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1883: Lightning Yellow Hair (2022)
Season 1, Episode 7
First bad episode
3 June 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Have been hooked all the way through and have been enjoying the show. Until now.

All of a sudden, out of nowhere, the writing has just become utterly unbelievable, and in this episode my suspension of disbelief was shot.

Firstly, whilst Comanches certainly traded with white folk, I just cannot believe they would be outwardly friendly to what they would consider, invaders. I know this is the 1880's and not the Texas Ranger days, but give me break. And to have a young white girl befriend them is even more ridiculous.

Then of course we have Elsa flirting with a guy already, so soon after Ennis, and then, she starts fluttering her eyelashes at a Comanche, the most feared of all tribes. Also, where they hell did they come from to save the day, they had a whole nights head start ahead of them, and is if by magic they appear to save Elsa and her companions. The lack of concern shown by the cowboys whilst in the company of Comanches, is also BS. I don't know if this is because of the PC world we live in today or what. May be I'm wrong and they completely changed their opinion of the white man by the 1880's but I highly doubt it, Anyway rant over, hope it gets back to the goo stuff next episode.
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Miserable boredom
13 March 2024
The worst film I have ever seen in this genre. If the film is trying to convey the shear boredom this man is going through, it does a great job. Just when you think something exciting is going to happen and their might be a companion and something might actually happen, it doesn't. The ending is equally painful, nothing happens. A horror is supposed to be scary, there is nothing scary about this film, nothing. Even the zombies are lame, takes them forever to figure things out, they are stumped by height, and can't climb so he just stays put and loses his mind, incredibly entertaining to people who enjoy torturing themselves mentally.
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Dark Tide (2012)
Bobbins in the water
6 March 2024
Beats the previous record of time watching before releasing the movie was going to be garbage. The film opens with a none sensical opening monologue before fading to a boat with Halle Berry talking about diving with sharks. The dialogue is awful, the acting is cheesy AF, and the camera inexplicably keeps looking at Halle Berry's boobies like it's a Michael Bay movie. Shortly after we see her and a two others of her crew diving with sharks, she has a snorkel but for some reason doesn't use it and uses her mouth to breath when surfacing. At the surface we see a solitary crew member paying no attention, eyes shut and with headphones on listening to music, whilst his crew mates are in the ocean surrounded by sharks. Then when divers are returning to the boat, instead of having a ladder, they have to be pulled out of the water by the same guy who wasn't paying any attention. The opening is the worst I think I have ever seen and it gets no better.
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Poltergeist (2015)
Does what a horror is supposed to do
8 March 2022
When it finally gets going this film does exactly what horrors are supposed to do. I don't know why it has such a low score, maybe its because people have seen the original and know what's coming. Whilst I did to a certain degree, it didn't spoil the scares for me, it genuinely gave me the creeps, was well acted and well produced. What more do you want?
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The best part was the beginning
22 February 2022
Was thinking this was gonna be great after the opening, unfortunately the makers decided to go full We Tod Did after that.

