2008 TV Movie)
Not ace - not an 8
25 February 2022
It's like the guys who do the cheesy Christmas movies decided to do a Western. I only managed to watch 20 minuted of this film and will never get that back. I can't even waste anymore time on it - if you want a cheesy Western with weak acting this is right for you.
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Sicario (2015)
An immorality tale for ambiguous times
22 February 2022
No one gets out looking good, but nobody should. The darkness of the subject matter is not played down in this "get your hands dirty" tale. The sicario has an air of calloused cool that would be seductive if the cost of admiration did not require you sullying your soul. This fight against the drugs cartel seems at first to be a state sanctioned crusade, but its main weapon is a personal vendetta. The characters are developed well and the moral ambiguity gets deep and messy, but it's compelling throughout and a omonous soundtrack. Not for the faint hearted.
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Joker (I) (2019)
No Joke
18 February 2022
Startlingly good! Its a dark clostaphobic tale of of a damaged mind finding release in more damage. There are dark moments of humour, unsettling moments of cruel justice and just when you are encouraged to see hope it is quenched by a brital realisation that this is no redemption story, and the innocent suffer. This is how a broken society breeds its broken people.

Unterly engrossing performances that warrant recognition. Do not watch if you want a happy ending where the underdog gets the girl - He does, but it's not good. This is a true classic.
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King Arthur (2004)
Epically Average Arthur
11 February 2022
If it didn't take itself so seriously it would have been better. The standard sword and sandals clichés are abundant. The merry band of lovable mercenaries with little back stories - the not so magnificent 7. If you like the genre you'll like the movie. If your not a sword and sandals fan maybe avoid this. It is no Gladiator - it more The Legion, but actually not as good. But its OK.
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Gentle Brutal Redemption
4 February 2022
This is actually a quite a touching portrayal of brotherly love. It is also warts and all blood and guts. The portrayal of the colonisation of the west is there in all its infesting properties. But there is a redemption story here and it told with real craft.

The characters are well developed and the film has a strange innocence that is set at odd's with the carnage.

The stand out role was played by John Reily.

Not your average Western but better for that.
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Copshop (2021)
2 February 2022
Really nothing new here - but that's not totally a bad thing if you like cops under siege - assassin on assassin - twisty turny plots. You will be reminded of many films you have seen before, but there are a couple of nice changes of speed and "that got serious quick" moments.

Butler is quite butler and Grillo is a believable stain of a man and the female lead Tracey Bonner plays a good central role.

Look out for Tony the sociopath - nice injection of dark humour at an appropriate juncture. It is a chop shop of a movie but more of a reasonable hotrod than a backstreet liability. Wasn't a fan of the ending, but you never know they might be keeping options open.
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A tough tale well told
29 January 2022
With a small budget they have managed to create an engaging film. This is not a sterile vigilante action romp, it is a thoughtful outworking of rough justice. There's enough plot twists and developments to keep this moving forward. The ending could have been stronger but is in keeping with the narrative. It is a very South African film that doesn't try to be Hollywood and is stronger for that. If you are looking for a nice jolly romp this isn't your kind of film.
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Uncut Gems (2019)
You will need a shower
31 December 2021
This is not an easy ride - Sandler manages to create a character you loathe and like in equal measure. A scumbag chisler amongst scumbag chislers. He is the man with the antimidas, touch running headlong into the fast approaching wall of enivitable consequence. If your a sensitive type this isn't your movie, but if you like it gritty and tense jump in and hang on. The uncut gem comes out the only winner - though a Pyrrhic victory at best.
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Ad Astra (2019)
We are all we have
29 November 2021
This is a slow burn art house Sci fi that has some really anti genre twists that mark it as a great film, but not an easy film. It is esoteric and explores some really existential issues. The film is essentially an exploration of the space between a son and his father and the detachment that ensues when that wound is not addressed - so - if you enjoyed 2001 a space Odyssey you might be a fan, but if you are more into Fast N Furious 1-21, or the Marvel franchise, this might not be your bag.

This is a film you should see, but remember it is slow-burn arthouse Sci fi.
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Stupid film - Loved it!
6 November 2021
It's as deep as a greeting card and as heavy as a foil balloon - and delivers as much pathos as a valentine limerick - if you've got that expectation and you choose to give it a go you will enjoy this little farce.
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Breach (IV) (2020)
No! No! No! No!
25 April 2021
Somebody needs to take Bruce to one side and say Bruce! NO!

