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Great ! Loved it ! Every second !
24 June 2024
I don't read this great review and bias and the fact that I'm a diehard Sopranos fan. But had I never seen the Sopranos I never would've heard of little Steve. I'm a 80s baby but growing up in my garage as a five-year-old kid my dad played the living sh$t out of Bruce Springsteen born in the USA. All that comes back all the nostalgia everything that Steve did in his career even the political stuff with South Africa was very reminiscent and even the sopranos being over 20 years ago it's amazing this guy's career. I don't think there's anybody on planet Earth that has much diversity with longevity of creative talent and abilities. Granted he's not the most successful musician Director or actor out there but the stuff that he's done is like miraculous. Sort of a Forrest Gump type trajectory no pun intended obviously but the life Steve has is just remarkable.
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Why the low rating !
24 May 2024
We watched this in kindergarten. This is like the best film of all time of the century. There's no way in hell it deserves a 6.8. I don't know what's up with the kids these days they don't seem to understand Jack diddly squat 50 Moskowitz was my hero lol. How dare you write this a 6.8 lol I'm gonna write it at 10 just so it offsets and gets a better review lol coming to America. This is a true story one of the very few Walt Disney movies that I do enjoy and I like and not understood why it got such a bad review from other people. Anyways, not much more I can say about this just go ahead and watch it and you will love it because I do.
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The Sopranos: Marco Polo (2004)
Season 5, Episode 8
Russ Fag o lol
16 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
Say I am taking back by the Internet conspiracy theories that Russ faggoli is in fact Paulie Walnuts dad, as we find out later in the series about Nucci. (Aunt) and dottie (mom) the nun . I love this episode. It's very well written. I like the entire pool party scene is absolutely fantastic. It makes me almost think like I'm watching a Home movie. No pun intended lol a.k.a. Sopranos Home movies. The way the show mostly on top of everything the way it's filmed. I know the acting in the writing is like spectacular but the way they film the way the camera angles, reflect the shots and also the music and all the scenes is just absolutely fantastic. Those are like my two favorite things about the Sopranos. Is the filming and the music. I know that's not to negate the writing aspect or the incredible actors on this great show.
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The Hunted (2003)
Never bring a gun to a knife fight
15 May 2024
Well, I would give it a 10 but other peoples reviews screwed it up for me, but the Sopranos brought me to this movie lol finally after all these years, I can't believe this movie. It's very very good action film I mean 9.5 forget Jason Bourne forget John Wick I mean this film has all the hand hand combat stuff you need.. not much to the script everything is self-explanatory what you see is what you get. I watch it and I enjoy the film. Will definitely watch again. Tommy Lee Jones fantastic Benicio Del Toro fantastic. Great film . Love the knife fight cutlery I think every knife fight copied this movie.
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Mayans M.C.: Slow to Bleed Fair Son (2023)
Season 5, Episode 10
Wasn't happy with this ending at all.
7 May 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I feel like it was just kind of piece together thrown together. Ezekiel gets killed. I'm like what the heck man and then the wife kills Galindo. We see Angel the very end at the beach. It's just the show I wanted to like it at the very first when Kurt Sutter was on board, I thought it was a better show, but I think once he left it, lost its touch and it's feel.

I like that they brought dread Dimatteo back into it for a cameo appearance, but this show was basically garbage compared to Sons of Anarchy. I like the characters in the show they're pretty good, but I just think the production writing in the acting wasn't that good.
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16 Blocks (2006)
People can Change
3 May 2024
"Thank you very much Jack Mosley gonna make you a birthday cake with frosting on top " typical Richard Donner film cop oriented story ark Barry White, Chuck Berry, Jack, Mosley Eddy bunker people can change. Has some cool Isaac Hayes at the very end not quite like lethal weapon for but all all it's a pretty good action flick if you can stand most deaths terrible fake Puerto Rican, New York accent, but it is actually pretty good film and obviously you got the actor in hurt locker and also the rock , Torres from Dexter , some pretty decent writing not saying is the greatest film ever made I particularly liked it. The storyline is good. Bruce Willis plays a mean alcoholic drunk and at the end of the film is a saint lol look this film probably wouldn't last amongst the easiest of film critics but as a film, I tend to like these type of movies thanks so much.
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Love these old retro 80s action sports films
2 May 2024
I'm a huge fan of gleaming the cube. Thrashing. Rad. So obviously a dirtbike movie. This was the early 80s before all the X game stuff came out very nostalgic. We used to grow up riding dirt bikes, and quads and ATC. Before people started writing ATVs or TVs or whatever the heck they're called nowadays this film definitely is the dirtbike version of rad. Maybe not quite as good as rad, but I still get the same nostalgia from watching it. Anyways , I like this film it's fun to watch. I'm glad it's still The new generation picks up on it. Because the 80s films are classic genre of cinema..........