The old worn out and predictable tropes of a fleeing woman being incapable of jumping over a 2 ft fence, leaving a firearm behind, and cars crashing and rolling over for no apparent reason, occur far too often and just takes away any fear or immersion you may have had. We are even supposed tp believe a maniac running around with a chainsaw in the middle of a carnival wouldn't be immediately shot by someone with a gun, I mean, this is Texas right? Could have been so much better if they had just actually made an effort and had taken themselves a bit more seriously.
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Pet Sematary (2019)
A cautionary tale
20 February 2022
Don't mess with the natural order of things seems to be the main point here. And I tend to agree. I am surprised at the low rating, I really found this film to be genuinely creepy with a slow build up of dread and it kept my attention throughout. The little girl did a superb job, particularly in the latter stages, she has a bright future. But if you want a scary pop corn flick, you can't go too far wrong with this.
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Reel Monsters (2022)
How did this get released?
16 February 2022
I honestly haven't seen a worse film in my entire life. Whoever wrote this is incapable of writing even a basic conversation. I'm guessing this is some sort of college project that somehow got a distributer by accident. The fact grown human's are capable of producing such horrific awfulness is more disturbing than a real Bigfoot with rabies and massive dangleberries.
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The Wheel of Time (2021– )
Slow burn was worth the patience
14 February 2022
Apart from one particular character/actor that has about as much charisma as a soggy cabbage, I really enjoyed the opening episode. I was a bit worried at first initially I must admit, I thought it might turn out to be some over the top man hating feminist garbage, but I was pleasantly surprised and the violence just came out of nowhere which was refreshing. I also enjoyed the depiction of magic and hw its used, reminded me of an old video game I used to play, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if that's what inspired the book. Only the first episode, but a solid start, apart from the dodgy acting, hope it continues.
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The Predator (2018)
Impressive - It took ten minutes to hate this movie
14 February 2022
Right from the start this film dumps all over the previous movies and just randomly changes already established mechanisms out of convenience. When you discover the "plot" it's just a massive eye roll moment and there are SO many things wrong with the military side of things it's basically an insult to the audience's intelligence. So many things make ZERO sense, it's really quite a pathetic attempt at a script, I'm surprised it got Green Lit. It only gets a 2 because of Olivia Munn and it made me laugh a little bit, twice.
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The Retreat (I) (2020)
Not my cup of tea
13 February 2022
By the hour mark I just wanted this film to end. Whilst it had some creepy moments early on, the whole ambiguity trope just didn't work and felt needlessly incoherent. Whilst the acting was fine etc, it just wasn't remotely scary enough.
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1941 (1979)
Perhaps the worst film Spielberg has ever made
19 January 2022
A disjointed, non-sensical, crude, unfunny mess.

I laughed once or twice during the opening few minutes and that was the last time. Not even Belushi's character was funny. If the director was Mel Brooks, then maybe we would have had something. Spielberg is no Mel Brooks that's for sure. He should stick to what he's good at, and this aint it. Just God Awful.
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MacGruber (2021)
Hit and Miss
5 January 2022
Whilst there are some hilarious moments that had me laughing out loud, there simply isn't enough of them. Whilst I'm a fan of purile humour, this just doesn't quite cut it, it's actually kind of boring and McGruber is just irritating I'm sorry to say.
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30 December 2021
I was intrigued and enjoying the show up until the the cow episode. The Vet CLEARLY stated the stress could have been caused by a predator. Only a few days before, other animals were attacked by a predator also . However this is completely ignored and not mentioned again, although they do mention the Alpaccas but deliberately ignore the blatant correlation. This dishonesty or incompetence just completely ruined the rest of the season as I didn't believe them anymore.
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Midway (2019)
Dick Best or Harley Quinn
12 December 2021
Terrible script and Ed Skrein is badly miscast. His dialogue is cheesy as hell and his accent just seems way over the top and reminds me of Harley Quinn from Bat Man. His character is incredibly unlikeable for what is supposed to be the main protagonist, even the way he chews gum is irritating. That's not the only thing wrong with this film, the SFX are absolutely awful and the makers would have us believe that a single bomb can wipe out almost an entire airfield. I know it's Hollywood, but give me a break. So all in all, it's a hard pass.
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Creep (I) (2014)
It legit gave me the creeps
20 November 2021
A psychological horror/suspense. At first I thought it was gong to be another terrible found footage film but this had me interested almost straight away. The Actor that plays Joe, did a great job and succeeded in creeping me out to no end. It really makes you uneasy and uncomfortable rather that full on blood and gore horror. If you like psychological horror, I would recommend.
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Overlong directionless bore fest
7 November 2021
This film just goes on and on and on without anything happening or any plot developing for a good hour or so after the shocking opening. People just meander around, go to bars, and don't do an awful lot. When the film finally gets going, you don't particularly care anymore. The only good thing about this film is Idris Elba, who is magnificent as usual. Apparently there were whole towns consisting of only black people in the old West too, which was kind of a weird and false concept to shove in there. I guess that was for the woke crowd. Such a shame, they really could have made a decent movie about these characters.
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On the Town (1949)
Utter Garbage
7 November 2020
If you want over acting, unbelievable relationships and plot lines with awful, garish songs then this is for you. Otherwise avoid like the plague.
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Directors cut a must
26 May 2020
The extra hour of the directors cut provides so much more depth to the epic movie. so much more makes sense. The studio should be ashamed of themselves for such a butchering.