STOP CASHING IN YOUR CREDIBILITY FOR A COUPLE OF BUCKS!. This movie gives B movies a bad name. Just no!
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Little meat on the Bone
14 November 2020
The action is well choreographed and athletic, if a tad predictable. It is not a bad action film, however the only surprise in the plot-line is that there are no surprises. The opening and closing images, that play homage to Caradine classic martial arts heroic nomads, promise more than is delivered and alludes to an unwarranted, nay implausible sequel. The film is populated with archetypes and characatures with little to draw you in to a connection with them. Even the final fight, though demonstrating real skill, lacks any real grit or jeopardy. So it's a bit of a bubblegum movie, which is fine if you like bubblegum.
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Skyscraper (2018)
Die Hard Inferno
22 June 2020
That's about it - Die hard and Towering Inferno's love child. It's a good old Rock n roller of a film that doesn't waste time overdeveloping its characters. Just enough bio to get going towards a conclusion that was never in doubt.
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Wheelman (2017)
Well worth the ride
19 June 2020
Absolutely solid Central performance worthy of more recognition than has been forthcoming. The set up is simple and the twists and turns are as tight as the driving. This is a good movie that develops a real sense of tension as crosses become double crosses. It doesn't try to excuse the protagonists of their crimes but the resolution seems fitting. Much more worthy of a sequel than other car based offerings. This is not high budget, big hype, bit of nonsense, its a good story that leaves you feeling you know this guys struggle and some of his pain.
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An endearing 3rd encounter film
8 June 2020
Don't expect the budget of Encounters of the 3rd kind, or the pace of Independence Day. Expect a story where the characters come to life in a quirky "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" kind of way but with more charm and less puerile humour (there's no attempt at comedy here). If you have a problem with the alien contact genre then you will have a problem with this film. The characters flesh out as the story develops without the need for clunky narrative tells. From a slow burn this tale develops feeling of growing intensity that I found I was willing to go with. The ending could have been stronger if it eluded more and reveled less, but this is a nicely constructed endearing film that is worth a watch. It's a solid 6.5.
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Snowpiercer (2013)
Off the rails from the start
23 May 2020
Some really outstanding actors and some really outstanding acting, all coming together to create a spectacular mess. The implausibility of central premise absolutely beggers belief. Genuinely hard to understand how you could have so many positives and end up with this waste of time.
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Unthinkable (2010)
Not unwatchable
20 May 2020
A consequetialist cunnunderum - How bad does a consequence have to be for us good people to be bad. The acting is a bit proscriptive and the outcome wasn't a surprise but this didn't mean it was a wasted hour and a half. However I do think the series "24" did this scenario a bit more justice.
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The American (2010)
The fragile Apollo
17 May 2020
This is no action movie and feels more like a continental film than a Hollywood offering. It takes time to develop a relationship with its players and the feel of an Italy that seems to have lost itself in it own nostalgia. If you are willing to go with a slow build up its a rewarding tale of a man who has paid a great price to have nothing. His last grasp at meaning forces him to take a risk that was no choice at all. It is a love story and a Greek tragedy. Don't miss the butterfly at the end.
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Yay for the sociopath
28 March 2020
A black comedy that gets you to root for the protagonist until you realise your rooting for a born again Sociopath. As you do you find yourself feeling so what disconcerted with your culpability. Though you realise you really don't like him, you realise you like his victims less. It's a bit dated, but if you embrace the era it's not a bad film.
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Harry Brown (2009)
One of Claine's best films
15 January 2020
This is not for the faint hearted- this film looks at the underbelly of the sceemy side of life. It is not a slick polished Hollywood blockbuster, it's a beautifully told story of love, loss, and brutal retribution. It builds slowly but stick with it because its worth the wait. Genuine gem of a movie
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The Courier (2019)
Does not deliver
11 January 2020
Slow to get going, but when it does you have already wasted more time that you should have. Sorry but it needed editing down to 1 episode of an action series that didn't make it past the 1st episode.
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The Salvation (2014)
A modern day spaghetti Western - in a good way
11 January 2020
A good Western that throws you off track regularly as it develops its characters just well enough for you to miss them when they are gone. The end is in keeping if a tad expected. Its a good gritty story that's worth watching.
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