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Gravesend (2020– )
Very low budget but I honestly liked it .
15 February 2024
This reminds me of a bee movie in the 80s lol. Some of the parts are very cheesy and you could tell it's a low production but I know the actor from the sopranos and that's the reason why I'm here. I respect him for his efforts in doing an independent project And it's on Amazon in Tubi TV. Which is pretty much the reason why I watch this show I'm not saying it sucks either. There's some cool stuff in here. I like the 80s stuff but it would've been better and today's age especially being compared to the Sopranos this this show doesn't even Register on the radar but like I said, I do like the DeMayo for doing this project and some of the actors who are big names obviously. I definitely think there is room for another great series like a Sopranos but obviously on the platform that William DeMayo did it, it would have to be a different thing entirely. This is based on Bensonhurst Brooklyn I believe where he grew up in the time of mafia wars, which in Brooklyn was abundant source of. Anyways, like I said, I don't wanna say this film sucks cause it doesn't but obviously if it was a major production company like HBO it would've been way better.
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The Sopranos: Whitecaps (2002)
Season 4, Episode 13
THIS episode NOT pine barrens is number 1 in the series
13 February 2024
Dude Where to begin the writing the directing the acting. The writing the directing the acting. I don't think there's ever been an episode displayed on television that is better. I mean, even if you don't like the sopranos, I don't know why all married couples do not watch this episode? It's, the story as old as day. The only thing I think that rivals this is in breaking bad when Walter they find out he has two cell phone. Skyler does other than that sopranos that's it. They kill it with this episode. This is it must watch. It's better than Pine barons. It's better than the pilot. It's better than college. It's better than Funhouse it's better than made in America. This episode is the greatest episode of Sopranos history.
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Home Improvement (1991–1999)
Easily my favorite sitcom growing up as a kid
28 January 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I mean you'll get me wrong, Steve Urkel full house step by Doogie Howser say by the bell goes on and on but home improvement is definitely up there with the sitcom. More power to the tool man tail. This show was so popular in the 90s. It's reminisce to bring it back. I've watched all the episodes when they came out on cable TV. But now you can stream in this and that so if you haven't seen this, it's definitely a show. I grew up watching that I liked it's hard to see if kids will like it today or not. Randy and Wilson the neighbor Al even Pam Anderson was on this show not to mention BOB villa . Tim the tool man Taylor made his Career.
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The Sopranos: Funhouse (2000)
Season 2, Episode 13
A perfect 10,5
19 January 2024
Welcome to the 25 year anniversary. This is one episode I never tire watching yet I never do with any sopranos episode . But this might arguably be the greatest sopranos episode , or second to pine . But the Sopranos has so many good episodes. It's hard for me to distinguish a particular one, but this one definitely stands out. When I first saw it, I was absolutely blown away and I'm still blown away every single time I watch it. Pussy lies with the fishes sleeps in the ocean. Maybe in another life. Thru and thru by The Rolling Stones sick with it great song and audio track for an episode I knew David was a huge Rolling Stones fan.
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Fist of Fury (1972)
A great movie to watch with excellent drama and dialogue
4 January 2024
Despite Bruce Lee enter the dragon being known for a lot of fight scenes, which I do like a little bit better in this film but I appreciate this film storyline. It's a very great story I get into the drama there's not too many fight scenes, but there's enough to get you by. Also, it deals with Japanese versus Chinese racism, which actually Before a lot of immigrants migrated to United States of America. A lot of Chinese immigrants did live in Japan and faced a lot of racism against the Japanese government which this film addresses. I know they're not speaking English if I recall correctly Bruce Lee eventually did learn English pretty well maybe not during this film or I could be wrong mistakenly he might've learned English a little bit, but they do have overdubs of English actors mouthing the words of the Chinese, and or a.k.a. Japanese Asian oriental actors. Nonetheless, I love this film. It is a classic Bruce Lee flick.
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A little gay but okay
2 January 2024
Not bad , I was expecting Richard Linklater type of movie but had some okay story lines . Renée Zellweger young as hell. Along with Liv, Tyler and Rory Cochran. This is not a movie like dazed and confused. It's simply about a record store. A vaguely familiar storyline that kind of wanders about and a half comedic half drama sense of the store, losing money and then raising money to keep the store not a dynamic plot line trying to hit a similar genre to either clerks or mall rats but I think they Sort of failed in that category. Other than that is definitely an older film which is cool. I like watching the 90s genre. I probably won't watch this film again even though I didn't hate it.