The battle scenes are a spectacle as are the images of old cities such as Jerusalem, it is like being transported back, in time which is exactly what you want for this kind of film. Whilst I think Orlando Bloom was miscast in this role. he does an OK job, but the rest of the cast are superb.

One slight nitpick would be that I think the director was a bit generous to some of the Muslims and Christians, in terms of honourable conduct and Jerusalem being a peaceful city being home to all faiths, but perhaps that is more accurate than I realise.

Nevertheless, a must watch for history fans.
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Dracula (2020)
Could of been great, ruined by PC politics esq
3 January 2020
Warning: Spoilers
So now we're expected to believe Dracula was after Jonathan for his "bride"? Wow, how utterly ridiculous, how do they expect people to suspend their disbelief when hearing that garbage? Of course the BBC had to tick some diversity boxes and so we also get an African gentleman and an Indian pathologist practicing in Eastern Europe in 1897. Again, utterly proposterous, but we're supposed to believe it. Such a shame as was some genuinely scary moments, but they would have been so much better if they weren't ruined by misplaced "humour" and the fact it had already lost any sense of seriousness and believability.
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Poor editing/plot, didnt really matter
7 August 2019
Warning: Spoilers
Despite the poor editing and massive plot hole, i.e. if the hotel is a safe haven and assassins cant kill John there, then why was Winston expected to kill him there?, I still enjoyed the movie, although not as much as the previous two. The fight choreography was also poor and even cringeworthy in places and the editing somehow managed to miss out simple muzzle flashes, I mean seriously? Never the less, I still found myself entertained so I am probably being generous with my rating.
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Hereditary (2018)
Just not scary
3 August 2019
This was like watching two different movies. I quite enjoyed the first half build up of suspense and the sense of dread it provided. Sadly however, the scares never came. I think the director wanted to pull off another KILL LIST ending, but where that worked, this ending most definitely did not. It came across as contrived and was just trying too hard. Plus it made absolutely no sense whatsoever. Some fine performances, all wasted on this drivel.
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Duller than a box of rocks.
15 January 2018
Having watched and enjoyed "Notorious" I was expecting more of the same, I was totally wrong. It comes across as preachy and whiny,but the biggest sin is that it's just so boring, how they managed to do that to Tupacs story is beyond me.
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Spectre (I) (2015)
5 December 2017
Never thought I would say this about a Bond film, it was boring. Not only was it boring, it was poorly directed and poorly conceived. For example, there aren't even any action set pieces that you normally associate with a Bond film, even the opening scene was pants, a fight in a helicopter, really, like that hasn't been done a million times before, and better by the way? There was the usual fist fight with a double 'ard henchman of course, but that lasted all of two minutes and was ruined by Bond suddenly becoming punch drunk, despite not getting punched in the head, it just fell totally flat. That was about it for the action, then it was just a load of talky drivel that I couldn't be bothered paying attention to. Even the bad guy was a let down, since when do criminal masterminds wear no socks to try and be hip? Do me favour, he was about as menacing as Mrs Brady Old Lady without her teeth in. Very disappointed.
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Good premise ruined.
11 November 2017
Warning: Spoilers
What could have been a good horror was completely ruined within the first 20 minutes after your suspension of disbelief is utterly shot. The ridiculously contrived and retarded manner in which the monsters lair is discovered, is frankly embarrassing. After that, it goes further down hill, as the monster is only fleetingly involved until the end, where it just goes full on cliché, even stealing from Predator. Utterly appalling film. Shame, the bad guy was a good idea.
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An intriguing yarn
13 October 2017
Don't understand the low rating for this movie. It kept my interest for the duration of the film. A liked the fact the main protagonist wasn't portrayed as some kind of anti hero or a Robin Hood type, good guy outlaw, although there are depths to which he won't go, I found his portrayal and the rest of the gang believable and not like the usual Hollywood cliche's you get. The only reason it didn't get a higher rating is that it kind of lost me with the ending, but that maybe my fault, I'll have to watch it again, it just didn't make sense to me, maybe I missed something. But as Western fan, you can't go far wrong with this, would certainly recommend.
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