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Nobody (I) (2021)
Better call Saul went from a somebody to a nobody
31 December 2023
In his first action flick ever , I say I'm not that impressed he's better off as a lawyer . As a courtesy admiring him from breaking bad and of course it's spin off series. I written burden watch this but lost interest real quick. Did some laundry started cleaning that's never a good sign when I'm watching a movie. The plot is somewhat bad yet. Somewhat terrible. Kind of interesting with the action sequences. OG, the Russian mafia huh? Lol I think they exist more in the movies and then they do in real life. No offense to Nico lol There are some decent action scenes that somewhat try to copy the equalizer or John Wick but other than that I wouldn'twatch this film again lol. But peace to Bob Odenkirk.
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Gold (I) (2022)
Film is literally GOLD
28 December 2023
One of the very few bee movies still around exist Zac Efron. Brought me here. After watching neighbors Baywatch and maybe his wrestling movie I'll check out but I'm not like a huge Zac Efron fan but dang he really deserves an Academy award for this and this is no joke. In a nutshell, the movie is self-explanatory. You can pretty much figure it out for yourself.

He's a vagabond drifter, who is somewhere in Australia I believe and he's trying to go somewhere and this other guy takes him and they obviously find a gold nugget in the middle of the desert but it plays out is pretty good. I recommend this film.
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The Last of Us (2023– )
Lives up to its reputation as a great series
24 December 2023
I've never played the video game personally. I'm sure it's a good game but nor will I. I played resident evil, but I've never heard of a great TV series being made after a great video game. I mean look at Mortal Kombat look at street fighter lol assassin's Creed call of duty made a movie I mean it probably wouldn't be that good. The last of us is the exact opposite! Groundbreaking great series should continue on 10 times better than halo even though I love Pablo Schreiber, Pedro Pascal kills it. Bella Ramsey kills it. The writing is great. The directing is great de acting is great. I was on pins and needles practically every single episode. I've seen World War™ Z The Walking Dead, but this probably tops all of those believe it or not.

Haters gonna hate . What I don't understand about online is how to 2 and 4 ratings with like 20/150 people found there review helpful make it to the top of the list ?
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Hard not to tear up
9 December 2023
Warning: Spoilers
The amount of heroics displayed by all the 9/11 survivors a testament of bravery , courage , and humility by fire fighters , coworkers , medical response team and building workers is unbelievable. I still can believe to this day that these people survived . I remember 9/11 clear as a bell . I was only 21 . My mom had written a note on downstairs kitchen counter " terrorists have attacked the World Trade Center !" I just couldn't believe it . As sad as it was to see innocent, people lose their lives. On all the flights who got trapped inside the buildings are inside the rebel or were injured and didn't make it. This film shows you a positive side of the people who were able to make it out, the people who were able to survive the people who did help each other. It seems like even at a time of extreme hatred. It brought everyone together magnanimously. It goes to show you how the USA is strong. And won't succumb to Third World country terrorism. I'll do respect to countries that do sever through that. But we see it through the first hand eyes of national geographics finally edited film documentary film of the World Trade Center.
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Creed III (2023)
As good as a modern day boxing movie gets !
22 October 2023
As good as a boxing movie gets I really enjoy this movie. It wasn't anything that you wouldn't expected to be. It was simple the acting directing and writing was good and the ending was pretty sentimental value of the creed franchise staying true to Rocky Balboa, also portraying boxing in movies. I like this film in franchise. This one especially directed by Michael B Jordan I like the fact of his best friend growing up in the hood, and all that made a lot of sense a little bit of filler to the backstory of Adonis creed. The daughter who is completely deaf really struck me hard because we know his wife already is suffering from hearing loss that does hit close to home with me because I have known people personally who use sign language in the snap. Add an emotional level. And also She Daughter is really great. There might be some unrealistic things about the boxing world that this film portrays, but that goes with any movie . I like this movie it was good and I'm glad Sylvester Stallone, although produced it wasn't involved in the screenplay or in the movie because it didn't make sense to have them in the movie and I'm glad that it was just strictly Michael B, Jordan and I enjoy this film.
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Breaking Bad (2008–2013)
Great Show but doesn't surpass The Sopranos
30 September 2023
The Episodes are good but a couple of bad ones that are ranked too high . The fly terrible and the Los pollos flashbacks Hermanos blah. I love breaking bad but I think the wire even tops it . I can't binge breaking bad like I can the sopranos . I'm not trying to hate just to bring people back down to earth I've studied cinema since I was in diapers . While breaking bad he's a very great show , the writing and directing isn't as good so I have to rank breaking bad along with sons of anarchy and even the walking dead not trying to dissuade anyone from watching this series. But even Bryan Cranston admitted " no Tony soprano = no Walter white "
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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 (2009 Video Game)
The Sorpanos of Call of duty games
10 September 2023
This is my favorite . After playing mw3 , all black ops , and world at war . This game is the OG game of the entire series . And the spec ops are off the chain . Just recently replayed this . On my old Xbox 360 . I forgot how fun this game was and realistic . Only hard part is getting used to when you shoot the enemy there's gonna be no Little - marks or a little vibration knowing that you hit the enemy like in the other newer modern warfare is. Which makes it even more realistic. Personally, infinity ward was my most favorite production company or graphic company with this particular franchise.
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The Sopranos (1999– )
There is NOT a better written show
29 August 2023
I know there's Sein Feld, the Simpsons, breaking bad Twin Peaks couple that shows the name, but the Sopranos is simply the best written show ever for this type of genre ever. The only disappointment is that more writers don't try to copy this style. In fact, I recently watch Tulsa King, and was born away because of the same style riding by none other than Terrence Winter. Matt Weiner. Todd Kessler. Mitchell Green Robin Burgess. Also, David Chase, the show creator. He literally had a team of riders doing a show. It's funny we watched one of the scenes played by Tim Daly. Who is the writer? JT. Horoscope Christopher. They ask him does he write the dialogue and somebody else does this, and that. He says you write it all yourself. Technically, the Sopranos wasn't written this way. They did have a team of writers of really great great writers. Also Michael Imperioli and Tony Calen wrote a couple episodes as well. If you haven't seen the show, it's a must watch.
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All star cast for an all star movie
19 August 2023
I remember watching this when it first came out . How spectacularly I was blown away by it . No pun intended. Tremendously sad but exhilarating at the same time . This is my second rewatch of this year. I hadn't watched this film since it was on DVD . Remarkable actors and guest stars such as Bryan Cranston, ted Danson, Paul Giamatti , Denis Farina .

Breakout roles for Vin Diesel , Ed Burns , Jeremy Davies , and this was only Matt Damon's second film after Goodwill Hunting .

This is possibly the best war movie of all time . I can only think of this one , platoon and apocalypse now , black hawk down.
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The Sopranos: Join the Club (2006)
Season 6, Episode 2
Best episode in my opinion
11 August 2023
Honestly, I love the Sopranos. I tend to laugh and have a good time and then some parts are very serious where I cringe but this. This series this particular episode is the only one that really makes me cry. Almost like watching a movie cast away. The power meadows is in the back forest saying don't leave us daddy very sad episode yet with a happy ending. Then I think about real life actor, James garner Fenian that makes me more upset. But I love the spectacular show David, Chase, and David Nutter did an excellent job of directing this episode. "You are going to be fine Tony" the part where Carmella plays the Tom Petty CD "American girl " priceless.

So the writing the directing the acting in this entire episode is just impeccable I seriously can't think of another episode that tops this one? I know a lot of people don't like the dream sequence and all that stuff but to put Tony in a coma and make him Kevin Finnerty that's just freaking awesome. Imagine going to Disneyland and Mickey and Minnie. All the sudden were different types of characters and Disneyland. Took you for a ride. That's how good the Sopranos is. If you don't like the dream sequences tough luck! Don't watch it lol.
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Keanu killed it !!
30 July 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Cinematic no less! Story meh . This is the conclusion to John wick series . At this point I feel there's nothing left they could've filmed . We see what happens to John at the end and Keanu's says there will be no more films . I have to say the first of the installments was great . Seemed to go downward from there . Nothing we haven't seen in John wick . First film . I loved the camera work and shots and unique settings but after a while just waiting for this film to end . We get closure with Keanu and his wife who the story begins with . Love the max headroom blind Chinese man fighter ! The dogs were okay hahah . All in all typical John wick film . "Ya" and that's it . We see John buried next to his wife at the end.
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Takers (2010)
RIP Paul walker
30 July 2023
Never seen this and wished I hadn't. Great actors . Terrible writing and directing . B-movie all the way. I love Paul walker. I love Matt Dillon. Jay Gonzalez. This film kind of reminds me of like locked cock. Smoking barrels type movie. Absolutely ridiculous. The action sequences are terrible. Movie probably grows like $5 million and they spent 20 on it. I love Idris Elba. To I love all the actors, but this is just freaking garbage. Worst part is I had a stomach sitting through this hour and 47 minute. Film Maswa had me cast in direct this movie lol. Maybe I would've done a better job. Hahah thanks.
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